Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 1408

Rusi nece ucestvovati kopneno u napadu na Palmiru. Vrlo verovatno da ce istovremeno napasti i Raku i Palmiru. Rusi na Raku a sirijci na Palmiru.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 28 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 1118

powSrb ::
Заборави да постоји ова адреса - http://fakti.rs/

Pratim (ne od pocetka rata) i ovaj forum i ostale poznate izvore pa bas pomislih isto - ove nase medije treba totalno preskociti. Mozda u okruzenju advance.hr djeluje nesto pouzdaniji/informisaniji ?

Inace, sta mislite koliko ovo jos moze potrajati, ako se Amerikanci ne ukljuce ozbiljnije u sukob? Mislim na ciscenje Sirije. I da li ima svrhe ici na Idlib, bojim se da bi tu mogli dugo zaglaviti?

  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

dozorni ::Rusi nece ucestvovati kopneno u napadu na Palmiru. Vrlo verovatno da ce istovremeno napasti i Raku i Palmiru. Rusi na Raku a sirijci na Palmiru.

Ja mislim, da je sada na redu Palmira, onda Dez, u prvoj fazi. I one enklave, istočna Ghouta. Pa Morek, Marat al numan, .....

Raka, možda če ruje bacit koju bombu al da bi SAA se trošila u tom momentu na Raqi, nije mi jasno zašto.

U Raki neče biti zelenih avtobusa, biče to Mosul u reprizi...puno ludih samoubica.............. nije mi jasno, zašto ne bi dali Raku na izvolte Kurdom ili Amerikancem a SAA uzme Dez, Palmiru, i sva naftna polja tamo.

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2015
  • Poruke: 3003


U jebote, na 0:13 proleti RB ili POVR pored kamioneta...

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

Što se dogodilo u Palmiri?


www.logicno.com je Nikola Babić, tj. bivši altermainstreaminfo.com, koji se tako više ne zove.

  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 2467

dozorni ::Rusi nece ucestvovati kopneno u napadu na Palmiru. Vrlo verovatno da ce istovremeno napasti i Raku i Palmiru. Rusi na Raku a sirijci na Palmiru.

Tesko da ce iko od SAA i saveznika dirati Raku jer je najidealnija situacija za njih da se Kurdi i crni teroristi kolju i iscrpljuju dok SAA resava zelene teroriste . Nisu crni teroristi bas gomila budala koji samo arlaucu , seku glave i prodaju ljude u roblje. To su ratnici koji su unistili i zarobili vise USA tehnike nego bilo ko drugi od Vijetnama na ovamo i neka se iscrpljuju sa Kurdima pa ce SAA doci na kraju da stavi tacku na njih i da dogovori neku autonomiju sa oslabljenim Kurdima . Plus Rusima prilika da jos neko vreme podjebavaju zapadne partnere " kako Mosul , kako Raka ... " a nama prilika da gledamo abramse kako gore , F-16 kako padaju , unistene kolone hamera ...

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Само да узму десну страну Еуфрата када дође време. А све источно нека оставе и Рака је са те тамо стране.

  • Pridružio: 24 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3098
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

powSrb ::Napisano: 12 Dec 2016 22:48

САА булдожер или нешто слично у Гути. Видите камере. Laughing
Ово ни 3 това неће пробити. Челични штит па 3 метра иза нови штит.

Deluje kao da je namagnetisani buldožer prošao kroz neki auto otpad.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34904

powSrb ::

Podseti me slika na ovu iz 99

Kenanjoz saberi sve tri teme o Siriji pa vidi koliko strana ima. Mr. Green

Армия завершает освобождение Алеппо, жители празднуют победу

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Napisano: 13 Dec 2016 1:58

Само што је Сирија имала срећу да има слободно небо. А сад има помоћ и светске силе(Русија) са тог неба која бомбардује њене противнике а не њу.

#Syria #Homs #Easternhoms 16 #SAA Special Forces arrived at T4 Airport they were still fighting @ cliffs of #Mahr 4 days after it fell.

1-#Aleppo Recap: It was July 22, 2012 when armed men penetrated from surrounding villages and took over what later became known as E #Aleppo

2-If this was any other country in the world, public opinion would have been alarmed about armed groups shooting their way into such a city

3-But this was not any other country. Barely a year into the crisis but public opinion had no problem white washing what had just happened

4-Those who threw their support behind the "rebels" never imagined how they would feel if armed groups took over neighberhoods they live in

5-Never once did fans of these "rebels" see that they were implicitly supporting lawlessness and anarchy against civilians

6-Since the very beginning, water was cut off by the rebels on the entire city. Barely anyone said a word. Most ignored & looked other way

7-Throughout #Aleppo ordeal, residents in what became known as Western part wondered why #Damascus refused to respond to armed groups

8-#Aleppo residents began 2 wonder if #Damascus was really committed to their city as the case was with places like #Homs #latakia #Damascus

9-When Idlib fell in march 2015, those fears intensified. It was then that migration to EU hit a peak with many fearing #Aleppo was next

10-Not once during past 4 years,had #Damascus thought of "letting #Aleppo go" in spite of numerous such recommendations from various corners

11-Instead of "letting #Aleppo go", #Damascus offered De Mistura an important freeze deal early 2015. The armed groups rejected immediately

12-While many extrapolated fall of regime from fall of idlib, #Damascus was already starting to shift military assets to #Aleppo theater

13-Against most odds and in spite tremendous logistical challenges, the #Aleppo city operation seems over. This still leaves the reef next

14-Wars are unpredictable. There are still many chapters in this particular war and more importantly many open fronts for #SyrianArmy STILL



Syrian Army Set for Victory in Aleppo

Citat:Led by a force of approximately 26,000 soldiers consisting of the notorious 'Tiger Forces' & contingents of other elite units including the 'Desert Hawks' & elements of Hezbollah and foreign allies ( Russian Special forces, Iranian & iraqi units); the SAA has penetrated deep into rebel heartland across East Aleppo, capitalising on a breach in defences in Hanano. This has led to a domino effect in relation to the fall of districts and the eventual capture of 95% of Eastern Aleppo and the mass evacuation of civilians.

Following the rapid collapse of rebel defences across their East Aleppo pocket last week, the SAA has finally delivered their most significant blow yet by capturing the strategic district of Sheikh Saeed, denting any rebel hopes of holding out against the SAA onslaught.

Backed by vigorous SyAF (Syrian Air-Force) & RuAF ( Russian Air-Force) air strikes, alongside a wide array of state of the art weaponry including the T-90 Russian battle tank, the SAA was successfully able to pin down entrenched rebel units in Eastern Aleppo. Opposition units were/are in a dire need of heavy, anti-tank weaponry, which has played a big factor in their consecutive defeats within Aleppo. Their inability to consistently take out SAA tanks has resulted in countless occasions of their positions being overrun.

Internal struggle has also been a large factor in the collapse of lines. We were told many commanders either fled or sold out to the SAA leaving entire groups of rebels without leadership. The clash between extremist groups and somewhat moderate groups also led to inconsistencies along the front line promoting instability and vulnerability as they shift their focus from the SAA to each other.

Rebel sources close to us claim their foreign backers let them down. They proceeded to insult Ahrar al Sham & other rebel groups for 'betraying the revolution' and leaving for Jarabulus 'for money'. They consider Aleppo 'lost' and proceeded to apologise to its people for their defeat. They also mentioned their anguish over the SAA's taking of all their stockpiles of weapons and other resources, questioning why they weren't burnt before capture.

The end of the Aleppo campaign will free up to 25,000+ soldiers in the SAA. The question now asked is where they will target next. With the timely fall of Palmyra and its surroundings, and the apparent visit of Suheil Hassan to the T4 airbase, rumours continue to circulate that Palmyra is next.

The rapid SAA blitz has resulted in the surrender of approximately 2100 rebels since the offensive initiated and the evacuation of nearly 90,000 civilians. The streets of Western Aleppo are packed with thousand sof people celebrating the 'liberation'of Aleppo city. Fireworks light up the night sky and the constant sound of celebratory gunfire can be heard in the distance.

The remaining rebel held areas are expected to fall in the coming hours.

Losses from the start of operations to take Aleppo, although hard to record, look like this:

SAA & Allies:
- 96 KIA
- 200 WIA
- 4 tanks
- 2-3 heavy armoured vehicles
- 4 drones
- 186 KIA
- 340+ WIA
- 2000+ surrendered
- 400+ relocated.
- 30+ captured
- 13 technicals
- 2 heavy armoured vehicles
- Several drones

САА изгубила више у Палмири него у овој борби за Алепо, али добро.

Dopuna: 13 Dec 2016 2:13

Изгледа да терористи хоће напоље а САА неће да их пусти. Laughing

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