Dragan Mačak Damljanović ::djox , malo si zakasnio objavljena je ta vest.
Izgleda da Turcima stvarno treba PVO , pa ovoga nisu registrovali sve dok se nije parkirao na stajanci .
Da je nekim slučajem bio zlonameran avion , mogao je bombardovati Sulejmana i Hurem .
Ako ovo potraje komšinka definitivno neće u Tursku na letovanje .
Nema od tog prebjega ništa, da jeste odavno bi slika aviona i prebjega obišla svijet, ionako rebelionima treba neka moralna injekcija poslije niza velikih poraza.
Не знам је ли било лансирање скада од стране сиријске војске на терористе
П.с.једна ствар веома интересантна,сви који снимају авионе сиријске војске како бомбардују положаје терориста вриште од среће,па ви сад видите ко има подршку народа у овом рату.
Citat:Према наводима Интерпола друга веза ОВК и Бин Ладена је чињеница да је Мухамед ал Завахири, брат др Ајмана ал Завахирија (лидера организације Египатски Џихад и идеолога Ал Каиде), предводио елитну јединицу ОВК за време сукоба на Косову.
Čovek nije uhapšen, javio se Al Jazeeri da demantuje
Citat:Mohammad al-Zawahiri, the brother of the leader of al-Qaeda group, has told Al Jazeera he has not been captured by Syrian government and is currently in Cairo, contrary to a recent media report.
Speaking by phone on Saturday, Zawahiri said he was undertaking graduate studies in the Egyptian capital and has not tried to travel abroad recently.
On Friday, The Independent, a UK-based paper, reported: "[A]l-Zawahiri is said to have been seized in Deraa in the south-west where he was meeting opposition activists".
Zawahiri told Al Jazeera the report was "unprofessional" and "part of Western intelligence agenda to distort his image".
"They want to build a wall between us and the people using false propaganda. They falsely claimed that I went to Libya before," he said.
Zawahari, 59, is a former member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the younger brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
An Egyptian, Zawahiri was jailed in his country for several years on terrorism charges. He was released in March 2012 after he was cleared of terrorism charges following a re-trial in a military court.
He told Al Jazeera he was focusing on religious teaching and nonprofit work and was not interested in joining any political party in Egypt under the current "secular regime".