Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Teroristička propaganda .
Gotovi su , preti im opkoljavanje u Alepu .

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 20 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 1

lancelot ::haznfefer ::
procjene za Sirijsku vojsku iz 2011 godine govori o skoro 300 000 aktivnih vojnika 11 000 raznih oklopnih vozila od cega oko 5 000 tenkova, kakvo je sada stanje nitko nezna

Čije su to procijene i moželi izvor? Ovo za ruske snage se lagano provjeri na prvim stranicama googlea.... (pusti wikipediu) Smile

jane's npr.

to su procjene brojki a sta je od toga bilo operativno i ispravno prije rata mislim da neznaju ni sami sirijci Smile

a koje su tvoje brojke Question

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 833

Advance.hr: Bashar al-Assad imenovao 7 novih ministara, napad pobunjenika u Damasku zaustavljen

  • Rohoje  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Iztok
  • management
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 561
  • Gde živiš: Slovenija


"V času napovedi o morebitnem dialogu pa se po državi nadaljuje nasilje, še posebej na območju Damaska, kjer naj bi sirske vladne sile v zadnjih 24 urah ubile večje število upornikov."

Na području Damaska Sirska armija potamanila i skoro dokrajčila rebelse. Rebelsi vjerovatno gube Darayu uskoro.

  • ikan 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 2910

Granate padaju na predgrađa Damaska, dok pobunjenici zauzimaju strateška područja u Halepu


  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

ikan ::Granate padaju na predgrađa Damaska, dok pobunjenici zauzimaju strateška područja u Halepu


Ovde neko laze. Slika, par postova ranije pokazuje da je veci deo Alepa u rukama vladinih snaga. Osim par delova koji su u "buli", situacija izgleda kao da su vladine snage u znacajnoj prednosti.

Ceo dan stizu razne vesti o velikim borbama, ali i o prelasku inicijative u ruke vlade.

Osim, ako nije doslo do kraha fronta kao posle sloma kobaridskog fronta u prvom svetskom ratu, zakljucak je: ovde neko laze.

  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 0

dobri covek ::
Ovde neko laze. Slika, par postova ranije pokazuje da je veci deo Alepa u rukama vladinih snaga. Osim par delova koji su u "buli", situacija izgleda kao da su vladine snage u znacajnoj prednosti.

Ceo dan stizu razne vesti o velikim borbama, ali i o prelasku inicijative u ruke vlade.

Osim, ako nije doslo do kraha fronta kao posle sloma kobaridskog fronta u prvom svetskom ratu, zakljucak je: ovde neko laze.

ako se pažljivo sasluša izveštaj lažljive al-džazire videćemo da je reč inteligentnom zaobilaženju činjenica koje ne idu u prilog teroristima.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Napisano: 09 Feb 2013 22:27

Председник Сирије Башар Асад могао би више од две године да се успешно опире покушајима свргавања са власти, рекао је ирачки премијер Нури ал-Малики у интервјуу лондоском свеарапском листу „Ал-Шарк ал-Аусат“.

Dopuna: 10 Feb 2013 12:10

Latakia Province: The Sala town of the Akrad mountain was bombarded by regime forces, along with helicopters hovering over the area.
Juče je u Deir Izzor-u ubijen jedan pobunjenički komandant bataljona...

Final death toll for Saturday 9/2/2013: Approximately 160 Syrians were killed.

The dead include: 84 unarmed civilians, 42 rebel fighters, 3 defected soldiers, and not less than 29 regime forces.

84 Unarmed civilians:

-In Aleppo Province 25 civilians were killed. 2 civilians were killed by bombardment on the neighbourhoods of al-Qatirji and al-Haydariya of Aleppo city. A Kurdish citizen was shot by sniper in the Ashrafiya neighbourhood of the city. A man was found dead in the Qweiq river in the city. A man and 2 children were killed by warplanes' bombardment and shells falling on the Tal Ref'at and Safeera towns of Reef Aleppo. 18, including 3 children, were killed when regime forces stormed the Jneid village of Reef al-Safeera city, in the past 3 days, according to activists from the area.

-In Reef Dimashq Province 16 civilians were killed. 6, including 2 children were killed by bombardment on the cities and towns of Duma, Haza, Yalda, al-Ma'adamiya, and al-Ghuta al-Sharqiya. 4, including 3 children, were killed during bombardment on the cities and towns of al-Ma'adamiya, Duma, and Jdaidat A'rtuz. A man, from the Harasta city, was tortured to death after his detainment by regime forces, earlier. A man, from the Madeera town, was shot by sniper in Damascus city. 2 were killed by an IED explosion in the Jaramana suburbs of Reef Dimashq. 2 unidentified men were tortured to death, and their corpses were found around the Duma city.

-In Damascus Province 15 civilians were killed. 10, including a child, were killed by bombardment on the neighbourhoods of al-Madniya, al-Qadam, and Jobar. 2 men were shot by sniper in Mokhayam al-Yarmuk and the A'sali neighbourhood. 1, from the Salhiya neighbourhood, was killed when he was targeted by regime forces, with a shell. A man and a woman were shot by regime forces in the Qadam neighbourhood of Damascus city.

-In Homs Province 8 civilians were killed. 7 civilians, including a child and a woman, were killed by bombardment and shells falling on the cities and towns of al-Rastan, Talbeesa, al-Qseir, and al-Ghanto of Reef Homs. A man, from the Wa'r neighbourhood of Homs city, was tortured to death after his detainment by regime forces, earlier.

-In Dera'a Province 5 civilians were killed. 1 was shot by sniper in Dera'a city. 1, from the Ibti' town, was tortured to death after his detainment by regime forces, earlier. A woman died of wounds she received by bombardment on the Busra al-Sham town, earlier. 1 died of wounds he received by sniper fire in the Hrak town of Reef Dera'a. A young man died of wounds he received by bombardment on the Naseeb town.

-In Hama Province 6 civilians were killed. 5, including 2 women and a child, were killed by bombardment on the towns and villages of A'qrab, Sehab, and Kafarnabuda of Reef Hama. A man, from the Hawarna neighbourhood of Hama city, was killed after his detainment by regime forces, 3 days ago.

-In Deir Izzor Province 5 civilians were found dead in Deir Izzor city.

-In Idlib Province 3 civilians were killed. 2, including a woman, were killed by bombardment on the Darkush town of Reef Idlib. A woman died of wounds she received by bombardment on the Najiya village of Reef Jusr al-Shughur.

-In al-Raqa Province a child was killed by bombardment on the Tabaqa city of Reef al-Raqa.

42 Rebel fighters:

-In Aleppo Province 9 fighters were killed. 1, from Aleppo city, was killed during clashes with regime forces in the Jobar neighbourhood of Damascus city. 4 fighters from the Kurdish People protection committee were killed during clashes with regime forces in the Ashrafiya, Meedan, and A'miriya neighbourhoods of Aleppo city. 4 fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces in Reef al-Safeera town of Reef Aleppo.

-In Reef Dimashq Province 8 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces, gunfire, and bombardment on the cities and towns of Duma (and it's surroundings), al-Ma'adamiya, Haza, and al-Ghuta al-Sharqiya.

-In Damascus Province 4 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces in the neighbourhoods of Jobar and Barza.

-In Homs Province 4 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces around the Homs city.

-In Dera'a Province 7 fighters were killed. 3 fighters, including a combat brigade commander, were killed during clashes with regime forces in Dera'a city. 3, including a rebel battalion leader, were killed during clashes around a military checkpoint in the Harsh area of Reef Dera'a. 1, from the Hara town, was killed during clashes in the Jobar neighbourhood of Damascus city.

-In Deir Izzor Province 8 rebel fighters, including a rebel battalion leader, were killed during clashes with regime forces in several neighbourhoods of Deir Izzor city.

-In Idlib Province 2 rebel fighters were killed. 1 died of wounds he received during clashes with regime forces in Reef Ma'arat al-N'uman, earlier. 1 was killed during clashes in Reef Ma'arat al-N'uman, yesterday.


-3 defected soldiers were killed during clashes with regime forces and gunfire in Deir Izzor and Reef Dimashq.

-Information was received about the death of at least 20 civilians, whom were killed when regime forces stormed the Jneid village of Reef al-Safeera city, during the past 3 days, according to activists from the area.

-Information was received confirming the death of a number of rebel fighters, whom were killed during clashes with regime forces in al-Raqa Province.


-Not less than 29 regime forces were killed by a bombed car explosion, targeting checkpoints with rocket-propelled grenades, and clashes in several Syrian Provinces: 6 Damascus and Reef Dimashq, 13 Aleppo, 3 Idlib, 1 Homs, 5 al-Qneitra, and 1 in Dera'a.

  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Izvestaj o borbenim dejstvima 08. februara

U sustini, ne razlikuje se od prethodnih. Svi napadi su odbijeni, unistena vozila sa teskim naoruzanjem, ...
Izvestaj SSA i dalje se ne pominje.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Ubijen jos jedan pobunjenicki komandant bataljona, ovog puta u Alepu,prenosi SOHR.

Aleppo Province: A rebel battalion leader was killed during clashes with regime forces around the Kweers military airport, near the Bab city of Reef Aleppo. A fighter was killed during clashes with regime forces in al-Raqa Province. An Arab fighter was killed during clashes with regime forces in the Dweirna village. A number of regime forces' soldiers, whom were heading from the Aleppo airport towards the defense factories in the Safeera city, were killed and injured during clashes with rebel fighters.

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