ISIL obezglavljuje svoje komandire zbog kukavičluka.
Deir Ezzor, Syria (11:55 A.M.) – The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) reportedly executed their commander in the Deir Ezzor Governorate this past weekend, citing his poor performance on the battlefield as one of the reasons for his sudden demise.
komkom ::Jutros na vijestima RTS-a prilog koji me je baš nasmijao, komentar uz vijest da su Turci i islamisti spojili Jarabulus i Al-Rai ide otprilike ovako taj način prekinute su i poslednje linije snabdevanja IS oružjem
...novinara koji je ovo pisao predložiti za nagradu ,jer su Turci uspjeli izvršiti agresiju na Siriju i uz pomoć terorista spriječiti sebe da drugim teroristima prodaju oružje, a od njih da kupuju ukradenu sirijsku naftu ,iako krivica možda i nije na RTS-u, već je vijest preuzeta od nekih zapadno ´demokratskih ´agencija
Tuga od novinarstva, jos veca tuga od poltronstva zapadu.
SAA napreduje u I. Guti zauzeta još jedna baza.
Damascus, Syria (9:40 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard, backed by the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA), launched a new assault in the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus, targeting the strategic Signal Base that is under Jaysh Al-Islam’s (Army of Islam) control.
The Republican Guard and their allies managed to enter the southern corridor of the East Ghouta Signal Base after a fierce battle with the Jaysh Al-Islam militants this afternoon.
According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Damascus City, the Syrian Armed Forces suffered 5 casualties (2 killed and 3 wounded) during the assault, while also killing 9 Jaysh Al-Islam militants.