Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33886

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

sezan ::
Namenjeno uglavnom domacoj javnosti(USA) ,tj onima sa manjim iq-m , odnosno vecini populacije

u stvari nije baš većini populacije, jer većina populacije nije ni čula za Siriju.
Ako se hoćeš obratiti većini američke populacije, moraš napisati nešto o Justinu Bieberu.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

Napisano: 24 Maj 2016 14:41

Не знам сећате ли се када су терористи тврдили пре неколико дана да су погодили базу, када су јој пришли најближе.
Ево и ови тврде.

Citat:Islamic State 'destroys Syria airbase' used by Russia
2 hours ago
A strategically significant Syrian airbase, used by Russia, appears to have been almost completely destroyed - according to new satellite imagery exclusively seen by the BBC.
The Tiyas facility - near the recently re-captured city of Palmyra in Syria - was repeatedly hit - with the so-called Islamic State presumed to be behind the attack.
Four Russia combat helicopters and around 20 supply trucks were destroyed in the bombardment. It is not clear if any people died.
US geopolitical intelligence company Stratfor gave the images to BBC.
Stratfor analyst Sim Tack explained what they revealed.

Ево и са стратфорда сам скинуо анализу и детаљне фотке.

Стигло на мејл па ћу вам прекопирати кога мрзи да ради исто.


In war, even the most advanced aircraft can be shot down, special operations forces can be ambushed, and well-defended airports and army bases can be shelled and weakened from afar by simple, indirect-fire weapons. Such was the case in an attack claimed by the Islamic State on a strategic loyalist air base in central Syria. Satellite imagery acquired by Stratfor in partnership with AllSource Analysis verifies that the T4 air base was severely damaged by an Islamic State artillery attack. In particular, four Russian Mi-24 attack helicopters appear to have been destroyed.

Citat:The T4 air base, one of the most important Syrian bases in the country, is located in Homs province near the city of Palmyra and near a strategic crossroads of routes that lead to Deir el-Zour, Raqqa, Damascus and other crucial areas. It houses two fixed-wing attack squadrons, one composed of Su-24 aircraft and the other of Su-22 aircraft. These aircraft have carried out ground-attack missions across Syria, including the operations that eventually forced Islamic State militants out of Palmyra. In addition, the Syrian air force maintains six L-39 trainer aircraft and a few Mi-8/17 transport helicopters at the base.

Moreover, Russian forces have deployed a contingent of attack helicopters to the T4 air base at least since March 2016, supporting the loyalist offensive to retake Palmyra that same month. Based on satellite imagery as well as video of the base, the Russian force consisted of approximately four Mi-24P gunships. So at least according to these open sources, no Syrian Mi-24 helicopters operated from the T4 air base in recent months.

Citat:In early May, the Islamic State launched an operation to capture the Shaer natural gas field northeast of the air base. After doing so, the group advanced south, seeking to cut off loyalist forces in Palmyra by severing a road that leads west from Palmyra, passes by the T4 air base, and continues toward Homs city. Though the Islamic State failed to cut off the road for any extended amount of time, it did move artillery within range of the base, which it subsequently shelled.

Late May 14, the Islamic State claimed that four Russian attack helicopters and 20 trucks loaded with ammunition were destroyed in the attack. Around the same time, loyalist forces reported that an accidental explosion had taken place in an ammunition storage area at the air base. Working with AllSource, Stratfor has discerned what occurred by looking at satellite imagery of the air base from that time period.

Citat:It is clear from the imagery that the northeastern part of the T4 air base, the section of the airport where helicopter use is concentrated, sustained considerable damage. Ordnance impact points are visible, especially around the structurally reinforced aircraft shelter and the cargo truck marshaling area. The imagery strongly suggests that the explosions that destroyed approximately 20 vehicles and four Russian attack helicopters were not accidental but were related to Islamic State artillery fire. In addition, a Syrian MiG-25 aircraft that was likely already out of commission appears to have been damaged.

Citat:The destruction of four Russian attack helicopters at the base is a stark reminder of the constant threat that Russia faces in its mission in Syria. The Russian contribution to the Syrian government has been notable in defending loyalist positions and driving back not only rebel but also jihadist forces in the Syrian conflict. But it has come with a cost. Even as Russia continues to rely on aviation and artillery power to support government troops, its forces are not outside harm's way.

А можда је све ово један велика измишљотина, ко зна...
много је ово прецизно за терористичку артиљерију, неки већ кажу да су фотке лажне.
А ови су им извор.
Занимљиви снимци руских база по северу земље.

Dopuna: 24 Maj 2016 15:13

Руси траже примирје у Гути док САА напредује, никоме није јасно шта се дешава. Mr. Green

Citat:#Russia is proposing 72 hours ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta and Daraya amid #SAA advances. #Damascus #Syria why?

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33886

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

Амери раде исто.
Кажу предају се амери до краја лета. Mr. Green
Стиже и носач авиона да Руси тренирају.

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

pein ::
jel ovo nadogradiše nešto (bojlere napunjene eksplozivom sa upaljačima na vrhu(više upaljača da se svakako aktivira u zavisnosti od ugla pod kojim padne)) na Grad rakete?Iskoristili ih za pogon?

  • Pridružio: 20 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 545

Изгледа да су спаљена четири Ми24 хинд. Да ли се са слике види да су то баш ти хеликоптери? ИСИС је тврдио да су Ка-52 што није случај. Било како било, стварно катастрофа, сад се бар зна ко даје пацовима координате.

Руси где год крену да напредују они оће примирје. Интересантно. Али заиста очекујем да ће сутра почети ново и јаче бомбардовање умерених, као што су и најавили.

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

Što se tiče tih helikoptera u Tiyas bazi:

Meni je jako teško povjerovati da "pijani Rusi" nisu na vrijeme odvukli helikoptere u skloništa kojih u Tiyasu ima, ili jednostavno odletjeli u drugu bazu.

Za takve stvari postoje propisane procedure i to se ne može zaboraviti. Pa ja kad parkiram negdje svoju kantu, uvijek provjeravam da li viri na cestu i da nije na zavoju da me neki pijanac ne očeše i još da nije negdje u blizini utakmica s koje će se ljuti navijači vraćati tim putem...
A ovi se nisu sjetili da bi ISIL mogao granatirati pistu i bilo im je lijeno odvući helikoptere traktorčićem u sklonište???

Sve je moguće, naravno, ali je isto tako vrlo moguće da je to propagandni rat.
Priložena "dokazna" fotografija je smiješna. Jako je teško izfotošopirati one paljevine na mutnoj slici.
E sad jedino ako razmišljate "pa valjda ne bi oni lagali !?".

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

powSrb ::Napisano: 24 Maj 2016 14:41

Не знам сећате ли се када су терористи тврдили пре неколико дана да су погодили базу, када су јој пришли најближе.
Ево и ови тврде.

Citat:Islamic State 'destroys Syria airbase' used by Russia
2 hours ago
A strategically significant Syrian airbase, used by Russia, appears to have been almost completely destroyed - according to new satellite imagery exclusively seen by the BBC.
The Tiyas facility - near the recently re-captured city of Palmyra in Syria - was repeatedly hit - with the so-called Islamic State presumed to be behind the attack.
Four Russia combat helicopters and around 20 supply trucks were destroyed in the bombardment. It is not clear if any people died.
US geopolitical intelligence company Stratfor gave the images to BBC.
Stratfor analyst Sim Tack explained what they revealed.

Ево и са стратфорда сам скинуо анализу и детаљне фотке.

Стигло на мејл па ћу вам прекопирати кога мрзи да ради исто.


In war, even the most advanced aircraft can be shot down, special operations forces can be ambushed, and well-defended airports and army bases can be shelled and weakened from afar by simple, indirect-fire weapons. Such was the case in an attack claimed by the Islamic State on a strategic loyalist air base in central Syria. Satellite imagery acquired by Stratfor in partnership with AllSource Analysis verifies that the T4 air base was severely damaged by an Islamic State artillery attack. In particular, four Russian Mi-24 attack helicopters appear to have been destroyed.

Citat:The T4 air base, one of the most important Syrian bases in the country, is located in Homs province near the city of Palmyra and near a strategic crossroads of routes that lead to Deir el-Zour, Raqqa, Damascus and other crucial areas. It houses two fixed-wing attack squadrons, one composed of Su-24 aircraft and the other of Su-22 aircraft. These aircraft have carried out ground-attack missions across Syria, including the operations that eventually forced Islamic State militants out of Palmyra. In addition, the Syrian air force maintains six L-39 trainer aircraft and a few Mi-8/17 transport helicopters at the base.

Moreover, Russian forces have deployed a contingent of attack helicopters to the T4 air base at least since March 2016, supporting the loyalist offensive to retake Palmyra that same month. Based on satellite imagery as well as video of the base, the Russian force consisted of approximately four Mi-24P gunships. So at least according to these open sources, no Syrian Mi-24 helicopters operated from the T4 air base in recent months.

Citat:In early May, the Islamic State launched an operation to capture the Shaer natural gas field northeast of the air base. After doing so, the group advanced south, seeking to cut off loyalist forces in Palmyra by severing a road that leads west from Palmyra, passes by the T4 air base, and continues toward Homs city. Though the Islamic State failed to cut off the road for any extended amount of time, it did move artillery within range of the base, which it subsequently shelled.

Late May 14, the Islamic State claimed that four Russian attack helicopters and 20 trucks loaded with ammunition were destroyed in the attack. Around the same time, loyalist forces reported that an accidental explosion had taken place in an ammunition storage area at the air base. Working with AllSource, Stratfor has discerned what occurred by looking at satellite imagery of the air base from that time period.

Citat:It is clear from the imagery that the northeastern part of the T4 air base, the section of the airport where helicopter use is concentrated, sustained considerable damage. Ordnance impact points are visible, especially around the structurally reinforced aircraft shelter and the cargo truck marshaling area. The imagery strongly suggests that the explosions that destroyed approximately 20 vehicles and four Russian attack helicopters were not accidental but were related to Islamic State artillery fire. In addition, a Syrian MiG-25 aircraft that was likely already out of commission appears to have been damaged.

Citat:The destruction of four Russian attack helicopters at the base is a stark reminder of the constant threat that Russia faces in its mission in Syria. The Russian contribution to the Syrian government has been notable in defending loyalist positions and driving back not only rebel but also jihadist forces in the Syrian conflict. But it has come with a cost. Even as Russia continues to rely on aviation and artillery power to support government troops, its forces are not outside harm's way.

А можда је све ово један велика измишљотина, ко зна...
много је ово прецизно за терористичку артиљерију, неки већ кажу да су фотке лажне.
А ови су им извор.
Занимљиви снимци руских база по северу земље.

Izgleda da su Rusi demantovali da su imali gubike

„Сви руски борбени авиони који се налазе у Сирији извршавају планске задатке ликвидације терориста. Нема никаквих губитака међу војницима руске авио-базе. Подсећам да аутори гласина о уништавању јединица руских борбених хеликоптера и двадесет камиона припадају пропагандистима ДАЕШ-а који су безуспешно покушавали да ’продају‘ ову наводну ’вест‘ пре око 10 дана“, рекао је генерал Игор Конашенков.

  • Pridružio: 26 Nov 2015
  • Poruke: 1002

dozorni ::Drug Platov ::Dal sam ja nesto propustio ili nisam dobro shvatio.."Nova sirijska vojska" ko su sad pa oni?

New Syrian Army...NSA... Ime ti samo kaze Smile

Hahhahaha dobra ti ova, sve sam shvatio. Mislim da sam citao vec o njima, al samo da otklonim zabunu da nisam pomesao sa SDF-om. Hvala. :-)

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