Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 15:19
- Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 92
Battle for Aleppo Airport 02-15-13
FSA: “The operation will continue until we control the airport”
150 combined casualties FSA + SAA in two days (percentage FSA unconfirmed)
Heavy fighting for control of the international airport in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo and a major military air base nearby has killed some 150 rebels and government soldiers over the past two days, activists said Friday.
The director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdul-Rahman, said the casualties are almost evenly divided between opposition fighters and troops loyal to President Bashar Assad.
“The operation will continue until we control the airport and Nairab,” Col. Abdul-Jabbar al-Aqidi, commander of the rebels’ Military Council in Aleppo, told Al-Arabiya TV.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 15:57
- Gospodin-BP
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 640
- Gde živiš: Sever
Sirije, žestoke borbe za zračnu luku u Aleppu, Turska ponovno artiljerijom gađa sirijski teritorij
UN-ov tim iz organizacije WFP (World Food Programme) ističe kako je prema njihovim procjenama oko 40,000 ljudi pobjeglo pred sukobima koji su eskalirali proteklih dana na istoku Sirije. Izvori za Reuters tvrde kako su pobunjenici zauzeli grad al-Shaddadeh na prostoru bogatih naftnih polja istočne Sirije.
Ukoliko su informacije točne, pobunjenici su sada korak bliže gradu al-Hasakah, regionalnom centru koji se nalazi oko 45 kilometara sjevernije.
Posljednje informacije govore o žestokim sukobima vojske i pobunjenika za kontrolu nad zračnom lukom u najvećem sirijskom gradu, Aleppu. Pojedine informacije s terena govore kako je samo u današnjem sukobu stradalo oko 150 osoba. U isto vrijeme turski državni mediji prenose kako je došlo do novog pograničnog incidenta, navodno je granata ispaljena sa sirijske strane pogodila tursko naselje Yayladag u provinciji Hatay. Nisu zabilježene žrtve, ali turska vojska je uzvratila artiljerijskim napadima na sirijski teritorij.
Tijekom današnjeg dana stanovnici gradskih četvrti al-Eza'a i Saif al-Dawla u Aleppu izašli su na ulice dajući svoju potporu sirijskoj vojsci. U posljednje vrijeme sve su češći ovakvi prosvjedi u Aleppu, naročito na prostorima koji su pod kontrolom pobunjenika.
Sirijski premijer, Wael al-Halqi, sastao se jučer u Damasku s delegacijom iz Indije te pritom istaknuo kako je "Sirija otvorena za sve inicijative rješavanja krize". S druge strane, pobunjenici sada traže sve više zahtjeva za pokretanje dijaloga, uključujući i nužnost odlaska Assada.
Pobunjenici tvrde kako su tijekom jučerašnjeg dana srušili čak 3 vojna zrakoplova te su objavili video snimke koje to navodno potvrđuju. Ukoliko je informacija točna, to bi bio najveći jednodnevni gubitak sirijskih zračnih snaga do sada.
Sirijski državni izvori ne spominju ove detalje, već se isključivo navodi kontinuiran napredak sirijske vojske na svim fontovima.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 20:48
Napisano: 15 Feb 2013 20:19
Preliminary death toll for Thursday 14/2/2013
More than 160 Syrians killed, so far, today;
The dead include: 52 unarmed civilians, 38 rebel fighters, 5 unidentified, 1 defected lieutenant, 3 defected soldiers, and no less than 41 regular soldiers.
***Detonated car explosions and clashes that lasted for 3 days in the al-Shdadi city of Reef al-Hasaka led to the death of at least 40 jihadists from al-Nusra front, 5 non-Syrians (of Iraqi and Kuwaiti origins), and no less than 100 members of the Syrian intelligence and army.***
- In Aleppo province 26 civilians and 7 rebel fighters were killed. 2 were shot by sniper in Aleppo city and the Jabrin town of Reef Aleppo. A man from the A'frin city was killed by bombardment on the al-Tabaqa city of Reef al-Raqqa. 21 civilians, including a woman and child, were killed days earlier by gunfire and bombardment on the Oum A'moud village of Reef al-Safira town that is witnessing clashes between rebel fighters and regular forces, the 21 names were only documented today. A man died of wounds he received by bombardment on the al-Safira town of Reef Aleppo. A man was killed by bombardment on the al-Safira town. 2 rebel fighters, including a rebel commander, were killed by clashes with regular forces in Aleppo city. 4 rebel fighters were killed during clashes in the perimeter of the Mangh military airport. A rebel fighter from Aleppo city was killed by clashes in Reef al-Safira town earlier.
- In Reef Dimashq 8 civilians, 3 unidentified and 6 rebel fighters were killed. 6 civilians, including 3 men, were killed by bombardment on the towns and cities of Saqba, Douma, and al-Blaliya. 1 from the al-Qteifa town was tortured to death after detainment by regime forces earlier. A man was shot by sniper in the al-Tal city. 3 unidentified corpses were found in the cities of Harasta and A'rbin. A rebel fighter from the Mesraba town was killed by clashes with regular forces in the Jobar neighbourhood of Damascus city. 5 rebel fighters, including a rebel leader, were killed by clashes with regular forces and bombardment on the towns of A'dra, A'in Tarma and the perimeter of Douma and Daraya cities.
- In Dera'a 3 men and 10 rebel fighters were killed. 3 men were shot by regular forces in Dera'a city. 10 rebel fighters, including a rebel commander, were killed by clashes with regular forces in the perimeter of and inside the al-Sahwa military division of Reef Dera'a and in the perimeter of the al-Sanamein town.
- In Deir Izzor 10 rebel fighters were killed. 7 were killed by clashes with regular forces in several neighbourhoods of Deir Izzor city. 3 rebel fighters were killed by a mortar shell on the al-Halbiya square of Deir izzor city days earlier.
- In Homs 10 civilians and 1 unidentified were killed. A child died of wounds he recieved days earlier by bombardment on the al-Tiba vilalge of al-Hola area. 4 children were killed by aerial bombardment on the al-Hola area. 4 men and a woman from the Tasnin town were found dead in the Ghurnata village after more than 1 month of having been reported as killed when they were kidnapped from their village. An unidentified corpse was found in the al-Dar al-Kabira town of Reef Homs.
- In Damascus 2 men and 4 rebel fighters were killed. A man was shot by sniper in the Tushrin neighbourhood of Damascus city. A man was shot by sniper in the al-Yarmouk camp. 1 rebel fighter died of wounds he received yesterday by bombardment on the Jobar neighbourhood. 3 rebel fighters, one of which is a palestinian, were killed by bombardment and clashes in the neighbourhoods of al-Qadam, al-Hajar al-Aswad and Jobar.
- In Idlib 2 civilians and 1 rebel fighter were killed. 2 civilians, including a child, were killed by mortar shells and aerial bombardment on the M'aret al-Nu'man city and Kafrouma town of Reef Idlib. A rebel fighter from the Khan Sheikhoun city was killed by clashes with regular forces.
- In Hama 1 child and 1 unidentified were killed. A child was killed by bombardment on the Mourk town of Reef Hama. An unidentified rebel was killed by clashes with regular forces in the Karnaz town.
- A defected lieutenant was shot by sniper in Reef Dera'a. 3 defected soldiers were killed by clashes with regular forces in Reef Dera'a.
- Confirmed reports indicate that 20 rebel fighters were killed by clashes and bombardment on their strongholds in the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib and Homs.
- Reports indicate that several civilians, including children, were killed by aerial bombardment on the Has town of Reef Idlib.
- 3 rebel fighters were documented as killed during clashes with regular forces in Damascus city and Reef Aleppo.
- At least 41 regular soldiers were killed by clashes and attacks on machineries in several Syrian provinces: 14 in Dera'a, 12 in Idlib, 5 Damascus and Reef Dimashq, 6 Aleppo, and 4 in Deir Izzor.
Dopuna: 15 Feb 2013 20:48
Reef dimashq: 5 rebels, 1 a defected soldier, were killed by clashes between the cities of Douma and Harasta. (SOHR)
Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 22:32
- Pridružio: 18 Dec 2007
- Poruke: 386
Турска на сваки начин покушава да спречи мировни дијалог.
Citat:Foreign Ministry: Turkish Government Flagrantly Breaches International Law, Good Neighborliness
Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that the Turkish government continues to flagrantly interfere in the Syrian domestic affairs in breach of the UN charter, the international law, and the rules governing relations among countries.
In two identical letters addressed on Friday to head of the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary-General highlighting Turkey's subversive role in the Syrian crisis, the ministry said that the Turkish government has sought to obstruct the implementation of the political program announced by President Bashar al-Assad for solving the crisis in Syria, and the ensuing measures undertaken by the Syrian government for that end.
''Turkey has turned its territories into a stamping ground for hosting, training, funding, arming and smuggling armed terrorists groups, mainly al-Qaeda and Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist groups, into Syria, '' the letters said, adding ''and it publicly supports and justifies their destructive practices of killing and methodical vandalism of infrastructure and public and private property.''
''According to international law, the rules governing international relations and good neighborliness, the Turkish government's conduct constitutes a flagrant violation of the international law,'' the ministry added. The ministry affirmed that in so doing, the Turkish government violates the UN charter which states that "all Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.''
The ministry added that the Turkish government violates the international law in regards to friendly relations between countries, which states that ''No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements, are in violation of international law.''
The ministry added that the Turkish government's practices also breach the international law which states that ''No State shall organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in another State.''
The ministry added that according to international law, ''Every State has an inalienable right to choose its political, economic, social and cultural systems, without interference in any form by another State,'' and ''Every State shall refrain from any action aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and territorial integrity of any other State or country.''
The letters added that the Turkish practices are a breach of the judgment of the International Court of Justice in Nicaragua case in 1986, which considered backing terrorist gangs in another country for the purpose of toppling its government an interference in its affairs, adding they are also in violation of the Security Council resolution no. 1373.
The ministry stressed that the Turkish government's blatant violations of the international law and good neighborliness makes it imperative that the international community prevent the Turkish government and the regional and international sides conspiring against Syria from pushing ahead with its acts that amount to aggression, underlining need for obliging it to stop interference in the Syrian internal affairs.
The letters added it is important that the international community also pressures the Turkish government to give up attempts to fragment Syria and undermine its unity and territorial integrity, and to stop hosting, training and backing armed terrorist groups.
''The Syrian government renews respect for the friendly people of Turkey, '' the letters indicated, adding ''and considers that the behavior of the Turkish government aims to thwart the authentic efforts of the Syrian government to implement the political program for solving the crisis through ending violence to hold national dialogue and achieve reconciliation.''
Poslao: 16 Feb 2013 07:52
- Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 92
Trenutno pod opsadom sledeće baze RV
Raqqa - Tabqa Air Force Base - south of Tabqa/Al Tawrah, near the dam.
Aleppo east - Kwers AFB/Kweyres/Al Kwairis/Dayr Ha Fir - east of Aleppo Int'l.
Aleppo north - Minakh/Minnakh/Meng/Minnigh - military helibase. Near Azaz
Aleppo city - Nayrab/Neyrab AFB and Aleppo International civil airport
Poslao: 16 Feb 2013 13:01
- Pridružio: 18 Dec 2007
- Poruke: 386
Турски офицрир међу убијенима у Алепу
Citat:Four Turkish officers killed in Aleppo clashes: Report
At least four Turkish officers have been killed in clashes between Syrian government troops and foreign-backed militants in Syria's northern city of Aleppo.
The Syrian website Syria Now reports that the corpses of the Turkish officers were identified among the militants killed in the Friday fighting in the al-Bab district of the flashpoint city.
Reports say the Syrian government troops killed dozens of militants and inflicted heavy losses on them in two days of fighting for the control of the international airport and the nearby Nairab airfield in Aleppo.
The airport and the military airfield both remain under government control.
Poslao: 16 Feb 2013 16:43
Homs province: 5 rebel fighters were killed by clashes with regular forces and its supporting militias in the villages of Reef al-Qseir.
Idlib province: 2 rebel fighters, 1 unidentified, were killed by clashes with regular forces in the perimeter of the Wadi al_Deif encampment of Reef M'aret al-Nu'man. The al-Taman'a town of REef Idlib was bombarded by regular forces.
3 rebel fighters were killed by clashes with regular forces in the Jobar neighbourhood of Damascus city.
Poslao: 16 Feb 2013 17:02
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2011
- Poruke: 768
- Gde živiš: Bratislava
Mare Koloseum ::Ne znam kako jos neko moze da veruje da ovakvi imbecili mogu dobiti rat? http://youtu.be/FmcLB_61Tc8 Mogu.... zato sto su sa druge strane, jos veći imbecili!!
Poslao: 16 Feb 2013 18:21
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 2595
- Gde živiš: Čačak
Napisano: 16 Feb 2013 17:23
NN ::Турски офицрир међу убијенима у Алепу
Citat:Four Turkish officers killed in Aleppo clashes: Report
At least four Turkish officers have been killed in clashes between Syrian government troops and foreign-backed militants in Syria's northern city of Aleppo.
The Syrian website Syria Now reports that the corpses of the Turkish officers were identified among the militants killed in the Friday fighting in the al-Bab district of the flashpoint city.
Reports say the Syrian government troops killed dozens of militants and inflicted heavy losses on them in two days of fighting for the control of the international airport and the nearby Nairab airfield in Aleppo.
The airport and the military airfield both remain under government control.
Juče su ubijena četiri Turska oficira , negde sam to juče objavio .
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2013 18:21