Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • Pridružio: 15 Mar 2008
  • Poruke: 548

Koridor ::Hektor ::MILO-VAN ::Blage veze oni nemaju sto ih je snaslo,a kamoli da ih neko gadja..
Naravno.... to je upravo ono sto se desava u realnosti... inace efekat rakete na zivu silu je nikakav... zato je i isecen film neposredno nakon pogotka, jer bi zacudilo "ustajanje i otresanje prasine sa uniformi i pogled u fazonu, sta to bi..."

Najebo je onaj koji je direktno pogodjen istali su uglavnom zivi, nagluvi...i punih gaca...

Mogu im mislit facu jednog dana ako prezive,ako im neko pusti ove snimke,a prepoznaju sebe...tek ce tada bulja da radi.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33903

Ako je ovo istina šteta što ih nisu pogodili.
Al-Hasakah, Syria (11:15 P.M.) – The US-led Coalition quickly scrambled their warplanes on Friday night near the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate after a Syrian Su-24 almost struck their positions.

Ibrise da bi se krenuli klati sa Kurdima treba se rešiti Idlib + svi mogući kotlovi po Siriji da bi SAA imala kakvog takvog uspeha protiv njih no prfe toga rešiti glavni problem najjače oružje koje kurdi imaju je USAF treba njih isterati iz Sirije.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 19 Avg 2016 23:05

Kada srede Alep moci ce da insaliraju Buk sistem i da zastite to podrcje. Ne verujem da ce Ameri da bombarduju SAA niti ce obarati SAA avione.

Dopuna: 19 Avg 2016 23:07

ПОТПУНИ СЛОМ ЏИХАДИСТА: Сиријски тенкови газе "побуњенике" у Дараји (ВИДЕО)

  • Pridružio: 10 Jul 2006
  • Poruke: 153

Irbis ::pein ::Irbis ::Odakle ljdustvo za sve to? Kada bi SAA zauzela Al Bab i Deir Hafiru kako bi ih posle branila,a da moze da napreduje dalje?

Ne da zauzima al Bab nego da zauzme sela u blizini al Baba a Deir Hafir je trebalo zauzeti radi Khansera sa druge strane al Asad jezera jer bi vezao snage ISIL-a za njega.
Možda SAA čeka da ISIL još malo oslabi štedi se za Kurde zato nisu išli na Al Bab nego na Alep u kojem su vezali ogromne snage umerenih i sad ih tamane poako uz podršku RuAF-a i SAAF-a no dokle god oni imaju priliv iz Turske džaba ih SAA veže za Alep.
Sa druge strane da su zauzeli Deir Hafir lakše bi im bilo doći i do avio baze Tabka nebi se onako kilavili nego lepo iz 2 pravca sa zapada i juga a Eufrat na severu kao prirodna granica.

Takticki gledano to je bio najbolje put,ali jednostavno se ne moze nema se ljudstva koje ce ostati kasnije da brani tu teritoriju. Nije problem poslati ofazivne trupe i zauzeti sve to,ali je problem kako ga posle braniti. Ovo je najbolji kompromis da rese Alep za sva vremena,da srede Damask i Al Rastan i onda ce sve biti mnogo lakse i moci ce da se kolju sa Kurdima posto je to po svemu sudeci ne izbezno bolje da srede Alep bar i da se onda koncenrisu sange na Idlib i Daaru i Kurde nego da imaju i Alep.

I sada imaju 5-6 mesta (sela, gradova) u kojima mora biti neke vojske, juzno od ovog M15 puta a prateci liniju fronta do jezera.. Kada bi osvojili Deir Hafir, ispravili bi front i sa isto nekoliko sela juzno od samog grada i ovim Al Kabirom, bili bi na istom sto se tice ljudstva za odbranu tog dela teritorije..

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

nindza52 ::Irbis ::pein ::Irbis ::Odakle ljdustvo za sve to? Kada bi SAA zauzela Al Bab i Deir Hafiru kako bi ih posle branila,a da moze da napreduje dalje?

Ne da zauzima al Bab nego da zauzme sela u blizini al Baba a Deir Hafir je trebalo zauzeti radi Khansera sa druge strane al Asad jezera jer bi vezao snage ISIL-a za njega.
Možda SAA čeka da ISIL još malo oslabi štedi se za Kurde zato nisu išli na Al Bab nego na Alep u kojem su vezali ogromne snage umerenih i sad ih tamane poako uz podršku RuAF-a i SAAF-a no dokle god oni imaju priliv iz Turske džaba ih SAA veže za Alep.
Sa druge strane da su zauzeli Deir Hafir lakše bi im bilo doći i do avio baze Tabka nebi se onako kilavili nego lepo iz 2 pravca sa zapada i juga a Eufrat na severu kao prirodna granica.

Takticki gledano to je bio najbolje put,ali jednostavno se ne moze nema se ljudstva koje ce ostati kasnije da brani tu teritoriju. Nije problem poslati ofazivne trupe i zauzeti sve to,ali je problem kako ga posle braniti. Ovo je najbolji kompromis da rese Alep za sva vremena,da srede Damask i Al Rastan i onda ce sve biti mnogo lakse i moci ce da se kolju sa Kurdima posto je to po svemu sudeci ne izbezno bolje da srede Alep bar i da se onda koncenrisu sange na Idlib i Daaru i Kurde nego da imaju i Alep.

I sada imaju 5-6 mesta (sela, gradova) u kojima mora biti neke vojske, juzno od ovog M15 puta a prateci liniju fronta do jezera.. Kada bi osvojili Deir Hafir, ispravili bi front i sa isto nekoliko sela juzno od samog grada i ovim Al Kabirom, bili bi na istom sto se tice ljudstva za odbranu tog dela teritorije..

Da bi zauzeo Deir Hafir moraju da zuzmu i Rasem El Kroum, Kayarieh,Tall Abu Susah,Rsam Kbar,Rasem Alharmal Alimam,Zaaraya,Am Tennah i jos oko 11 manjih sela jednosavno od toga trenutno nema sanse i povecava se povrsina koju treba da brani SAA to bi ispravilo linije fronta,ali opet je pitanje kako bi SAA to mogla podneti sigruno ima razloga sto je Tigar bas ovde stao.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9437

САА треба да седи у Квеирсу и да мирује.
Сада када Курди крену на Ал Баб ови терористи има да се боре очајнички.
Ко зна можда и изврше неке офанзиве, ипак им је то последњи коридор ка турској, а и онај град Дабик је ту.

Зашто би им САА стајала на пут, нека се кољу колико год могу, ваљда ће попустити притисак на САА око Палмире мало. А и Даер Ер Зор, они настављају да нападају сваке недеље, уопште ми више није јасно одакле им толики људи и зашто их троше.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 19 Avg 2016 23:45

Najbrzi put do devica. Izgleda da Brka ima fabriku devica pa ovi trce tamo.

Dopuna: 19 Avg 2016 23:47

Ko o cemu Teroristi o bolnicama.

Last field hospital in Daraya destroyed over night by Russian/Regime airstrike

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9437

2 #USAF F-22s swoop in w/in 1 mile of 2 Syr Su-24s over #Hasaka to 'encourage" Syr 2 w/draw: US def official.1 day after #SOF move to safety

Ови су луди, ако је ово тачно.
Требали су их срушити, па нек иде живот. Mr. Green

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 20 Avg 2016 1:07

Ima snimak saopstenja,ali na Arapskom pa necu objaviti ako nekog interesuje mogu mu poslati.

Announcement from the Syrian Ministry of Defense about the incidents in al-Hasaka:
The military branch of the "Kurdish Worker's Party" lately escalated their provocative actions in the city of al-Hasaka; where they attacked the government organizations, stole oil and cotton, blocked the national school and universities exams, kidnapped citizens, and spread chaos and fear among civilians.
Their actions reached a dangerous level when they surrounded the city of al-Hassaka and shelled civilian neighborhoods, NDF and military points with artillery and tanks, which resulted in civilian and military casualties.
Despite all the Syrian government attempts to deescalate the situation in the city, and to restore peace, the military branch of the "Kurdish Worker's Party" did not cooperate to any deescalation attempts, and continued their provocative actions and attempted to seize full control over al-Hasaka city; which resulted in retaliation from the Syrian Arab Army by targeting the sources of fire, and the gatherings of those who attacked civilians among them.
The general command of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces stress that the attacks on the Syrian military and Syrian civilians in al-Hasaka came only from the military branch of the "Kurdish Worker's Party" which had no Syrian organization in their ranks; and stress at the same time that the Syrian Arab Armed Forces will counter any attacks or provocative action regardless of where it came from, and with all appropriate force available; yet, will not spare an effort to deescalate the situation, and maintain the unity and safety of the Syrian Arab Republic.
- Damascus, August 19, 2016; the General Command of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces
وزارة الدفاع في الجمهورية العربية السورية
Syrian Arab Army

Dopuna: 20 Avg 2016 1:08

Terrorists’ vehicles and depots destroyed by airstrikes in several areas, army kills scores of terrorists in ‪#‎Homs‬ - SHORT GENERAL UPDATE
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Tens of terrorists were killed and many of their vehicles were destroyed during intensive airstrikes by the ‪#‎Syrian_Air_Force‬ on the dens of the so called “Jaish al-Fateh” and the groups affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra in the countryside of ‪#‎Aleppo‬, ‪#‎Idleb‬, ‪#‎Hama‬ and #Homs, according to a military source.
The source said that the Syrian Air Force carried out during the past 24 hours 46 sorties by bombers and 13 sorties by helicopters on the gatherings of terrorist organizations, destroying two convoys of vehicles on the terrorists’ movement axes between the cities of Idleb and Maaret al-Numan.
In Aleppo countryside, the army’s sorties destroyed a tank, a vehicle loaded with ammunitions and three mortar launchers and killed tens of terrorists in the area surrounding the Military Academies to the south of Aleppo city.
Intensive strikes hit the terrorists’ gatherings in the villages of Darret Ezza and Hamira in Aleppo countryside, destroying weapons and ammunition depots and a den for the leaders of “Jaish al-Fateh” in Tallit Bazo to the south of Aleppo city.
A unit of the Special Task Forces killed five snipers in the area surrounding the Military Academies to the south of Aleppo.
In the eastern countryside of Homs, the Syrian Air Force launched a number of strikes on the gatherings of ISIS to the east of Tadmour (Palmyra) city and the 3rd Station, destroying their hideouts and fortified positions.
To the north of Homs city, the airstrikes destroyed fortified sites and gatherings for Jabhat al-Nusra in the area surrounding al-Ghanto village in Talbisa.
Meanwhile, in the northern countryside of Hama, the source said that 20 terrorists of “Jaish al-Fateh” were killed and many of their vehicles were destroyed in the area surrounding al-Latamina and Lahaya.
An army unit destroyed a number of fortified positions for terrorist organizations south of the Old Customs’ building and Souq al-Hal in Daraa al-Mahatta neighborhood in Daraa city, killing a number of terrorists.
An army unit killed 15 ISIS terrorists and destroys a booby-trapped vehicle and three vehicles equipped with machineguns In Deir Ezzor.
Army units gained control over new areas in the direction of ‪#‎Daraya‬ in Damascus Countryside, restoring 24 buildings, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their weapons and am munitions.
Army and Armed Forces units killed 14 terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Cham terror organizations in a special operation in Talbiseh, al-Rastan, al-Zafarana, and Teir Ma’ala in Homs province’s northern countryside.
SANA reporter in Homs said that an army unit, supported by the Syrian Air Force, carried out a special operation that resulted in killing 14 terrorists including leaders from the aforementioned terrorist organizations.
The reporter said that the dead terrorists from Ahrar al-Cham included Najdat Mansour al-Shmali who was a field leader, Shuja’a Hasan al-Ken, Mustafa Mohammad al-Hussein who was the organization’s “sharia judge” in al-Ghanto area, Fayssal Abdelkafi al-Martto, Farid Abdelsater Othman, Ahmad al-Dali, Fayssal al-Ali, Assem al-Shmali, Hussein Mahmoud al-Qaddad, and Mohammad al-Nu’man.
The reporter added that the dead terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra included Muzid Abdelsater Othman who was a field leader, Mahran Khaled al-Ahdad, and Ra’ed al-Ahdab, in addition to terrorist Abdelrahman aoObaid aka al-Hajwani, who was the leader of al-Ashtar terror group in al-Rastan.
Later, a military source told SANA that an army unit eliminated 27 terrorists and destroyed a training camp for them along with 8 vehicles and 3 rocket launch pads in the surroundings of al-Ghanto village and in Teir Ma’ala, al-Ghasbiye, and Talbiseh in Homs countryside.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9437

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