Званично саопштење тигрова о борбама.
терорсити напали и ан север, ја и заборавио да су они уклињени у терористичку тероторију.
Разбијени су изгледа само тако.
Citat:Today the terrorists launched an unprecedented attack against our positions in Mallah, possibly their most potent thus far, but what they didn't expect is we were ready for them.
To start their operations Jahbt Al-Nusra, Ahrar Al-Sham and additional forces from Jaish Al-Fateh utilized two VBIED attacks, one in northern Mallah and one from the southern entrance; both of these VBIEDs were disabled before they reached their intended target. The terrorists however didn't give up so easily and launched their ground campaign from both southern and northern Mallah. What they didn't know is we permitted them passage from the south.
Their operations from the north were quickly subdued and our forces pushed back from the into their territory. The southern attack was their most important and where they dedicated the majority of their forces, including their command center near Castello road. The offensive in total included 3 VBIEDs and 5 tanks--- all devices were disabled and destroyed. Immeasurable number of terrorists were utilized for this offensive which left dozens, including a renown commander Faylaq Al-Sham leader, Zuheir Harb, pictured below, dead.
Though they suffered greatly the terrorists weren't dissuaded by their losses and they continued their push from the south. Our forces, with high morale, continued to identify their entry points and eliminated them befor they can become a further threat. It is unknown if this was the nail in the coffin which resulted in attacks subsidising but we trapped them on Castello road for easier targeting, including destroying their command center.
Todat the terrorists have proven that they aren't easily discouraged and will continue their attacks to achieve a centimeter of territorial gain. The living terrorists earned nothing but their dead comrades achieved entry into our territory to take their permanent slumber (sleep).
Још нешто, изгледа да већина поседује уређаје за ноћно осматрање(тигрови).
Citat:Jihadists groups who attacked Tiger force in #Mallah Farms , lost the most important leaders
Изгледа да су опет искористили ону тактику коју си ти приметио,да прво препусте неке делове територије непријатељу у овом случају јужне фарме и да пуцају само када треба,да је више оваквих јединица у САА... Него,ови терористички клипови са претходне стране што си поставио,не могу да се оријентишем,са које стране нападају,из правца Хандарат кампа(источно) или са запада,или чак са југа односно поред Шеик Маскуда?
Po pejzažu bih rekao da je npr. provincija Idlib u pitanju,ali u sv.sl. video je star jedno 4 god. sigurno,prošli su i oni dug put od ovakvog ponašanja u borbi.
Heavy Syrian army shelling amid new offensive in north Homs
Islamic Safwah Movement commander, ‘Abdel-Rahman Mansour
Faylaq Al-Sham commander, Zuheir Harba
Ovo su dvoica komandira koji su šehidili u toj ofanzivi na severu Malah Farmi zajedno sa još 40 terorista.
In addition, the source stated that the jihadist rebels lost over 40 fighters while trying to overrun the defenses of the Syrian Armed Forces near Al-Mallaah Farms.
SAA zauzela železničku stanicu na severu Homsa đe su proletos teroristi iz Rastana izvršili masakr nad civilima.
Ijoš jedan u nizu od neuspešnih napada ISIL-a u Deir ez Zoru sa dosta šehida.
For nearly 48 hours, the Islamic State and Syrian Arab Army were engaged in a violent firefight at the southeastern perimeter of the Thardeh Mountains. However, the Islamic State terrorists were unable to bypass the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses this weekend, suffering an estimated 30+ casualties during their failed offensive.
T-72 ::Изгледа да су опет искористили ону тактику коју си ти приметио,да прво препусте неке делове територије непријатељу у овом случају јужне фарме и да пуцају само када треба,да је више оваквих јединица у САА... Него,ови терористички клипови са претходне стране што си поставио,не могу да се оријентишем,са које стране нападају,из правца Хандарат кампа(источно) или са запада,или чак са југа односно поред Шеик Маскуда?
Po trenutnim izvestajima Rusi su ispostovali SAA tokom veceri bukvalno su srvanili Castelo put kako se Nusra mrnula tako im je bomba pala.
ovo dovoljno pokazuje da Rusi kada zele vrlo lako mogu da izoluju front u Siriji,po mom misljenju za to su zasluzni pre svega Ruski instruktori koji su pametno odigrali smanjujuci sve frontove i prebacivanjem snaga u Idlib i tako grupisanjem Nusre i ostalih u samo jednu provincuju uz mali dodatak teritorije u okolnim provincijama. Od dolaska Ruskih instruktora u vecem broju SAA je pocela pregovore sa Teroristima oko transfera u Idlib gde imaju svoju celu vlast.
Naravno Rusi pokriva delimicno Palmiru koju su sami stvorili i Deir,dok SAA svojim avionima pokriva Damask,Daara i pomaze Rusima koliko moze u ostatku.
Cudime da dugo nema izvestaja o bombarodavnju Rake i Amera i Rusa.