Poslao: 02 Jun 2013 11:48
- Pridružio: 25 Maj 2013
- Poruke: 12
- Gde živiš: Srpska Republika
The Russian side in the UN Security Council has blocked a declaration which condemns the Syrian government forces and militants of the movement "Hezbollah" for trying to capture the town of El Quseir by force. This was reported on Sunday by the Western media with reference to various diplomatic sources in the UN.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 02 Jun 2013 12:21
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 835
Napisano: 02 Jun 2013 12:04
Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has killed at least 17 anti-Syria militants during clashes in the eastern Lebanese town of Baalbek.
Press TV
Dopuna: 02 Jun 2013 12:21
Citat:Sirija: U napadu autobombom u Damasku ubijeno 8 policajaca
U saopštenju Sirijske opservatorije za ljudska prava se navodi da su se jutros vodili žestoki sukobi vojske i pobunjenika u istočnom dijelu glavnog grada
U napadu autobombom blizu policijske stanice u Damasku danas je ubijeno najmanje 8 policajaca, objavila je Sirijska opservatorija za ljudska prava (OSDH), a prenijele agencije.
"Najmanje osam pripadnika snaga režima je ubijeno, a više civila je ranjeno u jakoj eksploziji autobombe u kvartu Đobar", kazao je šef OSDH-a Rami Abdel Rahman.
OSDH precizira da je napad, za koji još niko nije preuzeo odgovornost, sličan brojnim takvim napadima džihadističkih pobunjenika Fronta al-Nosra, povezanog sa Al-Kaidom.
U saopštenju OSDH se navodi da su se jutros vodili žestoki sukobi vojske i pobunjenika u istočnom dijelu glavnog grada, koji je posljednjih mjeseci izložen vazdušnim i minobacačkim napadima.
U noći između subote i nedjelje režimske snage su bombardovale nekoliko kvartova na jugu i jugozapadu Damaska, dodaje ta nevladina organizacija sa sjedištem u Londonu.
Poslao: 02 Jun 2013 14:48
- Gama
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
- Poruke: 4389
Napisano: 02 Jun 2013 14:44
Izvor: Syria 24 English (fejsbuk)
Syrian Air Force
In a desperate attempt to raise morale, the terrorist media has announced that control of Dabaa airport has fallen back in the hands of insurgents.
As of the timing of writing this is not true and the army is firmly in control and has in fact entrenched its position in anticipation of the upcoming third phase of the battle for Qusayr.
Izvor: Syria 24 English (fejsbuk)
Syrian Opposition Observatory: clashes take place with the government forces in the north countryside of Homs, what resulted in the death of 28 fighters, including 2 of the leaders of the battalions.
Bismillah al rahman al rahim
... Allahova stranka (Hezbollah) će svakako pobediti. (Kur'an 5:56)
Dopuna: 02 Jun 2013 14:48
Eto ga: Britansko javno mnjenje protiv naoruzavanja drekavaca (podrzava svega 24%, u tekstu, a u naslovu je 26%)
Insallah Britania
Poslao: 02 Jun 2013 16:06
- Rohoje
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 561
- Gde živiš: Slovenija
"Damask - Rdeči križ in Združeni narodi so okrepili pozive za pomoč civilistom, ujetim v sirskem mestu Kusair, kjer že dva tedna potekajo srditi boji med uporniki in režimsko vojsko. Več sto ranjenih naj bi bilo povsem odrezanih od zdravniške pomoči. Rusija naj bi medtem v Varnostnem svetu ZN blokirala deklaracijo glede Kusaira."
Odjednom svi zabrunuti za "civile".
Izgleda Kusair pred padom.
Poslao: 02 Jun 2013 16:43
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 835
Napisano: 02 Jun 2013 16:39
Citat:Hezbollah kills 20 Syria militants in Lebanon’s Baalbek
Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has killed at least 20 anti-Syria militants during clashes in the eastern Lebanese town of Baalbek.
The number of casualties following the Sunday clash is likely to increase after the bodies are retrieved, informed sources say.
Earlier in the day, at least two rockets launched from Syria hit the northeastern Lebanese town of Hermel in Bekaa Valley.
The rockets landed in the Hara neighborhood of the town near the Syrian border. There were no reports of casualties.
According to the Lebanese newspaper Daily Star the terrorist ‘Free Syrian Army’ has claimed responsibility for the rocket attack. “This was a response to Hezbollah’s increasing involvement in Syria’s war,” the group said.
Foreign-backed militants in Syria have previously been involved in rocket attacks on Lebanese border areas.
Turmoil has gripped Syria since March 2011 and the foreign-sponsored militancy has taken its toll on the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel.
The Sunday attack came a day after at least 20 rockets fired by the militants in Syria struck Bekaa. Most of the rockets hit the areas of Nabi Sheet and Sareen, leaving several people injured.
According to Lebanese sources, four Syrians have been arrested on suspicion of having links to the attacks.
Last week, a girl lost her life and a woman sustained injuries after three mortar rounds fired by the militants struck near Hermel.
The attacks came after Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said the resistance movement’s combatants were fighting alongside the Syrian army against al-Qaeda-linked militants in the strategic town of Qusayr near the Lebanese border.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said that if the militants take power in Syria, they could destabilize the entire Middle East region for decades.
Dopuna: 02 Jun 2013 16:43
Hamzaa, ko crpi libijsku naftu sada? Francuzi? Amerikanci? Ljudi tvog profila su im to obezbjedili na terenu. Nisu čak morali ni svoje vojnike da šalju. Vi ste jeftiniji. Vaši životi su jeftiniji. Srećan ti put u borbi za cionističke ciljeve.
Poslao: 02 Jun 2013 17:25
- Levčanin
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 1708
- Gde živiš: Srbija, Levač
treba sad Asad da pripomogne mirne demonstrante i Turskoj, onako bratski da ih naoruža, da se uzvrati bratska ispomoć od ove 2 godine.