mazakani ::Nobunaga ::Nusra izgleda pakuje kofere iz Yarmuk izbeglickog kampa,ostaje samo ISIS tamo. Ovo je sa jedne strane dobro jer manje neprijatelja u blizini Damaska ali je i lose jer:
a)Isis ostaje sam i mozda ce da krene u napad na SAA
b)SAA ce morati da pored Daraje ,ist Gute da usmeri paznju i na Yarmuk kamp.
c)Ti sto odu iz Damaska ce sigurno biti poslati za Alepo ili Lakitakiju da zagorcaju zivot SAA na tim frontovima.
Odalke ti inf. da Nusra napušta Yermuk kamp? I na koji način mogu da ga napuste ako su u okruženju?
Zar za SAA nije pametnije da ih negdje na putu presretnu nego da se pridruže drugim grupama?
ALCZ 080
Evo odakle
Jabhet al-Nusra, the Syrian al-Qaeda branch, is negotiating with the Syrian government to be granted a safe exit from its besieged bastion in southern Damascus. | Al-Masdar News
Dopuna: 12 Jul 2016 20:06
Šehidili ISIL-ovi komandiri u Manbiđu neki delovi Manbiđa su odsečeni od ostalih tako da su snage ISIL-a podeljene na 2 dela..
In fighting near the National Hospital, the IS commander of the western Manbij sector, Abu Suheyl Marawi, was also said to have been killed yesterday, Sunday. Another prominent IS Jihadi, described as an “emir”, Abu Khalid Al-Tunisi, was killed by an SDF shell while travelling in his car through Manbij. 4 x IS fighters accompanying him were also wiped out. In the Hazawani district, 26 x IS fighters were said to have been killed in clashes between the 2 sides, 12 of them as they tried to escape in a transport vehicle.
In spite of ceasefire proclamations, clashes continued in Syria as rebel fighters of the ‘Fatah Halab operations room’ struck a T-72 government tank operating at Bani Zeid in Aleppo city. | Al-Masdar News
+18 Video: Nusra offensive in southern Hama foiled overnight
SAA povratila neke položaje u Deir ez Zoru takođe su im stigle stotine novih vojnika.
Around 4am this morning, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) began a major counter-offensive in the sparsely populated desert terrain southwest of Deir Ezzor city in an effort to push the Islamic State back from the outskirts of the all important Deir Ezzor Military Airbase. Effectively, government soldiers were able to retake a handful of points and checkpoints near Jabal Thardeh (largest hill top in Deir Ezzor) and the Thayyem Oil Field, advancing to within a kilometer of the ISIS-held oil facility.
In the past few months, hundreds of government reinforcements have arrived to Syria’s eastern city of Deir Ezzor via airplane in order to compensate for losses suffered after years of siege and ISIS attacks on the city’s government-held districts.
I u današnjem pokušaju probijanja ponovno koridora ka Alepu propao.
Desperate jihadists in Aleppo city launched a new offensive today on Al-Breij, Al-Manasher axes south of Handarat Camp in the vicinity of the Industrial Zone. Thought they were able to make a slight advance the quarries region, the air force has just began its tenure to push the advancing jihadists back. Heavy clashes are still ongoing near Breij hilltop. Should the Fateh Halab coalition of jihadists capture this region, they would have secured one of the flanks surrounding their stronghold of Handarat Camp. This would make it much harder for the government forces to capture the camp that had been for long a thorn in the face of the Syrian forces.
Ovo je stradalo u današnjem bombardovanju TU22M3
According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Russian Airforce managed to destroy 3 tanks, 3 alleged ammunition depots, 8 pickup trucks, a field camp, and 4 BMP’s all belonging to the Islamic State.
panzerwaffe ::Ovo je navodno snimak tog bombardovanja.
Па ово је негде близи зелених источно од Дамаска, испаде да им помажу овако...
Није ни близу она 2 насеља источно од Палмире.
Чекамо снимке Минобороны России, да видимо шта су гађали.
Dopuna: 12 Jul 2016 20:34
T-72 ::Репортажа из Ларамуна,+ +++Алеп :
Одлична, поново "ANNA" извештава као некад из Џобара.
Dopuna: 12 Jul 2016 21:44
Меркава надгледа зелене, док постављају нову ограду:
наводно су прешли још неколико метара напред.
Где је TOW сада?
Поново су кренули ка оним фармама...
За сада само слике и снимци ПОВР.
pein ::
In spite of ceasefire proclamations, clashes continued in Syria as rebel fighters of the ‘Fatah Halab operations room’ struck a T-72 government tank operating at Bani Zeid in Aleppo city. | Al-Masdar News
O ovome sam pričao kad sam pričao kad smo raspravljali o mogućem udaru 4. oklopne divizije iz pravca Bani Zeid-Lajramun. Svi tenkovi, koji bi išli između ova dva naselja (kod onog kružnog toka) doživeli bi istu sudbinu kao i ovaj na snimku.
Ne znam ko je ovde tvrdio da će ići napad za presecanje puta s severa i s juga ali eto šta se dogodilo posle par dana. Napad sa severa je prošao, a ovi na jugu su jedva osvojili par fabrika. Tako da teze o lakom napredovanju na liniji Lajramun-Bani Zeid, kroz urbanu sredinu, ne pije vodu.
4channer ::Руски авиони уништили упориште и складишта ИД (ВИДЕО)
То је стари снимак. Већ их сада оптужују да су гађали оне избеглице на граници са Јорданом, кренуле су слике мртве деце.
Надам се да су снимили све као прошли пут.
Нусра у пећини разрађује план напада, и почетак напада. Мислим да ће тигрови поново да их налупају.
Још један снимак вечерашњег напада на Малах фарме,Тигрови кажу да је прошао исто као прошли,терористи заузели неколико тачака,САА се повукла,артиљерија,па враћање истих положаја.