Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

play4fun ::
Navodno unutrasnjost T90 i dejstvo po drekavcima iz istog.

eh, nasmija me ovaj sekularac na 0:59...
Allahueeeeee... (pa se ugrize za jezik)

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 19 Nov 2015
  • Poruke: 175

panzerwaffe ::Nov snimak Nusrinog zauzimanja Kan Tumana.

nema kraja rata jos duuugooo vremena. Kome to odgovara?Siriji? Asadu? Pa ko ih uopste pita?I da se Sirija oslobodi ISIL pacova, gde bi pacovi otisli? Ni u Jordan ni uTursku. Irak vec zavrsava deratizaciju. Netrebaju ni Evropi ni narodima na Balkanu.A i da pobede, gde da krenu? Na Izreael? Mozda Putinu odgovara da ih pobedi na bliskom istoku kako bi mu se ranije radosni vratili na Kavkaz?USA odgovara da ih naoruzava parama od prebogatih zalivskih Sunita.Ma mozda sam ja malo paranoican.Neka to neko mi objasni. GUZ - Glavom U Zid

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 19791

slonic_tonic ::...
postoji li inače neka statistika koliki su gubici posada u slučaju proboja oklopa kumulativnim projektilima, te isto za kinetičke, pod uvjetom da nije došlo do eksplozije bojevog kompleta?

Generalno samo onaj koga zakaci mlaz/krhotine oklopa/projektila.

  • Pridružio: 19 Nov 2015
  • Poruke: 175

Napisano: 22 Maj 2016 21:49

slonic_tonic ::play4fun ::
Navodno unutrasnjost T90 i dejstvo po drekavcima iz istog.

eh, nasmija me ovaj sekularac na 0:59...
Allahueeeeee... (pa se ugrize za jezik)

verovatno skoro promenio ekipu a ostala mu navika od predhodnog trenera.

Dopuna: 22 Maj 2016 21:58

bojank ::slonic_tonic ::...
postoji li inače neka statistika koliki su gubici posada u slučaju proboja oklopa kumulativnim projektilima, te isto za kinetičke, pod uvjetom da nije došlo do eksplozije bojevog kompleta?

Generalno samo onaj koga zakaci mlaz/krhotine oklopa/projektila.

....pod uslovom da su poklopci otvoreni, valjda?

  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 1379

panzerwaffe ::Neko je ovde pisao da Ruje 25.05. opet počinju sa ozbiljnim vazdušnim napadima i sad naleteh na vest o tome na AlMasdar (mada oni više i nisu neki izvor).
Traffic at Hmaymim Airbase increases as Russians prepare to strike
Citat:The Russian Air Force is expected to resume their large-scale aerial campaign over Syria on May 25th
https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/traffic-hmaym.....es-strike/ | Al-Masdar News

Ne uzimaj čovjeku leba,ima ovdje ko je zadužen za linkove sa Al Masdara Smile

  • Pridružio: 19 Nov 2015
  • Poruke: 175

komkom ::panzerwaffe ::Neko je ovde pisao da Ruje 25.05. opet počinju sa ozbiljnim vazdušnim napadima i sad naleteh na vest o tome na AlMasdar (mada oni više i nisu neki izvor).
Traffic at Hmaymim Airbase increases as Russians prepare to strike
Citat:The Russian Air Force is expected to resume their large-scale aerial campaign over Syria on May 25th
almasdarnews.com/article/traffic-hmaym.....es-strike/ | Al-Masdar News

Ne uzimaj čovjeku leba,ima ovdje ko je zadužen za linkove sa Al Masdara Smile

trebalo Asadu i SAA neko vreme da pokazu da oce da rade posao . Malo ih izgleda zasvrbelo da Kurdi i Iracani tako brzo oslobadjaju pustinju od crnog islama valjda.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

powSrb ::Napisano: 22 Maj 2016 17:47

Тако је, њима све ово одговара и све је ово по плану и програму.

Главно је да западу покажемо да смо ми и против тероризма а не само против умерених.

Видећеш, чим Руси почну да бомбардују 25.
Односно ако уопште почну, снимци су спремни и насловне стране како гађају болнице и школе.
Та прича око запада и медија је постала смешна.
Руси ће увек бити убице мале деце и рушитељи болница, шта год урадили.

А да ли Русији одговара да се рат заврши, или да се замрзне као у Украјини, јер су видели да САА нема снаге да поврати целу сирију је широка тема.
Шта ће да раде Курди, и сунити дуж Еуфрата, да ли ће поново да позелене после ослобођења од стране коалиције као што су поцрнели преко ноћи 2014.

Шта ће да ради хилари следеће године, јер се ово до тада завршити неће, ако се овако настави.

Slazem se ja sa tim da ce na Zapadu krenuti ta prica,ali ni ljudi na Zapadu nisu bas toliko glupu po nekim istrazivanjima Zapadnjaci su o ratu u Ukrajini najvise verovali RT,sada u Siriji sve vise Zapadnjaka se slaze da Rusi rade odlicaan posao.Jednostavno Rusi su pratili Zapad 90-tih i do 2010 god i naucili kako se radi. Jednostavno 90% bombi je baceno na FSA i Nusru,ali oni su cim neko pocne da prica gadjanju opozicije krenu sa pricom o Nusri i ID oko Kweirisa i Palmire,unistenim cisternama ID,rafinerijama,busotinama.... Tu prica na Zapadu stane i cekaju neki trenutak o nekoj bolnici,pa se javi VVS i opovrgne te navode snimcima za svaku optuzbu sa Zapada su imali snimak kao da su snimili svaki nalet aviona.

Nazalost za nas Rusi su na primeru Srbije naucili kako se vodi ratovi,SAD je ovde probao dva sistema i videlo se koji daje uspeha. Pokusali su unistavanjem Srbije i nije uspelo,dosli su sa parama i dobili su sve iz Rambulijea,to i Rusi sada rade. Prvo uniste sve sto se dalo unistiti,a onda su poceli neku miroljubivu politiku,sa ubrizgavanjem pomoci SAA,ljudima u Siriji sa humanitarnom pomoci pogledaj slike sve ti je jasno uvek Ruska obelezja,zatim ubrizgavanjem para u samu Siriju preko otkupa voca i svega sto Sirijci imaju za izvoz,a Rusima treba... Ova akcije Rusa je za udzbenike za moderno ratovanje miks Srbije 1999-20XX,svoje intrvencije u Afganistanu i Gruziji,a bogami i Americkih intervencija u Iraku i Afganistanu.Jednostavno su imali su vremena da nauce i po meni ovo je stavrno odlicno akcija uzimajuci u obzir sve parametre,vojnicki je mozda moglo bolje,ali politika nije dala.

Sto se tice kome odgovara ovo stanje moje misljenje da ako se gleda trenutno Rusima i Sircima ne odgovara puno najvise zbog ekonomije,ali ako gledamo siru sliku onda im izuzetno odgovara.Kao sto vidimo Sirijci su navikli na bolji zivot nego mi ovde gledajuci ove migrante svi imaju dobr mobilne,lepo obuceni, gledajuci njihovu kuhinju koja je dosta sarolika i bogata vidimo da su navikli na pristojan zivot. Dolazimo do trenutka da oni to vise namaju pogotovu na teritoriji koju drze Drekavci jer nemaju industriju,nemaju poljoprivredu bukvalno zavise od pomoci sa strane,zavise od ekstremista,jednostavno losa kombinacija. Ovde svakako treba dodati strah od Siita i SAA kada krenu prema njima i onda se daju u beg ka Turskoj. Sto ih vise izgladne i psihicki uniste cim SAA krene oni ce pobeci u Tursku. Asadu to izuzetno odgovara jer se kotarise problematicnog dela stanovnistva i ekstremista,Rusma pak odgovara jer ce destabilizovati EU u svakom pogledu istocne clanice nece migrante,kao ni Madjarska i sve ostaje na najjacim clanicama EU kojama to ne odgovara jer jeftina radna snaga ce izbaciti njihovo stanovnistvo iz firmi koji ce protestvati protiv toga i smenjivai vlast ne nekoliko godina i usporiti razvoj EU koji i ovako nema neku svetlu buducnost. Tu je jos i problem sa stanovima u velikim gradovima tako da ce i to dovesti do prblema. Jacanje desnice je svakako veliki plus za Rusiju,dobar primer je Francuska,a po nekim uskoro bi i Nemacka,Italija je vec dosta proRuski orjentisana kao i Madjarksa tako da Rusija uskoro moze imati i izuzetno veliki uticaj na EU.

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

Napisano: 23 Maj 2016 10:54

@ irbis

Ево ти 2 текста са којима се релативно слажем, а сушта су супротност, скоро.
Занемарити глупости као нуклеарни рат, и остале ствари које су претеривање у тексту, али суштина је ту.

Већ сам постављао оба, изгледа да их ниси видео...

Citat:For me is clear that Russia strategy in Syria is an attrition war on Turkey ,Saudi Arabia and
USA. This means that the major economic burden will be on Turkey ,Americans and Saudis for having to support very large Terrorist army in all Syria. So as long Russia stay in Syria ,even if with a minimal airforce ,artillery and armor force . they can put enough pressure on the terrorist. to make it very costly any progress they make. For example ISIS took control of Al ZARA and in less than 48 hours ,they all wiped. albeit civilians died which was not intended ,at least in the end the terrorist were pushed back.

What is important to know is that the war in Syria will not end ,by capturing IDLIB,Aleppo
and Raqqa and all northen Syria. it will only mean a new war will start. the one of Syria vs Turkey and with American special forces ,logistics ,weapons and drones help.

So in real practice the war will end when Erdogan/Saudis no longer have money to continue financing the war. Or also when no longer Americans can continue hiding their actions and the pressure to stop the illegal war against Syria is too much for them. Already in the white house
journalist put in trouble the white house spokeman about why they are not labelling moderates
who cooperates with Alnusra and do join operations as terrorist. The more americans citizens who are very slow to wake up and realize their Government are on the side on Alqaeda and ISIS. the more difficult will be for Obama to continue the war. So Freezing the conflict (fake cease fire) favors Russia but also Syria. even if civilians die. because allowing Syria to take control of northern Syria when Turkey still wants to continue fighting ,will only provoke a full scale direct war ,between Turkey army and Syria Army ,with turkey army tanks invading Syria, that will pull Russia and can end with nuclear weapons used.

So the strategy is weak and slow but it can work.The Time Russia wins in syria ,can allow Russia
to better prepare to a potential war in another front that americans create like Ukraine for example. or a direct war with US.

All this weak strategy is consequence of Russia being so dependent on Europe trade.
Had Russia had zero dependence in energy trade with Europe ,and a strong economy trading with Asia . it could afforded a full scale war in many fronts and no worries if even have to fight
Turkey directly. War and Economy and public opinion goes hand in hand. you cannot be effective in any war if economy totally collapse and public opinion is very negative. that will
only provoke civil unrest in Russia. Which is the real goal of Americans. To grind Russia in Syria
and kill many Russians there ,and destroy Putin Image ,and Russia economy ,to more easily provoke a revolution.

Americans real goal in Syria is not Assad. Is not even Hezbolah that is only a bonus for israel. their real goal for arming terrorist in Syria is -> Putin and Collapse Russia Economy ,because if Russia economy collapse , and Putin fails in Syria miserably and in Ukraine too,it will significantly damage Putin image but also United Russia party of Medvedev and create the conditions for a revolution and major violence to start in caucasus by muslin seeking to take advantage of Russia bad economic situation. Possibly helping Communist party to take power ,
which will commit the same mistake of soviet union of isolating itself from the world and make very easy for Americans to split Russia Federation as they did with Soviet union.

Always this is important to remember , the real goal of Americans in Syria is not Assad or capturing Syria. but Capturing Russia instead. by destroying Putin and Russia Economy permanently by Isolating it from the world. So this is why Russia Government needs to balance
every thing they do in Syria and Ukraine with the Cost for its economy and the security for its soldiers.

So is 100% about Russia , American policies in the middle east and 0% about Syria.
Neocons says. lets provoke violence in Syria and Ukraine to pull Russia into an endless fight that will crush its economy ,Get as many Russian soldiers killed as possible and destroy Putin and his party popularity ,so that is more easier to provoke civil unrest in Russia and disband it.

So if Russia cease to exist the next week ,and disband in many parts ,becomes moscow landlocked to other independent republics ,and Putin and his party overthrow. Then Obama no longer will need Erdogan and Turkey. And will ask ISIS and Alqaeda to redeploy its armies to Turkey and disband it. and remove Erdogan. This will be done to come as a hero for his European Allies. that are suffering for Turkey sending migrants to Europe. Then will start arming
Ukraine with the best weapons they have to start invading Russia and easily capture it.

So Putin needs to keep really in check its economy/and the security of its soldiers more than anything while helping Syria and rebels in donetsk to hold , if it doesn't want to allow Americans to do what they really want to achieve when they provoke violence in Ukraine and Syria.

Americans war against Syria is real objectives is simply a war on Russia economy and destroy Putin and its United Russia party popularity and support.

So don't be distracted too much by what happens in Syria or Ukraine. Neocons will like the war there to last decades if possible as long is need to collapse Russia economy and Putin and the Russian government support. the front lines can change in any direction over time back and forth ,and the wars in Syria and Ukraine can last a decade. What is more important for Russia is to make strong its economy ,get a solid Public Support for the Russian government and not allow Americans to over run Syria as they did to Lybia ,because that will also damage the support of Putin and Russia Image. Is all about Putin and Russia ,because in the end ,Russian citizens not many will want their government to start a major war with NATO in defense of a any country in middle east. So Putin does not have full support to risk even the security of Russia and its economy in defense of syria. If it was Armenia or Serbia or Belarus,
kazakistan ,or even Crimea ,is a different story. Not many Russians will sacrifice their quality of life and live in poverty ,for a war in defense of country in middle east. they dont identify or feel connected.

И други који мало више плаче. Mr. Green

Citat:This is crazy.. Russia again is showing is back on its enemies ,playing a dangerous game ,
so they can more easily backstab them. First it was Turkey ,by bombing close to its borders ,without any precaution of Turkey movements. Now they allowing americans to do bomb close to its military base and closer to Syrian arab army positions. The Syrian army have to be incredibly
pissed at this moment for this risky decision of putin , on their lives. Russia offering their
Americans "partners" to fly above Syrian army positions , nothing can stop them from bombing
Syrian troops or even Russian soldiers and later say.. Opps.. it was a "mistake" we bombed a hundred of your soldiers.

We can only hope for a miracle ,because thats what Russia will need exactly to get
out of the trap they have created for themselves .

Putin policies are only inviting Americans to do more and more against them. It was a big mistake for Russia to disconnect from the Syrian Conflict for 4 years and allow them
to lose so much territory ,before sending any help. the only positive thing i see is the experience
Russia will get in this conflict in how not to trust in Americans. Putin allowed Americans to continue its moderate propaganda , and now inviting them to joinly fly over Syrian army positions to "fight" alnusra.

Will be really really interesting to listen the Russian military ,opinions about the whole war.
Because will not be surprised of major protest against Putin/Lavrov policies there of trusting so much in Americans. The first signs of a major breakup in Russia alliance happened ,with Hezbolah quiting from fighting in Aleppo ,will Iranians like to see American planes fly over their positions?

It looks like Russia wants to retreat from the war pretty much and is ready to negotiate cities for peace. Not that Syria have much options left ,with so many traitors that have joined the terrorist and so many citizens that have preferred to be refugees that to fight for their land . Russia definitively do not want to fight a full scale war in support of the Syrian failed state.

Dopuna: 23 Maj 2016 11:22

slonic_tonic ::sedam bombi detonirano jutros u Tartusu i Jablehu. Broj žrtava je velik.
za sada se govori o najmanje 72 poginula.
Većinom su to bile auto bombe.
Jedan od ciljeva bila je nacionalna bolnica, kojoj je uništen cijeli odjel hitne službe, pri čemu je stradalo više doktora. Bombe su ekslodirale i na autobusnoj stanici i u javnoj garaži.

Тај Јаблех је одмах поред тартуса, јужно.
Сећам се да је ту било неких протеста против Башара 2011.
И неколико мртвих, после тога град је био миран све до сада...

Иначе ово јављају.

А тек ово.

"regime bastions"
Not cities full of civilians.. But regime bastions

У Тартусу нема цивила.
Само злих људи који подржавају Асада...

Болесна пропаганда и западни медији...

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33886


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