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- Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
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Napisano: 16 Feb 2016 2:58
Shajlok ::Osvajanje gradova(Alepo konkretno) je toliko zaebano,tesko a cena je najcesce prevelika da to po meni ni ne treba raditi .Najbolje bi bilo primeniti osmanlijsku taktiku osvajanja Vizantije opkolis drzis totalnu opsadu i ne upustas se u borbu a sa glavninom snaga produzis dalje.
Alep ne mozes tako da oslobodis jer veci deo Alepa ako racunimo i industrisku zonu koja se naslanja na grad je upravo u rukama SAA tako da ne mozese da zatvorsis kao turciji Viznatiju,a drugo uvek ce biti dosvaljnja bar hrane pogotov sada kako su aktivirani pregovori,trece Kurdi su tu,a sa njima covek nije nikada nacisto. Jedini nacin je da zatvoris ovaj klin i da SAA krene da udara sa svih stran po malo da ovi trose municiju.
Drugi nacin je da se zatvori obruc da se preko pregvora u Zenevi dogovore da se povuku iz Alepa,jer ne verujem da ce se tek tako povuci iz najveceg Sirijskog grada jer im onda ostaje samo idlib kao vec grad koji drze,daj Boze da gresim.
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:03
Shajlok ::Tvoje pisanje je totalno kontradiktorno,pogotovu jos kad ubaci ovu katastrofu od mkd akcije.
Sta je kotradiktorno,ajde objasni mi molim te?
Lepo sam napisao gde su normalni Suniti tj ne radikalni tu nastupa SAA sa mesovitim sastavom.
Gde su radikalni Suniti tu nastupaju Siiti.
U cemu je kotradiktorno,ako ja treba posle 5 godina rata da pisem sve i navodim primera za svuku konstataciju,objasnavam ko su umereni tj normalni Suniti,a koji su radikalni,e to mi ne pada napamet?
Novi clanovi imaju temu od 3000 strana pa nek cetaju tu ima 30 000 postova pa gospodo bacite se na posao,svaka cas onima koji su pratili.
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:13
#SAA units captured Rouaysset AlJalta , AlQarem land and Point 665 in the northern countryside of #Lattakia. #Syria
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:14
President al-#Assad: Popular organizations are the bridge between #government and society, solution to crisis would be through national #reconciliations and committing to constitution
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Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:17
#SAA & Allies advancing towards town of Ahrass, E of Maskan ,while SAA artillery shelling terrorist positions in the town.N Aleppo CS #Syria
#SAA units start a military operation from the E of Tamourah towards #Anadan in the northern countryside of #Aleppo. #Syria
#SAA units advancing towards the village of balalah which is 2km west of Kinssaba. N Lattakia CS
The Syrian Army imposed control on Jerjes Hill,Telal AlHumour,and the town of Balalah SW of Kinssaba in the N countryside of Lattakia.#Syria
#SAA have taken control of Al-Rawabi hills SW of Al-Qayatayn after clashes with #IS militants
#SAA taking control of Misqan & Ahras in north #Aleppo countryside today
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The army air force destroys ISIS vehicles in Deir Ezzor
#Deir_Ezzor, SANA- The Syrian army inflicted heavy losses on ISIS terrorists in personnel and equipment in air strikes in Deir Ezzor countryside during the past 24 hours, military source told SANA on Monday.
The Syrian air strikes targeted ISIS hideouts and hotbeds in al-Bagheiliya village, 6km west of Deir Ezzor city, destroying a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns.
The army air force destroyed ISIS vehicles and gatherings in al-Mrei'eiyeh village and west of Deir Ezzor military airport.
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:18
The Syrian army air force destroys ISIS positions
and vehicles in Homs Countryside
#Homs, #SANA- The Syrian army air force last night
and on Monday morning carried out strikes against positions and vehicles of ISIS terrorists and other Takfiri organizations in the countryside of Homs province.
A military source told SANA that the army air
force destroyed positions and vehicles belonging to ISIS terrorists in the villages of al-Rik, Abu Tirraha and Unq al-Hawa.
The source added that ISIS terrorists suffered
heavy losses in personnel and equipment in airstrikes carried out by the army air force against their hotbeds and positions in Palmyra City, al-Kassarat area and al-Qaryatain village in
the eastern and southeastern countryside of the province.
In the northern countryside, the army air force
destroyed positions and vehicles of ISIS terrorists in intensive bombardments against their
fortifications and gatherings to the east of al-Ghantou village and Um al-Rish village.
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:20
Maj. Gen.Soleimani: Martyrdom "is something I have climbed mountains & crossed plains to find"
At a "pro-regime" rally, even young westernized women in makeup pledge to be “soldiers” of Soleimani.
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:21
The army restores security to more areas in Aleppo, Lattakia and Homs, kills over 100 ISIS terrorists in Deir Ezzor
14 February، 2016
An increasing number of terrorists have been killed in precise and pinpoint operations carried out by the army units and the air force in various areas across the country.
Army units, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, restored security and stability to the villages of Barrouma, Mazyan and Rweiset Hmeiroush in the northern countryside of Lattakia province, a military source announced on Sunday.
Meanwhile, units of the army also restored security and stability to villages of Majdal Kikhia, Sheikh Mustafa, Sheikh Ayoub and Ayn al-Ghazal in addition to the strategic points 679, 466 and 448 in Lattakia northern countryside.
The source described the operations carried out in those areas as “intensive, precise and swift” in which special tactics for mountainous and wooded areas were used.
Engineering units dismantled a number of explosive devices and mines which the terrorists had earlier planted among houses and at the villages’ entrances, the source said, noting that a number of terrorists were killed in the operations and the rest fled toward areas on the Turkish border.
In the same context, the army’s air force targeted vehicles and positions of terrorists, killing many of them, in Rweiset al-Malek, Dahret Ard al-Ghadr, Rweiset Wata al-Sendian, Rweiset al-Jouz, Nahshaba, al-Zweiqat, al-Sheikh Abdulla, al-Rweiseh Mountain, Abu Ali Mountain, al-Baidaa and Ard Qartab valley in the northeastern countryside of Lattakia.
In the same context, army units, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, established control over a number of strategic hills northeast of Mahassa in the southeastern countryside of Homs.
In the meantime, over the past 24 hours, the army’s air force carried out sorties against positions and gatherings of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and other Takfiri organizations in the northern countryside of the province.
The terrorists suffered heavy losses, with 6 of their positions getting destroyed in Teir Maala, Talbiseh and al-Rastan area.
A number of vehicles, some equipped with machine gun, and a rocket launching pad were destroyed in Ein Hussein village.
Army units destroyed a rocket launcher and three vehicles for ISIS terrorists in the eastern countryside of Homs.
The army’s air force destroyed sites and vehicles for ISIS terrorists in al-Rahjan village, 60 km east of Hama city, according to a military source.
The source said that gatherings of Jaish al-Fatah terrorists and several of their fortified positions were hit in army airstrikes in Kafar Nabbouda and al-Latamna towns, 35 km north of Hama city.
Centers and vehicles of various kinds were destroyed in the airstrikes.
Deir Ezzor
At least 100 ISIS terrorists were killed in army operations in the eastern Deir Ezzor province during the past 24 hours.
The army’s air force carried out sorties targeting ISIS positions and vehicles in al-Husseiniyeh village in the western countryside of the province. The positions and vehicles were destroyed, with terrorists around getting killed.
Several ISIS hideouts and vehicles, some of which are equipped with machineguns, were also destroyed in army airstrikes in al-Mrei’iyeh village in the eastern countryside, while an army unit eliminated a number of gatherings of ISIS terrorists in al-Sheikh Yaseen neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city.
Meanwhile, a source on the ground said an army unit targeted ISIS sites in the neighborhoods of al-Hamidiyeh, al-Aradi and al-Rushdiyeh, killing 71 terrorists and injuring 81 others.
Terrorist leaders were among the dead, according to the source.
Four more ISIS terrorists were killed in an army operation against their gathering in the vicinity of Deir Ezzor military airport.
A Libyan leader within the so-called “Deir Ezzor Airport Front” nicknamed “Abu Islam al-Baghdadi and five of his group’s members were confirmed dead in al-Hamediyeh neighborhood.
An army unit clashed with ISIS terrorists in the surroundings of al-Mrei’iyeh, killing 9 terrorists.
A number of gatherings of ISIS terrorists were hit in al-Hawi area, and a vehicle transporting 12 terrorists was destroyed on Mrat road in the eastern countryside of the province.
In the northern and western countryside of Deir Ezzor, more gatherings of ISIS terrorists were targeted in a precise operation near the Water Station in Mheimideh village and Sfeira Tahtani.
ISIS terrorists were also targeted in several operations in separate areas in al-Bukamal city, 130 southeast of Deir Ezzor city.
The operations resulted in destroying a23 mm machinegun in al-Kitf area and two vehicles equipped with machineguns and an ammunition depot near al-Masmakeh and al-Sinaa areas, in addition to destroying two vehicles, one of which equipped with machinegun, in al-Baghouz area.
A field source told SANA that units of the army restored security and stability to villages of Barhlin, Sin and al-Jdeidah in Aleppo eastern countryside.
earlier, the army’s air force destroyed positions, fortifications and vehicles equipped with machineguns belonging to ISIS terrorists in the villages of Burj Azzawi, al-Sin, al-Tanbar and Jeb al-Ali in al-Sfeira area the eastern countryside of Aleppo province.
ISIS terrorists suffered heavy losses during army operations against their sites in the villages of Tallet al-Shawaya, al-Tibeh, Barlahin and al-Sin in the northeastern countryside of the province.
Gatherings of terrorists and their vehicles were hit in army airstrikes in al-Ameriyeh village in Aleppo southern countryside.
An army unit targeted terrorists’ positions and fortifications in Souran village, destroying them and killing all the terrorists at the sites.
In Aleppo city, army units hit gatherings of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations in the neighborhoods of al-Rashidin, Bani Zaid, Karm al-Trab, al-Jandoul and al-Jalloum. A heavy cannon was destroyed in al-Mayser neighborhood.
An army unit targeted gatherings of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Busra al-Sham city, 40 km to the east of Daraa city, destroying sites, vehicles and weapons, a military source told SANA.
Army operations in Daraa city resulted in destroying a mortar launcher and a fortified post for terrorists in al-Karak quarter, a hideout and a vehicle in al-Abbassiyeh quarter and another hideout near Busra Square in Daraa al-Mahatta neighborhood.
A number of terrorists were killed or injured in al-Nazihin Camp quarter.
Source: Syrian Arab News Agency SANA
Dopuna: 16 Feb 2016 3:23
Сирия нанесла ответный удар по территории Турции
Артиллерия Сирийской Арабской Армии открыла ответный огонь по местам базирования САУ на территории Турции, которые вели обстрелы правительственных войск и ополченцев в северной Латакии.
Первыми об этом сообщили сирийские медиа-активисты со ссылкой на собственные источники среди армейцев: «Срочно: сообщается, что САА начала ответные обстрелы позиций турецкой армии на территории Турции!»
После, несколько СМИ подтвердили эту информацию, сославшись на данные собственных корреспондентов.
Так, по данным журналистов, орудийные расчеты Сирийской Армии произвели несколько залпов по агрессору.
По некоторым данным, турецкие военные поддержали огнем боевиков, отступающих из захваченного населенного пункта на севере Латакии под обстрелами отрядов правительственных войск.
Накануне, турецкая армия обстреляла авиабазу Миннех в Латакии. База находится на автотрассе от сирийской границы и является стратегически важным объектом для правительственных войск. На территории аэродрома взорвалось пять мощных снарядов, одна из взлётных полос стала непригодной и требует ремонта.