Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3634

babaroga ::Evo i Francuza. Izgleda oce da jeftino kupe koji poen od muslimanske populacije, pa ajde, udri po Rusiji.

Rade na rezoluciji SB o prekidu vatre u Alepu, koja bi ukljucivala glavu 7 (upotrebu sile).

Kazu da ce oni koji ne budu glasali za njihovu rezoluciju biti "saucesnici u ratnom zlocinu"

Ovaj zapad je totalno ostao bez kompasa. Da li oni stvarno misle da mogu pretnjama da nesto urade sa rusima ?


Французи још жале за пропалим колонијалним царством...нико их више не зарезује 1%,сопствена држава им изгледа као Џибути,Обала Слоноваче,Габон и сл.
Некада се овако појаве да као некоме нешто "запрете",ваљда их то сећа на славне дане кад су жарили и палили по целом свету уз Енглезе и остале "просвећене" и "моралне",строго водећи рачуна о цивилима и обичајима ратовања...!По томе су познати!!! Mr. Green

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492


Handarat camp izgleda zaista zauzet.

Sada treba sačekat, da vidimo šta su naumili ovi od SAA, ili nastupanje ili "rezervne pozicije".

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 8865
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

Konasenko: Cak i naznake pretnji nasim vojnicima i gradjanima moraju da prestanu, ako ce dijalog sa US o siriji da se nastavi. Nema pogadjanja kad je u pitnju sigurnost ruskih gradjana ma gdje oni bili.


Uuuh, ovo sam previdio: Komentarisuci Kirbijevu izjavu da ce se rusi vracati iz Sirije u mrtvackim vrecama, Konasenko kaze:

"Rusija dobro zna gdje se u Siriji, ukljucujuci Alepo, nalaze "prikriveni specijalisti" koji rade na operativnom planiranju i komandovanju teroristickih operacija, i koliko ih ima. Bude li ikakvih pokusaja da se pretnje Rusiji i ruskim vojnicima u Siriji ostvare, "militants" se mogu naci u situaciji da im fali vreca za mrtve kao i vremena da pobjegnu."

Otvoreno im je rekao da ce odgovoriti po amerikancima u Siriji ako nesto pokusaju.

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

renoje2 ::https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Syrian_Civil_War_detailed_map

Handarat camp izgleda zaista zauzet.

Sada treba sačekat, da vidimo šta su naumili ovi od SAA, ili nastupanje ili "rezervne pozicije".

prije ili kasnije će ga i zadržati.
slično je bilo i s onim Mallah livadama, ali sada ih ipak čvrsto drže već duže vrijeme.

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 8865
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

stalker ::
Французи још жале за пропалим колонијалним царством...нико их више не зарезује 1%,сопствена држава им изгледа као Џибути,Обала Слоноваче,Габон и сл.
Некада се овако појаве да као некоме нешто "запрете",.....

Pa nasli na Ruse da dizu patku GUZ - Glavom U Zid

  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

slonic_tonic ::renoje2 ::https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Syrian_Civil_War_detailed_map

Handarat camp izgleda zaista zauzet.

Sada treba sačekat, da vidimo šta su naumili ovi od SAA, ili nastupanje ili "rezervne pozicije".

prije ili kasnije će ga i zadržati.
slično je bilo i s onim Mallah livadama, ali sada ih ipak čvrsto drže već duže vrijeme.

Gledam sada mapu, pa primetim, pa ljudi moji, Alepo je za umjerene koljače sve manji.

Još jeno dva tri premirja, i Alepo če pasti.

"Despite the uplifting news in northern Aleppo for the Syrian government and their supporters, they need to quickly secure the Shaqayf District and nearby Kindi Hospital in order to maintain control over the Handarat Refugee Camp."

SAA trba sada zauzet još Shaqayf District and nearby Kindi Hospital, inače opet povlačenje.

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3634

babaroga ::stalker ::
Французи још жале за пропалим колонијалним царством...нико их више не зарезује 1%,сопствена држава им изгледа као Џибути,Обала Слоноваче,Габон и сл.
Некада се овако појаве да као некоме нешто "запрете",.....

Pa nasli na Ruse da dizu patku GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Дизање патке на Русе је већ традиција на западу 1000 година...Од Швеђана,Финаца,Немаца,Француза,Енглеза и бога питај још кога све...

Него занесу се,па обавезно добију по гузи...ваљда зато сад и праве оне силне "параде" по Бечу,Берлину,Паризу.... Mr. Green
Милији им пораз од победе! Cool
Може се рећи да су "ПОНОСНИ" на пораз!Зато парада...

Laughing Laughing Laughing

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9437

Кад се сетим овога, ништа ми ту није чудно.
И Чарли се нашао у чуду.

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

slonic_tonic ::mene nisi, nisam ja još u toj kategoriji Very Happy

htio sam reći, 40-godišnjaci još uvijek imaju vrhunske psihofizičke i kognitivne sposobnosti.

nego, mi smo ovdje na Balkanu svi uglavnom stare nacije (čitaj: loši hebači)
Prosječna dob 42-43 godine.
Mnogi su još sa 35 godina "djeca". Roditelji ih hrane, oblače i kupuju im playstatione, da imaju šta raditi dok se odmaraju od "traženja posla", plaćaju im izlazske, ne bi li se oženili/udali.

drugačija je percepcija u zemljama gdje je prosječna dob 18 godina, a drugačija kod nas. Ne može netko od 40 biti star, kad je prosječan od 43.

Kada bih birao sebe sa 18 kad sam sluzio vojsku i sada sa 39 ,tu ne bi bilo tesko izabrati ovo drugo. Covek je mnogo zreliji ,racionalniji ,pragmaticniji ,zna da se cuva,a ne mos tako lako da ga oteras sa prve linije ,pre bi poginuo nego da pobegne...bar ja tako mislim...a mislim da je vecina mojih vrsnjaka i starijih u tom fazonu...
Pre bih izabrao da vodim vod 40 snjaka nego ovih od 18 ..iskreno..

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9437

‘Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags’: US warns Moscow if Syria violence goes on
Citat:Unless Russia “stops the violence” in Syria, extremists would “exploit the vacuum” to attack Russian interests and even cities, the US State Department has said.

“Extremist groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which could include attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities. Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags, and will continue to lose resources, perhaps even aircraft,” John Kirby, the State Department's spokesperson, told reporters at Wednesday's press briefing.

If the war continues “more Russian lives will be lost, more Russian aircraft will be shot down,” Kirby said.

Early on Wednesday, US Secretary of State John Kerry threatened to end all cooperation between the United States and Russia to stop Syria’s civil war, unless Moscow and Damascus ended the current attack on East Aleppo.

“We are working through steps that we might have to take to begin to suspend our engagement with Russia on Syria. We haven’t taken those steps yet,” said Kirby. “The message to the [Russian] Foreign Minister today was that we are perfectly willing and able to move forward on those steps that would end with the suspension of US-Russia bi-lateral engagement in Syria.”


Још хистерије...
Putin is making a mistake in Syria — and Russia will pay the price
Citat:One of Vice President Biden’s favorite sayings on foreign policy is to never tell another man or woman what’s in his or her interest. I heard him repeat the saying many times while I was working on Middle East policy in the White House. But when it comes to Russia’s recent actions in Syria, I believe the rule needs to be broken. Russian President Vladimir Putin may fancy himself a master strategist, but in Syria he is making a mistake that will come back to haunt him — and Russia — for a long time to come

With the Sept. 12 U.S.-Russia cease-fire agreement, the Obama administration offered Putin a way forward that from a Russian perspective could only have been described as a clean win. If fully implemented, the agreement would have prevented regime change in Damascus — a major Putin redline — for the foreseeable future; boosted Russia’s position as a major power in the Middle East; facilitated military and intelligence cooperation with the United States against terrorist groups; diminished a costly conflict; and secured Russia’s Mediterranean base. From Moscow’s perspective, that would not be a bad day’s work. By supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the merciless bombardment of Aleppo, Russia is destroying the cease-fire agreement. In so doing, Putin is imposing serious costs not only on defenseless Syrians, but on Russia itself.
That said, a good-faith effort to implement the deal would have offered Russia a better way forward than the one they appear to have chosen, for several reasons:

- First, Russia and Assad cannot win, even with a massive bombing campaign. After five years of war and the loss of more than 100,000 soldiers and militia fighters, the regime simply does not have the manpower to take and hold territory in all of Syria. Even after all the killing and displacement, Syria remains a majority Sunni country, and many of them will continue to fight against the regime backed and armed by Saudis, Turks, Qataris. As Putin helps flatten Aleppo, he may be thinking about Chechnya, the Russian republic he repressed with equally brutal force in 1999. But he may be better off thinking about the Russian experience in Afghanistan. Putin’s widespread massacres of civilians in Syria could very well result in terrorist attacks against Russia by Muslims outraged by Russia’s actions.
- Second, Russia could pay a price for Aleppo in its relations with Europe and the Arab world. The Russian economy is already suffering badly as a result of record-low oil prices, Western sanctions, and costly military interventions in Ukraine and Syria. Now, whatever prospects there were for the lifting of European sanctions or the expansion of Russian energy cooperation with Europe or Saudi Arabia will be greatly diminished, ensuring continued Russian economic pain. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council countries should consider their own economic sanctions on Russia to raise the costs and make clear their displeasure.

- Third, Putin will now have to consider the response from the United States. It is no secret that the Obama administration has been determined to avoid any escalation in Syria that could lead to the direct use of U.S. military force. But Washington has been supporting the anti-Assad opposition in various ways, and may now — faced with humiliation and few other options — consider additions to that assistance that will increase costs on Russia. Arming the opposition with shoulder-fired missiles capable of hitting Russian and Syrian planes over Aleppo is among the options.

The posture of the next administration is also important to consider. In the more likely scenario that Hillary Clinton becomes the next U.S. president, Putin could be facing a U.S. leader who has long supported a no-fly zone in Syria and robust support for the opposition, has expressed skepticism about Russia’s intentions in Syria, and will be looking to more clearly reassert American leadership in the Middle East.

babaroga ::Konasenko: Cak i naznake pretnji nasim vojnicima i gradjanima moraju da prestanu, ako ce dijalog sa US o siriji da se nastavi. Nema pogadjanja kad je u pitnju sigurnost ruskih gradjana ma gdje oni bili.
Uuuh, ovo sam previdio: Komentarisuci Kirbijevu izjavu da ce se rusi vracati iz Sirije u mrtvackim vrecama, Konasenko kaze:
"Rusija dobro zna gdje se u Siriji, ukljucujuci Alepo, nalaze "prikriveni specijalisti" koji rade na operativnom planiranju i komandovanju teroristickih operacija, i koliko ih ima. Bude li ikakvih pokusaja da se pretnje Rusiji i ruskim vojnicima u Siriji ostvare, "militants" se mogu naci u situaciji da im fali vreca za mrtve kao i vremena da pobjegnu."
Otvoreno im je rekao da ce odgovoriti po amerikancima u Siriji ako nesto pokusaju.

"Rear admiral turned Department of State spokesman John Kirby, I am certain, is well aware of the after-effects of his statement. His words are the most frank confession by the US side so far the whole ‘opposition’ ostensibly fighting a civil war in Syria is a US-controlled international terrorist alliance," Konashenkov said.

"What makes Kirby’s statement particularly shocking is that the scale of direct US influence on terrorists’ activity is global. That it reaches as far as Russia. The mask comes off, doesn’t it, sirs?" Konashenkov asked.

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