Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • safra 
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 26 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 304
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

babaroga ::
Legitimitet je opste dobro, vlasnistvo svih,

Ja ne vjerujem šta ti pišeš
Nego neću da idem u off.
Da nam oće otvorit jednu temu da guslamo o ovim stvarima Zagrljaj

na temu:

zanimljivo je ovo pisanje britanskih medija i poređenju Gavrila Principa sa ovim Melvutom
A još zanimljivije je što ovaj ruski zvaničnik optužuje obavještajne službe "nekih NATO" zemalja.
A još još zanimljivije je što Turska i Rusija spremaju zajedničke akcije protiv terorista.

Biće odmazde biće napeto

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

Aleppo24 ‏@24Aleppo 12m

Buses keep coming from #Aleppo, next convoy should be the last one of evacuation.

Polako se evakuacija blizi završetku.

Bar tako ovaj na twiteru.

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

safra ::
Da nam oće otvorit jednu temu da guslamo o ovim stvarima Zagrljaj

Da rasteretimo temu, slažem se sa idejom. Tema je otvorena ovde:


  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Citat:#SDF forces captured Bir az Zabad, At Tuwayhinah, Khirbat Tawi and Abu as Sakhrah from #ISIS

  • Pridružio: 28 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 1118

Slabo nesto desavanja na frontu, osim ovih SDF koji kao nesto napreduju. Da li kod njih uopste ima borbi? SAA svuda krv propisa kad nesto oslobadja a cini se da ovi idu kao kroz sir. Gledao sam nesto slika mrtvih kozojeba, ali sve je to nesto sitno.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

ИД се повлачи, знају да немају шансе по овим пољима. Заузеће они позивије за одбрану где им одговара. Тако је и САА ишла ка Табки па после 100 колиметара колапс. Исто овако су и ка Манбиџу ишли, па се клаше 2 месеца за град.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

У преводу, где би зелени могли да нападну ако САА крене на ИД.

What Next for Rebels in Syria?

Citat:It's been quite a rough year for rebels in comparison to 2015. A series of significant military setbacks have placed them in an uncertain situation heading into 2017. The sudden collapse of Eastern Aleppo is a testament to the deteriorating situation the rebels have found themselves in after 5 years of ruthless, civil war.

What Next for Rebels in Syria?
December 20, 2016

It's been quite a rough year for rebels in comparison to 2015. A series of significant military setbacks have placed them in an uncertain situation heading into 2017. The sudden collapse of Eastern Aleppo is a testament to the deteriorating situation the rebels have found themselves in after 5 years of ruthless, civil war.

Setbacks extend over the entirety of Syria, the fall of pockets right across Damascus' countryside, including Daraya & Khan Al Shih and the loss of approximately 40% of Eastern Ghouta, the two failed military campaigns to break the siege of Eastern Aleppo leading to devastating losses, inability to advance in Qunetria/Southern Syria, reversal of advances in Northern Hama and loss of ground in Latakia's countryside.

It wasn't all grim for rebels in Syria as they were able to make significant advances in Northern Aleppo and are on the cusp of capturing the strategic town of 'Al'Bab'. Advances were also clocked in around southern Aleppo with the recapture of 'Al Eiss' and several surrounding villages endangering the local SAA stronghold of 'Al- Hadher'.

Furthermore, rebels have also struggled on a political scale as key backers such as Turkey have slowed down their support. Turkey's attempts to mend ties with Russia has subsequently led to the downscaling of support to rebels in the Idlib province and the relocation of many fighters from Idlib to Northern Aleppo, harming preparations to launch large offensives on Aleppo and Hama. Other low-scale backers such as Egypt and even Jordan are now beginning to lean towards the government's side which isn't positive news in the eyes of the opposition.

Following a relatively unsuccessful year, capped off with the loss of Aleppo, one can't be faulted in wondering how they could turn it all around in 2017 and kick-start efforts to once again, topple the government.

They have several options:

Option 1 - Hama
Hama in itself has always been a fairly anti-government city even as it has managed to escape the clutches of war or any serious uprising. This statement can be backed by the city's attempted uprising in 1982 which led to, what many describe as a 'massacre', creating local hatred towards the government and an embedded Islamist community which rebels could easily capitalise on. A successful rebel assault on the city would be free thousands of potential reserves which could be utilised to launched offensives elsewhere. This possibility is not too far off as a half-hearted rebel assault earlier this year saw them (zabranjeno) exposed government lines and capture several large towns such as 'Halfaya' and 'Taybat Imam'. A large, concentrated assault on the city could prove to be successful in the not so distant future.

Option 2 - Khansser route

A short term objective which can be easily met would be the cutting of the only route in Aleppo city, the 'Khansser' road. The road is long and vulnerable to sudden attacks as seen various times last year when rebel factions & ISIS were able to successfully cut off the route, causing the government to frantically counter attack, successfully distracting them from other front-lines and inflicting serious losses. A new, larger assault that can hold ground for a long amount of time would subsequently place Aleppo under siege.

Option 3 - Latakia[

An area hostile to Warplanes and heavy armoured vehicles, Latakia's countryside is an area where (If focused on) rebels are able to thrive. Small blitz campaigns ignited by rebels in Latakia has seen a lot of success over the last year as they have been able to easily overrun fixed SAA positions and avoid serious airstrikes. Dense forest also hinders the defender's ability to see advancing troops which would play in favour of the rebels. A large push in Latakia would threaten what many call the 'government's heartland', which is bound to trigger a large response by the SAA, distracting them from other fronts.

Option 4 - Aleppo

Although many believe that another military campaign in Aleppo is plain suicide and borderline foolish, at least for the short term, an attack from two fronts may prove to be devastating for SAA forces. The Syrian Army's elite units stationed in Aleppo are expected to leave shortly, to be replaced with unreliable units (usually conscripts or foreign militias) which are prone to collapse. Simultaneous assaults from the North (Euphrates Shield forces) and from the west (Idlib factions) may prove to be decisive.

Option 5 - Southern Syria

Although remaining suspiciously dormant over the last year (excluding sporadic clashes with government forces near the abandoned battalion), Southern Syria is the perfect place for rebels to kick start a comeback in the conflict. A sudden, large scaled assault on government positions would almost certainly catch the SAA by surprise, potentially leading to a wide collapse in defence lines and devastating losses for the SAA. The momentum could then be used to make a push towards Damascus, the capital of Syria.

It's not an impossible task for rebels to bounce back and shift the tide of the war bakc in their favour however they will need to play their cards right with the right timing. 2017 will be a deciding year for the Syrian civil war, its make or break for all sides.


  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

backobaculoni ::Atentat je bilo moguce izvrsiti ranije, ali bilo je potrebno da kamere sve snime. Ovaj atentat je satisfakcija turskom narodu za manju dobit od ocekivane u Siriji. Ako nije postojao dogovor odredjenih "organa" izmedju drzava oko ovoga, onda ce se stvarii nakon ovoga odvijati kao da dogovor jeste postojao. Tu ne mislim na igre za javnost i medije...

backobaculoni interesuje me kako si se ranije zvao na forumu. Bilo je već genijalaca kao ti. Pretpostavljam da ti je ovo već drugi, možda treći nalog.
Tvoje gluposti ne treba ni komentarisati to što ti radiš to nije ni trolovanje.
Nego da se vratim na temu. Ubistvo ruskog ambasadora jeste direktno povezano sa Sirijom i ne može se posmatrati odvojeno. Jasno je i zašto se ni jedna od terorističkih grupa ne pretrže da se pohvali da je ona to uradila jer bi sama sebe proglasila terorističkom organizacijom. Po bilo kom međunarodnom pravu ubistvo ambasadora je teoristički akt i tu nema šta da se raspravlja a iza ovog ubistva stoji od nekih grupa povezanih sa zapadom to je više nego sigurno. Ono što je pitanje to je šta su hteli sa tim da postignu pre svega njihovi nalogodavci. Možemo samo da nagađamo jer u načelu sam atentat ide u prilog i Rusima i Erdoganu pre svega da se obračunaju sa preostalim američkim ljudima u turskim službama bezbednosti. To odgovara i jednima i drugima doduše iz različitih razloga. Ako uzmemo u obzir i napad u Nemačkoj koji takođe izuzetno odgovara Rusima ja se ne bi iznenadio da zapadni MS mediji sledećih dana krenu sa pričom da su i jedno i drugo organizovali Rusi.
Što se tiče same Sirije ubistvo ambasadora će Rusima omogućiti slobonije istrebljivanje pro zapadnih terorista a otežati Erdoganovu podršku njima.

  • Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 15334

Ко је овај лудак који мисли да ће Турци да нападну сиријске снаге у Алепу?
Ова ”анализа” више спада у фантазије шта треба да се деси да Асад не победи у Сирији.

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

powSrb ::У преводу, где би зелени могли да нападну ако САА крене на ИД.

What Next for Rebels in Syria?


Veću glupost odavno nisam pročitao ovo kao da je pisao backobaculoni.

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