Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Naj noviji izveštaj iz Homsa , eksluzivno SNN .
novi momenti već neko vreme u izveštavanju Snn- a , iz Sirije .

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 43
  • Gde živiš: ZG

haznfefer ::
procjene za Sirijsku vojsku iz 2011 godine govori o skoro 300 000 aktivnih vojnika 11 000 raznih oklopnih vozila od cega oko 5 000 tenkova, kakvo je sada stanje nitko nezna

Čije su to procijene i moželi izvor? Ovo za ruske snage se lagano provjeri na prvim stranicama googlea.... (pusti wikipediu) Smile

  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 855

Citat:Aktivisti: Pobunjenici ubili sedam vojnika na severu Sirije
Tanjug, FoNet | 09. 02. 2013. - 00:17h | Foto: AFP-Arhiva | Komentara: 0

Pobunjenici grupe al-Nusra front ubili su juče sedam sirijskih vojnika na jednom kontrolnom punktu u severnom gradu Safireh, nakon što je u prethodna 72 sata ubijeno više od 100 njihovih boraca, tvrde opozicioni aktivisti.

Grupa opozicionih aktivista Sirijska opservatorija za ljudska prava, sa sedištem u Londonu, navela je da su vojnici čuvali vojnu fabriku na jugu grada, a da je nakon napada u ovu oblast stigao konvoj vojnih vozila.

Direktor Opservatorije Rami Abdel Rahman rekao je za AFP da je od srede u sukobima sa vojskom ubijeno najmanje 112 pobunjenika.

Rahman tvrdi da snage režima brane objekte bezbednosnih snaga u Safirehu i punktove do obližnjeg grada Kanasira, a pobunjeničke grupe kontrolišu ulice Safireha, odakle je stanovništvo pobeglo zbog bombardovanja.

Opservatorija, koja svakodnevno od početka sukoba u Siriji u martu prošle godine izveštava o nasilju i žrtvama, tvrdi da je širom zemlje u toku dana ubijeno 45 ljudi, uključujući 18 civila.

Opozicioni aktivisti tvrde i da je vojska nastavila ofanzivu protiv pobunjenika u južnim i istočnim predgrađima Damaska, koja traje od utorka, a da sukobi traju i u drugim delovima zemlje.

Ova grupa informacije zasniva na mreži aktivista na terenu, čiji navodi ne mogu nezavisno da se provere, jer je novinarima zabranjen pristup.


Гледајте само како су ови из "Блица" насловили вест. Суштина им је скроз промакла.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Napisano: 09 Feb 2013 2:24

Tu vijest sam ja prenio sa SOHR-a.... Da,bitno je da je ubijeno 7 vojnika, a ovih 112 drekavaca nema veze...

Dopuna: 09 Feb 2013 2:25

Evo jos jedne:

Damascus and Reef Dimashq: The Asali, Hajar al-Aswad and the Sabina area were bombarded by regime forces, several were injured. 1 rebel from the Barzeh neighbourhood was killed by clashes in Reef Dimashq. Regime forces bombarded the town of Ein Terma, reports of injuries.

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Zanimljivo je da zapadni mediji , izveštavaju mnogo realnije nego do sada.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Izgleda da je pobunjenickoj kobili pukao kolan.

  • DTB  Male
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 207
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Sirijaimport SDPR Promotivni video

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 92

Aleppo 09.02.2013

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 171

lancelot ::haznfefer ::
procjene za Sirijsku vojsku iz 2011 godine govori o skoro 300 000 aktivnih vojnika 11 000 raznih oklopnih vozila od cega oko 5 000 tenkova, kakvo je sada stanje nitko nezna

Čije su to procijene i moželi izvor? Ovo za ruske snage se lagano provjeri na prvim stranicama googlea.... (pusti wikipediu) Smile


Jane's otpilike istu cifru navodi. Googlaj i vidi sam.

To sto si naveo za Ruse je oklop u aktivnoj upotrebi a u rezervi ni sami neznaju koloko cega ima.
Ovo za Siriju su podatci i iz rezerve

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Napisano: 09 Feb 2013 13:16

Final death toll for Friday 8/2/2013: Approximately 250 Syrians were killed.

The dead include: 80 unarmed civilians, 32 rebel fighters, 2 defected soldiers, 60 workers (including 11 women) in the Defense factory, 5 members of the pro-regime armed people's committees, and not less than 43 regime forces.

80 Unarmed civilians:

-In Reef Dimashq Province 14 civilians were killed. 2 men and a child were killed by bombardment on the cities of Duma and al-Ma'adamiya. A man, from the Tal city, died of wounds he received by regime forces' gunfire, earlier. 8 men were found dead, near the Jbeh village of the Yabrud city, and according to activists, the 8 men have disappeared, weeks ago, near a regime forces' checkpoint in the area. 2 unidentified corpses were found in the Hseiniya refugee camp in Reef Dimashq.

-In Damascus Province 17 civilians were killed. 3, including a woman were killed during bombardment and clashes, between regime forces and rebel fighters, in the Jobar neighbourhood. 2 young men, from the Dumar neighbourhood, were tortured to death in Regime forces' prisons, according to activists from the area. 12 civilians, including 2 children and a woman, were shot by regime forces in the Qadam neighbourhood, according to activists from the neighbourhood.

-In Dera'a Province 13 civilians were killed. 4 men, from Reef Dera'a, were shot by regime forces in the Qadam neighbourhood of Damascus city. 7, including a woman, were killed by bombardment on the cities and towns of Dera'a, Taseel, al-Hara, and Mahja. A man, from the Mahja town, was tortured to death after his detainment by regime forces, earlier. A man, from the Nowa town, was killed by bombardment on the A'dra town of Reef Dimashq.

-In Aleppo Province 17 civilians were killed. 14, including 2 children and a woman, were killed by bombardment on the neighbourhoods of al-Sha'ar, Masaken Hanano, and al-Haydariya of Aleppo city. A man was shot by sniper in old Aleppo. A mosque preacher was killed, when an anonymous mortar shell targeted to hit the mosque fell, in the Ashrafiya neighbourhood, where other sources said that he was assassinated by gunfire infront of the mosque. 1, from the Darat I'zza town, was killed by bombardment on the Wdeihi village of Reef Aleppo.

-In Homs Province 11 civilians were killed. 2 men and a woman were killed by bombardment on the Qseir city and the Saqarja village of Reef Homs. 6 civilians, including 2 children and a woman, died of wounds they received by warplanes' bombardment on the Qaryatein city of Reef Homs, before yesterday. A man died of wounds he received by sniper fire in the Tadmur city, 4 days ago. An unidentified handcuffed corpse was found in the al-Dara al-Kabeera town of Reef Homs.

-In Idlib Province 6 civilians were killed. 5, including a child, were killed by bombardment on towns and cities of Ma'arat al-N'uman, Has, and Kanusfara. A woman, from the Dureen town of Reef Idlib, was shot by sniper in Aleppo city.

-In Hama Province 2 civilians were killed. 1 was killed by bombardment on the Qastun town of Reef Hama. 1 was shot by sniper in the Mazare' Jbureen area.

32 Rebel fighters:

-In Reef Dimashq Province 13 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces and bombardment on the cities of al-Ma'adamiya, Duma, Daraya, and al-Ghuta al-Sharqiya.

-In Damascus Province 3 fighters were killed. 2 were killed during bombardment and clashes with regime forces in the Jobar neighbourhood. 1, from the Shaghur neighbourhood, was killed during clashes with regime forces.

-In Dera'a Province 4 fighters were killed. 2 were killed during clashes with regime forces in the Daraya city. 1, from the Hara town, was killed during clashes in the A'sali neighbourhood of Damascus city. 1, from the Shajara village, was killed during clashes with regime forces.

-In Aleppo Province 2 fighters were killed. 1 was killed during clashes in Reef Aleppo. 1, from the Darat I'zza town, was killed during clashes in al-Raqa Province.

-In Homs Province 6 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces in Homs city and it's surroundings.

-In Idlib Province 1 fighter, from the Shanan town of Reef Idlib, was killed during clashes with regime forces.

-In Deir Izzor Province 2 fighters were killed. A rebel battalion leader was shot by sniper in the Hweiqa neighbourhood. 1 was killed during clashes with regime forces in the Jbeila neighbourhood of Deir Izzor city.

-In al-Hasaka Province 1 fighter from the Kurdish people protection committee, died of wounds he received during clashes between the Kurdish people protection committee and several rebel battalions in the Ras al-A'in city, weeks ago.


-2 defected soldiers were killed, 1 during clashes in Deir Izzor and the other died of wounds received, earlier.

-Information was received confirming the death of at least 110 rebel fighters during clashes with regime forces and bombardment on the Safeera city and Reef al-Safeera city, during the past 72 hours.

-The number of deaths has risen to 60 workers (including 11 women) in the Defense factory, whom were killed by a bus explosion, last Wednesday noon, after they finished work in the factory, located in the Braq village of Southern Reef Hama. It is worth noting that the martyrs are from the Sulmiya area, the villages around it, Homs, and Hama.

-SOHR documented the death of 5 civilians, including 2 fighters, during bombardment and gunfire in the Provinces of Aleppo and Reef Dimashq, days ago.

-Information was received about the death of a number of civilians by bombardment on the Eastern neighbourhoods of Aleppo city.

-5 members of the pro-regime armed people's committees were killed during clashes with the Kurdish people protection committees of the Democratic Union party, in the Ashrafiya neighbourhood of Aleppo city, yesterday.


-Not less than 43 regime forces were killed during clashes, IED explosions in machinery, and checkpoint targeting: 17 Aleppo, 9 Damascus and Reef Dimashq, 2 Dera'a, 7 Homs, 4 Deir Izzor, and 4 in Idlib.

Dopuna: 09 Feb 2013 13:19

Deir Izzor Province: A rebel fighter was killed during clashes with regime forces in the Deir Izzor city, where some of it's neighbourhoods are under bombardment by regime forces. Violent clashes are taking place, between rebel fighters and regime forces, in the Matar al-Qadeem neighbourhood in the city.

Reef Dimashq Province: Clashes are taking place, between rebel fighters and regime forces, in the Daraya city, along with regime forces' violent bombardment on areas in the city. Regime forces carried out a campaign of raids and searches in the Beit Sahm town, where some of it's neighbourhoods are witnessing intermittent bombardment by regime forces. The towns and cities of al-Ghuta al-Sharqiya are witnessing warplanes hovering. along with bombardment on several areas, and no news have been received about casualties, so far. News were received about rebel fighters taking control over the officer's housings in the A'dra town, after the withdrawal of regime forces and citizens, due to the violent clashes the town has been witnessing for several days. Explosion sounds were heard in the Nabk city.

Damascus and Reef Dimashq Provinces: 3 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces, around the Jobar neighbourhood. The Southern side of Damascus was bombarded by Syrian regime forces, where the area of al-Madniya and areas in the Sbeina town were bombarded by warplanes, and smoke was seen rising from the areas under bombardment. Areas in the Madeera town and around it were bombarded by warplanes.

Homs Province: 4 rebel fighters were killed in the Kafar'aya village, located around Homs city, which has been witnessing violent clashes between rebel fighters and regime forces, for several weeks now, accompanied by the ongoing regime forces' bombardment on areas in the village and the neighbourhoods of Jobar and al-Sultaniya of Homs city, close to it.

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