Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4963

Zanimljiva je tačka 5. (ne ulazim u njenu tačnost)

5) Južna Sirija

Pobunjeci su u slaboj inicjativi, međutim nema velikih kolapsa Sirjske Armije, mada mali otporni punktovi padaju na dnevnoj bazi a toje je zbog UTICAJA NOVO UVEZENOG JUGOSLOVENSKOG ORUŽJA OD JANUARA KOJE JE POPRAVILO STANJE U KORIST POBUNJENIKA. Vrlo važno ješto postoji povećana aktivnost među Druzima u korist pobunjenika u zoni Svaida. I pored toga, snažno prisustvo Sirijske Armije, prevashodno uz granicu sa Izraelom, dovodi do toga da pobunjeci teško operišu u regiji i Sirijska Armija je izvršila više vrlo uspešnih kontranapada karakterističnih po veštim i brzim manevrima i zadržala dobre pozicje za kontranapade i manevrovanje.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Citat:dovodi do toga da pobunjeci teško operišu u regiji i Sirijska Armija je izvršila više vrlo uspešnih kontranapada karakterističnih po veštim i brzim manevrima i zadržala dobre pozicje za kontranapade i manevrovanje.

Na stranu prica o jugoslovenskom oruzju, ovaj deo recenice mnogo govori.

  • Lokalni politikant
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 640
  • Gde živiš: Sever

Evo, opet se pise o naoruzavanju pobunjenika od strane Hrvatske:


  • pavlo  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1079

Snimak sa kupole bmp-2 na zadatku. Novo!

  • ikan 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 2910


I sad treba da plaćamo 500 din. svakog meseca, a oni ovakve vesti prenose

  • Pridružio: 26 Jan 2013
  • Poruke: 46
  • Gde živiš: Near to Hell, near to Heaven, far away from all delusion!

Jedan pogled iz Tel Aviva na situaciju u Siriji:

Assad Pulls Ahead in Syrian War. Putin, Khamenei Are Co-Victors

Citat:March 5 has been set as the date for peace talks to open in Moscow between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime, debkafile reveals here exclusively. Opposition leader Moaz al-Khatib is waiting to meet the Assad regime’s representative, possibly Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, in the Russian capital by the end of February to set up the talks. Bashar Assad has taken his resignation off the agenda and insists on reserving the option to run again for president in 2014. He is backed in this by President Vladimir Putin. And even the Syrian opposition appears to have tacitly bowed to this precondition – an admission that the rebel movement has reached its limit and Assad’s genocidal, no-holds-barred tactics have paid off. With all their acclaimed victories, rebel forces know that their desperate bid to conquer Damascus was repulsed by the Syrian army’s superior fire power and heavy armor. They were thrown back from the heart of Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. And they failed to gain control of Assad’s chemical arsenal. Ferocious fighting failed to bring the big Syrian Air Force bases into rebel hands. Now, most of the fighting opposition to the Assad regime is ready to negotiate terms for a ceasefire as the opening gambit for a political settlement. They face their enemy standing firm as the unvanquished ruler of Syria and commander-in-chief of its armed forces at the cost of Syria 80-100,000 Syrian lives and a ravaged country. In so doing, Assad has cemented the Tehran-Damascus-Hizballah alliance. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s’s sphere of influence now stretches from the Persian Gulf up to the Mediterranean – his reward for the billion dollars worth of aid per month he poured into buttressing Assad. His other ally, Hassan Nasrallah, whose Hizballah operatives fought shoulder to shoulder with Syrian troops, emerges as the strongman of Lebanon. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Assad’s staunch backer in diplomacy, arms and moral support, congratulates himself for picking the winning side in Syria’s civil war and, moreover, frustrating US and NATO designs to remove the Syrian ruler from power. Those are the winners. And the losers are the United States, the Gulf emirates and Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey. Barack Obama’s vision of a democratic, liberal “Arab Spring” has collapsed. Al Qaeda is a ubiquitous presence as transitional governments struggle to their feet – or not - in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. Israel finds a tighter than ever Syrian-Hizballah-Iranian noose closing around its borders as Tehran’s nuclear weapons program marches on. Turkey gambled heavily on bringing about Assad’s overthrow as the key to its bid for regional power– and missed.

Tekst za link


1. "Assad, Tehran, Hassan Nasrallah and Vladimir Putin are the winners".
2. "The losers are the United States, the Gulf emirates and Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey".
3. "Barack Obama’s vision of a democratic, liberal “Arab Spring” has collapsed".
4. "Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s’s sphere of influence now stretches from the Persian Gulf up to the Mediterranean".
5. "Turkey gambled heavily on bringing about Assad’s overthrow as the key to its bid for regional power– and missed".


1. Pobjednici su: Asad, Teheran, Hasan Nasralah (Hezbolah) i Vladimir Putin;
2. Gubitnici su SAD, Zaljevski emirati, Saudijska Arabija, Izrael i Turska;
3. Obamina vizija demokratskog i liberalnog "Arapskog proljeća" je propala;
4. Sfera uticaja ajatolaha Hamneija (Irana) se sada proteže od Perzjskog zaliva do Mediterana;
5. Tursko kockanje u naporima da makne Asasda i šansa da tako postane regionalna sila je propuštena.

  • Rohoje  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Iztok
  • management
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 561
  • Gde živiš: Slovenija


"Local News>>Armed Forces Inflict Heavy Losses upon Terrorists in Homs"

"HOMS, (SANA) – Units of the Armed Forces destroyed on Tuesday several terrorist dens and gatherings during a series of qualitative operations in Homs countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that the Armed Forces razed terrorist sites in Eastern al-Bweida, Aqrab, Taldaw, al-Saen and Talbiseh towns in Homs countryside and eliminated a number of terrorists and injured others."

Pored Daraye, SA završava priču i u Homsu. Kad se to očisti konačno, SA vjeovatno kreče na istok Damaska onda ka Alepu.


"Reports say government forces have taken control of the areas near Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in the capital, Damascus, following heavy clashes with militants.

The army has also gained ground against foreign-backed militants in Sayyida Zainab town near the capital."

SA tamani rebelse, na više pravaca.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99742

Sirija: Poginuo mladić iz Bujanovca

Citat:Kako se navodi, jedan “ratni drug“ javio je Ahmetijevoj porodici da je “Mirat ubijen u svetom oslobodilačkom ratu protiv režima Bašara El Asada“, kao i da je sahranjen u petak u Siriji.

Ahmeti je 2008. godine, sa najboljim ocenama završio srednju versku školu u Gnjilnu i kao odličan đak upisao teologiju na prestižnom islamskom univerzitetu “Al ažar“ u Kairu.

Pobunjenicima protiv Asadovog režima u Damasku priključio se sa kolegama treće i četvrte godine studija.

Miratov otac Zejni moli da mu se jave svi oni koji bi mogli pomoći porodici da pronađe grob svog deteta u Siriji.

Arrow http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2013&....._id=690262

  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Sad bi covek u meni trebao da zali drugog coveka. A posebno njegove roditelje. Ali nekako ne mogu sebe da nateram na to. Sam pao, sam se ubio, kako kaze nasa stara poslovica.

  • ozzy 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 553

Izgleda da je Ahmetiju ponestalo finansija posle upisa na teologiju pa mislio da nadoknadi.

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