Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Komentari, diskusije i analize članova

  • Pridružio: 21 Mar 2010
  • Poruke: 2

slonic_tonic ::Ovo prvi put sad primjećujem da zeleni dižu jedan prst u zrak, ali obojica su to napravili. Možda je to cijelo vrijeme bilo, ali ja nisam prije primjetio. Da li je to neki vehabijski pozdrav ili šta? Jel zna neko nešto o tome?
podizanje prsta desne ruku znaci - jedan je bog-

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

Sami pobunjenici javljaju da nisu zauzeli cijelu Khalsu, nego samo sjeverni dio.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9438

Napisano: 15 Jun 2016 11:28

trajkoni018 ::Dobro je dok ih zarobljavaju zeleni, kasnije ce ih dati u razmeni za svoje.
Lose je to sto su zarobili ovu dobrovoljacku boraniju, a trazice da im predaju neke svoje iskusnije borce.

Ма какви зелени.
Тако кажем јер не знам више како да их зовем.

Ево од сад ћу писати терористи их заробили, нема ту разлике. Иранци су јуче исто заробили једног од ових са друге стране, и убили су га од батина, ја мислим да ће умрети за који дан од мучења ако већ није.
Ови су то сигурно видели, а и да нису, ове само чудо може да сачува, сигурно су и они већ поломљени.

Али има мала шанса да су живи ако су неки Иранци или слично.
Јер ће да траже да им пусте 100 људи из затвора у замену за 2 или 3 човека.

Dopuna: 15 Jun 2016 11:35

Хезболах се наводно повукао из источне Гуте.

Терористи одмах заузели нека насеља. Exclamation

Citat:Most of Hezbollah's fighters have left the East Ghouta. Where they went? No idea. Guess we will find out soon.

Брка је дефинитивно рањен.
Наводно у раме.
Значи да већ 10 дана није на фронту.

Изгледа да има и Руса на путу ка Табки.
Не знам ко су ови, али ако већ шаљу људе то треба да буду специјалци неки.

Dopuna: 15 Jun 2016 11:59

Блиска ваздушна подршка Курдима код Мабиџа. Ко ли ово наводи. Bebee Dol

Пред напад.
И даље тешко прелазим преко игнорисања овог скупљања под ведрим небом...

Наводно Нусра донирала још 2 бомбаша самоубице.

Dopuna: 15 Jun 2016 12:04

Курди заробили још терориста код Манбиџа.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Političko rješenje sirijske krize

Navodno novi ustav Sirije, predložen od strane Rusije i podržan od strane Sjedinjenih Država, prebacuje ovlasti s Ba'ath stranke na više raznih etničkih skupina.

Izvori u libanonskom tisku tvrde da Rusija ima završen nacrt novog sirijskog ustava, koji će umanjiti ovlasti predsjedničkog ureda i decentralizirati državu, što neki smatraju ustupkom pobunjeničkim skupinama koje se bore prov vlade Bashara Al-Assada. Međutim, nije jasno koje su to skupine, jer ih sve više otvoreno pristupa islamističkim frakcijama i samo je 60 manjih naoružanih skupina potpisalo primirje, kojega se uglavnom drže.

Libanonski Al-Akhbar navodi da je nacrt ustava dobio zeleno svjetlo i od Washingtona, te da će u Siriji biti stavljen na referendum do kraja ove godine.

S druge strane, Rusija oduvijek demantira da će Moskva pisati sirijske zakone i ustav, a Bashar Al-Assad tvrdi da bilo koji dokument koji se tiče sirijskog suvereniteta moraju odobriti sirijski parlament i vlada, te kako su napisi medija netočni.

Rusi su smorili mislio sam da su napokon odlucili da nesto promene,ali izgleda da su dalje slabi i da im je ovo bila avantura za koju nisu bili spremni. Ako oni moraju da pisu ustav i jos da pitaju Amere da li se oni slaze,je samo znak da oni jos ne mogu nista da urade bez SAD-a,vidim da je SAD pitao Rusiju dali mogu da preksre ustav Ukrajine i skinu Janukovica.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9438

Још мало о њима.

Citat:Russia, Syria and Iran Have Made a Mess of Their Military Alliance

Citat:At the first look, the alliance between Iran, Russia and Syria seems to be based on decades-old friendship and plenty of mutual interests. However, the Syrian civil war is revealing ever-bigger differences between the governments in Moscow and those in Damascus and Tehran.
On June 9, 2016, Iranian minister of defense Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan welcomed the minister of defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergey Kuzhugetovic Shoygu and the minister of defense of the Syrian Arab Republic — and chief of the general staff of the army and the armed forces of Syria —Col.-Gen. Fahd Jassem Al Freij for a meeting in Tehran.
According to official Russian reports, prior to this meeting, Shoygu announced that between topics discussed would include “priority measures in reinforcing the cooperation between the defense ministries of the three countries in the fight with the Islamic State” and Jabhat Al Nusra.

According to Iranian state television, Dehghan subsequently stated that the three ministers agreed to conduct “decisive war against all terrorist groups,” but also that the trio agreed that a “comprehensive ceasefire and provision of humanitarian aid are vital in establishing firm peace in Syria.”
The official Syrian news agency SANA reported Freij saying that “Syria is bent on striking terrorism everywhere on its land, with valor and determination.” Furthermore, he added, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, should thank Shoygu for the “courageous actions and policies of Russian president and his effective support in the comprehensive fight against terrorism in Syria.”
Except for this obvious exchange of stereotypical diplomatic expressions and obvious efforts to demonstrate friendship and harmony between three allies, the results of these talks are unclear.

Citat:In trouble in southern Aleppo — and no help in sight. The IRGC’s troops in Syria.

Citat:What is certain is that a meeting of this kind was urgently necessary because the military forces of the three governments in question are meanwhile running three entirely different major operations on the battlefield.
The Aviation Group of the Russian Airspace Force — the Vozdushno-Kosmicheskiye Sily or VKS — is conducting an interdiction campaign against Syrian insurgents active in western Aleppo governorate with intention of forcing these into negotiations on Moscow’s conditions.
Therefore, nearly 90 percent of the VKS’ air strikes are targeting Hayyan, Anadan, Hreitan, Kfar Hamra and Ma’arat Al Artiq — five towns northwest of Aleppo positioned along roads leading into insurgent-held northern and eastern parts of Aleppo city.
While the Syrian Arab Air Force is primarily bombing civilians in Idlib and eastern Aleppo, advances against Islamic State by the U.S.-supported coalition of Kurdish and Arab militias in northern Syria have prompted Damascus into action in same direction, too.

Citat:Five BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles and a T-72 main battle tank of the JAF armour outside Qurassi on June 9, 2016. Theoretically an ideal target for enemy air power, such concentrations are operating entirely freely, because neither the VKS nor the SyAAF ever attempted to target them.

Citat:Therefore, one of most powerful concentrations of forces loyal to the regime of Pres. Bashar Al Assad launched an offensive against ISIS in southeastern Aleppo governorate. Theses pro-Al Assad forces include private military companies such as Liwa Suqour As Sahra and Liwa Dir As Sahel, sectarian militias such as the Liwa Nussr Az Zawba’a and Quwwat Al Galilee and also a unit of Hezbollah from Lebanon.
Their operation aims to recover Tabqa Air Base and perhaps also reach the city of Raqqah, capitol of the province of same name.

Finally, a mix of Iranian Republican Guard Corps-controlled units, primarily consisting of Iraqi Shi’a militias such as Harakat An Nujba, Katayb Hezbollah, and Assaib Ahl Al Haqq — at least the last two of which are operating Russian-made T-90 main battle tanks acquired by the IRGC early this year — is running its own campaign against Syrian insurgents and foreign jihadists of the Jaysh Al Fateh coalition in southern Aleppo.

Obviously, these three entirely disconnected operations are illustrating complete disharmony between interests and resulting strategies of Damascus, Moscow and Tehran.

Citat:Still from a video showing northwestern suburbs of Aleppo burning after Russian bombardment on June 11, 2016. The VKS spent the last two weeks burning large parts of northwestern Aleppo province, but its efforts were followed only by half-hearted attacks of the famed Tiger Force and PFLP-GC’s Liwa Al Qods Al Filistini, all of which ended with heavy losses.

Citat:Instead of deploying their air power in support of loyalist- and IRGC-controlled ground forces, the Russians did nothing as the JAF — which is including the main group of Jabhat Al Nusra units in northern Syria — concentrated several brigade-size formations supported by dozens of tanks, armored fighting vehicles and heavy artillery in southern Aleppo, in early June 2016.
They didn’t move even when jihadists — supported by several Syrian insurgent units — assaulted IRGC’s positions east of Khan Touman, captured half a dozen of villages and strongpoints and inflicted hundreds of casualties.

Instead, the IRGC was forced to rush reinforcements from Iran, and even request help from Damascus, which reacted by re-deploying units from quiet front lines in southern Syria.
Ever since, repeated counterattacks of IRGC-controlled troops are all repulsed by the JAF, but Russians are still not moving. The VKS continues its campaign in western Aleppo as if there were no battlefield in southern Aleppo. Indeed, it even found an opportunity to fly several air strikes against villages in northern Aleppo that U.S.- and Turkish-supported Syrian insurgents had liberated from ISIS only few days ago. Mr. Green

Citat:A still from a video showing a JAF bomb detonating in the middle of the IRGC’s positions east of Khan Touman on June 6, 2016.

Citat:Weak and worn out, the SyAAF is preoccupied with its own bombing campaign against civilians in insurgent-controlled Idlib city, Ma’arat An Nauman and eastern Aleppo. It is scarcely seen even in the skies above loyalist forces advancing on Tabqa and Raqqah.
Unsurprisingly, rumors began circulating from sources in Iraq that the regular Iranian air force has already requested permission to use the local airspace in order to deploy its own fighter-bombers to Syria.

Considering there are no indications about any significant change in aims of the three separate campaigns in the last few days, it seems that the meeting in Tehran was not particularly successful. This in turn means that the government of the Russian Federation remains insistent on avoiding getting drawn deeper into the Syrian civil war.
Moscow apparently remains insistent on its own, limited — though much more realistic — aims in this war, primarily related to securing the survival of Al Assad’s regime.

Citat:By contrast, Damascus and Tehran remain insistent on their own, less-realistic aims. Top Iranian leaders — including Dehghan — are proclaiming their intention to “liberate” all of Aleppo governorate, while Al Assad is publicly announcing a “liberation of every inch of Syria” as his new war objective.
Obviously, only time will tell which of the three governments is right. But under the current conditions, any kind of a durable ceasefire in Syria is an illusion — and something like peace is completely out of the question.

  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2014
  • Poruke: 132
  • Gde živiš: Vojvodina

Jel istina da je 2013 Americka vojska spremala kopnenu invaziju na Siriju, povodom upotrebe hemijskog naoruzanja Asadove vojske?

  • T-72 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 1129

Не,спремала је ваздушну агресију,а и зашто би када је копнену извршила још 2011. овај конфликт је као и сви од краја WWII рат проксија запада и истока.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9438

Јеси имао ти телевизор 2013? Very Happy

Боље ову. Cool

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

šta je ovo danas?
MilitaryMaps mi javlja "403 Forbidden", a almasdarnews traži nekakvu registraciju.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 19980

Dostanic09 ::Rovova nema zato sto je linija fronta prevelika...
Po toj logici na istocnom frontu u 2.s.r. ne bi postojao ni jedan rov...

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