Filip Marinković ::T-72 ::Данашњи напад,терористичка страна
Ja stavrno ne razumem, a evo ako moze neko da mi objasni, kako je moguce da evo peta godina Sirijska armija, Hezbolah, Iranska nacionalna garda i ostali ne mogu da ociste ove divljake? Ja koliko vidim iz prilozenih snimaka, pa njima je vojnicka vestina 0 . Masovno pucaju iznad glave u vazduh, koordinacija i u napadu i odbrani nepostojeca, artiljerijom se gadja odokativno, dakle ja zaista ne razumem.... Jedino ako su i na drugoj strani isti takvi umobolnici?
Čak razmišljam kako se između sebe ne poubijaju, koliko bezbedno rukuju oružjem.
Dopuna: 15 Avg 2016 2:22
pein ::Al Đazira izveštava kako su SAAF na Daraju bacali napalm bombe i kako stradavaju civili od njih.
Slušam Al dzaziru redovno...kad bih zbrojio više nema živih civila.
Polako ali sigurno se Daraja privodi kraju.
An officer told Al-Masdar on Sunday night that the Syrian Republican Guard managed to capture a large chunk of the town’s southwestern sector, creating an even bigger buffer-zone between Darayya and nearby Mu’adhimiyah.
The military source also told Al-Masdar that the Syrian Arab Army has sustained minimal casualties (3 KIA) in Darayya this past week, while Ajnad Al-Sham has lost over 15 militants.
Сирийская армия освободила 25 зданий в районе 1070.
Thermal cam footage: Syrian army targets Jihadists in Quneitra with heavy missiles
As we have previously mentioned, units on the ground and high command are preparing for an Aleppo operation that will devastate the enemy and make them rue the day they took up arms against the Syrian state and its citizens. Though preparations are ongoing we are not blind to the realities that terrorists will attempt to capitalize on an offensive pause and attempt to capture territory, as they tried today.
The terrorists launched 2 large scale operations against our forces in Zahra and the cement factory. The Zahra operation was their main focus while the cement factory was a distraction but later turned primary. The Zahra operation witnessed a 5 point attack from terrorists coming from NW all the way down to SW heading east towards our positions.The battles were intense and as always were preceded by VBIED, two to start. Both VBIEDs were neutralized before they entered our territory. The terrorists were not dissuaded by their main attack weapon being neutralized and subsequently launched their ground offensive. The fighting was fierce and lasted several hours however when the smoke cleared their rotting carcasses were visible for meters on end.
The terrorists were dealt a heavy blow in their main focus point so they turned their attention to achieving some gain in the cement factory. After the first attack failed they launched another powerful assault with use of VBIED. The fighting lasted hours as the terrorists were desperate to claim a win for their backers. Early reports from terrorist media indicated they dealt the SAA a crushing defeat at the cement factory. We may have a different definition of what a crushing defeat is... They possibly were referring to the stench coming from their bodies that we had to suffer through.
Aleppo, we will see to it that your streets are once again beautiful and terrorist free.
#Syria #SAA #Tiger_Forces