Sad nadjoh prepirku izmedju britancskog i kineskog ambasadora u UN nakon jucerasnjeg kineskog veta.
Otprlike mu je kinez rekao da prestane da izvrce pozicije drugih zemalja. Zahtvao je da prestane da truje atmosferu na SB i naglasio da ovo nije prvi put da britanac zloupotrebljava forum Savjeta Bezbjednosti.
Citat:“I would like to request the UK representative to put an end to such practice of poisoning the atmosphere of the Security Council and abusing the solemn forum of the Council. This is not the first time that he did this, and I hope that such actions will not be repeated in the future.”
Rojters priznaje poraz Amerike i pobjedu Rusije u Siriji.
samo nekoliko citata, sve neimenovani izvori iz administracije:
Citat:"Who won? Putin, the Iranians and Assad. Who lost? We did, and Jordan (where the CIA trained and armed moderate rebels), especially. The Saudis and Gulf states," said one U.S. official, who like others who spoke to Reuters, requested anonymity.
Citat:"Aleppo falls, but the war goes on," said the first U.S. official.
"The guys who are going to get out are going to fight guerrilla-style. They are going to join Nusra ... the Arabs are going to continue to fund the opposition," said the U.S. official. "They are not going to forget about it just because we have."
Bio je to - nakon dva tjedna obrambenih borbi, gubitaka i povlačenja - pokušaj kontranapada na pozicije sirijske vojske u dijelovima Alepa Al-Mejsaru, Al-Katerdžiju i Zabadiji.
Zapravo, prvo su udarili na zabadaju, ali nisu uspjeli probiti, unatoč velikim gubicima.
Potom su pokušali s Al-Mejsarom i Al-Katardži, ali opet nisu prošli.
TASS danas objavljuje tekst Turskog premijera Yildirima u kome se on obraca ruskoj publici i govori o odnosima sa Rusijom.
O pucu i odnosima sa Rusijom:
Citat:Russia was among the first to offer us its support as the coup attempt unfolded, following a difficult period in our relations. This won’t be forgotten in Turkey. But that is not the only reason why the full normalization of relations between Turkey and Russia is our goal. Our countries have many overlapping interests. Prime amongst those is stronger international cooperation in fighting all forms of terrorism. We also need to find new concepts that can provide political stability in the region.
Jel su lose vesti zabranjene ili ?
ne vidim zasto vest o gubitku tenka u D i Z nije relevantna, buduci da je SAA tamo opkoljena vec 19 meseci, sto znaci da im je svaki tenk zlata vredan ?
Rebelsi vec 3 dana bombarduju Fuu/Kafraju, Nubl/Zahru i Zapadni Alepo sa GRAD vbr: