el86 ::A demonstration against the Free Syrian Army in Damascus has come under fire. Opposition forces have held the Yarmouk district for 8 months. Today residents who fled tried to get back in but were fired on.
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Isto tako uz komentar novinara sa lica mesta,da možda svi nisu za Asada ali su protiv naoružanih bandi(armed gangs)
I ja se frapirao da je Sky postao tolko objektivan
Inace da postavim i ovde , pogledajte na 01:12 kako ih atgm za dlaku promasuje tenk drekavaca, Abu Duhar AB- youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pfoy34EqJcM
Inace rebelsi, i to Islamisti, su krenuli da se ubijaju izmedju sebe u Alepu:
,,Aleppo province: Clashes took place around and inside the Aleppo central prison since dawn today, it came after 2 rebel fighters went on suicide missions and blew up 2 cars by the prison gates. There was artillery and tank bombardmenton the edges of the prison. the airforce also bombarded the surrounding area, causing fires in the houses of nearby civilians. There are fears over the lives of the 4000 inmates in the prison (1600 are held awaiting trial, 100 are Islamist prisoners, 150 are held for demonstrating, more than 90 inmates are under the age of 18, the rest are inmates are in for criminal, non-political actions).
Rebels affiliated with the al-Hay'a al-Shar'ia (shari'a body) stormed the bases of the Ghuraba' al-Sham battalions in some of the Aleppo neighbourhoods, reports of killed Ghuraba' al-Sham fighters. The Hay'a gave the Ghuraba' fighters a period to surrender. Clashes between rebels and regime forces in Bustan al-Qasr and Khaldiya neighbourhoods, reports of losses on both sides. Sporadic clashes between rebel fighters and local pro-regime gunmen from the villages of Nebel and al-Zahra'. 1 child was killed, 7 of his family were injured, as a result of the regime heavy bombardment on Tel Ern town.,,