Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje


Citat:Глава правительства Ирака Нури аль-Малики считает, что у президента Сирии Башара Асада, по сравнению с иракским диктатором Саддамом Хусейном, больше шансов на выживание. По словам шиита Малики, Асад имеет «более глубокое политическое видение».

»Я знаю Сирию очень хорошо. Алавиты будут воевать, в союзе с другими меньшинствами, против суннитских экстремистов. Эта причина, по которой воюют и их мужчины, и их женщины. Это война за выживание», — заявил премьер Ирака в Каире газете Asharq al-Awsat.

Главной причиной сирийской войны являются махинации Турции, которая желает контролировать Ирак, Сирию и даже Египет, отметил Малики.

Predsednik vlade Iraka Nuri Al-Maliki smatra da predsednik Sirije Bashar Asad ima vise sanse za opstanak od irachkog diktatora Sadana Gyseuba, Po rechima Malikija, Asad ima bolju politicku viziju.

"Poznajem Siriju vrlo dobro, Alaviti ce, u savezu sa drugim manjinama, ratovati protiv sunitskih ekstremista. To je razlog zbog kojeg ratuju i njihovi muskarci i njihove zene. To je rat za opstanak" - izjavio je premijer Iraka u Kairu, za novinu Asharq al Awsat.

Glani razlog sirijskog rata su mahinacije Turske, koja zeli da kontrolise Irak, Siriju, pa cak i Egipat, kazao je Maliki.

Sapunica se nastavlja, ....

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Napisano: 11 Feb 2013 13:16

One informacije o ubistvima "lidera" pobunjenika nisu bile propaganda. Evo jos jedan stradao...SOHR navodi:

Idlib Province: A rebel battalion leader, from the Kanusfara town of Reef Idlib, was killed during clashes with regime forces in Aleppo city.

Dopuna: 11 Feb 2013 13:18

Juce su ubijena i dva libijska "pobunjenika"....

Final death toll for Sunday 10/2/2013: More than 120 Syrians were killed.

The dead include: 47 unarmed civilians, 40 rebel fighters, 5 security guards in the Cement factory, 2 Libyan fighters, unidentified corpses, and not less than 31 regime forces.

47 Unarmed civilians:

-In Aleppo Province 14 civilians were killed. In Aleppo city, 1 was shot by sniper in the Salah al-Deen neighbourhood, 7, including 2 women and 2 children, were killed by bombardment and shells falling on the neighbourhoods of Masaken Hanano, alMaysar, and al-Qatrji, 2 unidentified corpses were found in the Qweiq river in the city, and 2 unidentified civilians were killed by gunfire and during clashes in the Ashrafiya neighbourhood. 1 was killed by bombardment on the Tal'aran town of Reef Aleppo. An unidentified man was killed by bombardment on the Dweirna town of Reef Aleppo.

-In Reef Dimashq Province 9 civilians were killed. 2 were killed when shells fell on the Wafidein refugee camp in Reef Dimashq. 3, including a child, were killed by bombardment on the cities of al-Nabk and A'dra. A man was found dead in the Hala area of Reef Dimashq. 1 was shot by a military checkpoint in the Jdaidat A'rtuz. 1 died of wounds he received by bombardment on the Zamalka city. 1, from the Babeela town, was killed when a shell fell on the Zablatani area of Damascus city.

-In Damascus Province 12 civilians were killed. 2, including a child, were shot by sniper in the Jobar neighbourhood. 4, including a child, were killed by bombardment and shells falling on the Qabun and Jobar neighbourhoods. A man died of wounds he received by bombardment on the Qadam neighbourhood. 1 was killed by an IED explosion in Damascus city. 3 were killed by an explosion in the Sharakes lane of Rukn al-Deen neighbourhood. A man was shot by regime forces in the Tishreen neighbourhood of Damascus city.

-In Homs Province 3 civilians, including a child, were killed by bombardment on the Qseir city and the Teeba village of al-Hola area in Reef Homs.

-In Dera'a Province 9 civilians were killed. A woman and 3 children were killed by bombardment on the Tareeq al-Sad neighbourhood of Dera'a city. 2 men and a woman were shot by sniper in Dera'a city. A woman was killed by bombardment on the Na'eema town. A man died of wounds he received by bombardment on the busra al-Sham town, earlier.

40 Rebel fighters:

-In Aleppo Province 14 fighters were killed. 1 was killed during clashes in al-Raqa Province. 3, including a rebel battalion leader, were killed during clashes with regime forces around the Kweers military airport in Reef Aleppo. 3 were killed during clashes with regime forces in the towns of al-Safeera and al-Dweirna of Reef Aleppo. 2 were killed during clashes with regime forces in the neighbourhoods of al-A'miriya and al-Sakhur of Aleppo city. 5 fighters, from the Kurdish people protection committees, were killed during clashes with regime forces in the Ashrafiya neighbourhood.

-In Reef Dimashq Province 10 rebel fighters, including a rebel battalion leader, were killed during clashes with regime forces and bombardment on the cities and towns of Daraya, Duma, A'dra, and Hamurya.

-In Damascus Province 1 fighter was killed during clashes with regime forces in the Jobar neighbourhood.

-In Homs Province 3 rebel fighters were killed during clashes with regime forces on the Homs-Damascus road.

-In Dera'a Province 2 fighters, from the Dera'a city, were killed. 1 died of wounds he received during clashes in the city, before yesterday. 1 was killed during clashes, yesterday.

-In Idlib Province 2 fighters were killed. 1, from the Ghadfa town of Reef Idlib, was killed during clashes with regime forces. 1, from the Tah town, died of wounds he received during clashes with regime forces, earlier.

-In Deir Izzor Province 5 fighters were killed. 1 died of wounds he received by a shell in Deir Izzor city. 4 were killed during clashes with regime forces in the city.

-In Hama Province 2 fighters, one of them is from Reef Idlib, were killed during clashes with regime forces in the Hamamiyat village of Reef Hama.

-In al-Raqa Province 1 fighter was killed during clashes with regime forces in the Tabaqa city of Reef al-Raqa.


-5 security guards in the Cement factory, located in the Kafabahm village of Western Reef Hama, were killed when rebel fighters attacked the factory, yesterday morning.

-SOHR documented the death of 8 civilians. 4, including 3 fighters, were shot by regime forces in Damascus and Reef Dimashq, earlier. 2, including a child, were killed by bombardment on the Masaken Hanano neighbourhood of Aleppo city, in the past 3 days. 2 fighters, from Homs Province, were killed during clashes with regime forces, earlier.

-News were received about the death of 5 civilians, including a child, by bombardment on the Maysar neighbourhood of Aleppo city.

-2 Libyan fighters blew up a car in a regime forces' building in the Dweirna village of Reef Aleppo.

-News were received about the discovery of unidentified corpses in Hab al-Jbeila of Deir Izzor city.


-Not less then 31 regime forces were killed during clashes in several Provinces: 9 Aleppo, 3 Homs, 4 Deir Izzor, 7 Damascus and Reef Dimashq, 2 Dera'a, 2 Hama, and 4 in al-Raqa.

Dopuna: 11 Feb 2013 13:19

Navodi se i da vojska ratuje protiv Kurda u provinciji Alepo.

  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Izvestaj o borbenim dejstvima za 10. februar

Ukratko. Tekst i sadrzaj potpuno isti kao i prethodnih dana. Vladini izvori navode da pobunjenici pokusavaju lazima da su osvojili neke vojne objekte da podignu opali moral svojih boraca.

Jedina novost u odnosu na par prethodnih dana je sto se ponovo prenose vesti kojima je izvor SSA, sa uobicajenim preterivanjima.

Jedan izvestaj o stanju opozicije

U jednom delu se navodi da "leva ruka ne zna sta radi desna".
Saudijska arabija salje borce u Siriju, kako bi "problematicne" oterala od sebe, kako oni ne bi imali problema.
I dalje se kritikuje poziv vlastima na pregovore. Smatra se da je to drasticno oborilo moral boraca opozicije (na forumu poznatih kao "drekavci")

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Pocelo je pobunjenicima da puca i na granici:

Idlib province: A large explosion rocked the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, by the Syrian-Turkish border. Initial information indicates that the explosion was the result of a car bomb and that there are casualties and injured. (SOHR)

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Kad pomenu granicu, izgleda da je ovo snimak .

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Detaljnija informacija:

Idlib province: 8 people were killed, including Syrians, and more than 30 others were injured as a result of a car-bomb that exploded on the Turkish side of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing.

  • trol 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 822
  • Gde živiš: bez bananska republika Srbija

Rebels seize Syria’s largest dam, taking control of water and electricity to parts of country

  • ozzy 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 553

I posle kako da ih covek ne naziva teroristima?

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 92

Da li će pasti 2 aerodroma u 1 danu?Čeka se potvrda.

  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

A sto se ustrucavas? "Drekavci" jesu teroristi. Nikakve borbe za slobodu tu nema.

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