Rat u Siriji 2016 - Zvanične vesti i mape (bez komentara članova)


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Zvanične vesti i mape (bez komentara članova)

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18868

Ко је "кец из рукава" да замени Асада?

недеља, 13. дец 2015, 11:17 -> 14:16

Извор: Танјуг

Амерички државни секретар Џон Кери изјавио је прошле седмице да САД желе смену сиријског председника Башара eл Асада, а не његовог режима, али после четири године рата, ни руски ни ирански савезници, ни опозиционе групе не могу да именују Асадовог наследника који би могао бити гарант мањинским групама и очувати мир, пише "Фигаро".

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Нови инцидент између Турске и Русије, хици упозорења у Егеју

недеља, 13. дец 2015, 13:13 -> 16:58

Извор: РТС, Бета, Ројтерс

Посада руског разарача "Сметљивиј" била је приморана да испали хице упозорења да би спречила судар са турским рибарским бродом у Егејском мору, саопштило је руско Министарство одбране. Турски војни аташе у Москви упозорен на "могуће погубне последице неразумних акција званичне Анкаре", саопштили руски званичници.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35577

Napisano: 13 Dec 2015 22:50

Jund Al-Aqsa Renews Massive Offensive in Northern Hama
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Dopuna: 13 Dec 2015 23:04

Супружескую пару, которая вербовала и отправляла женщин в Ливию, арестовали в Тунисе, — СМИ
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Протурецкие боевики в котле: Армия Сирии уничтожила комбата «Аль-Наср» и разблокировала армянский Кесаб (КАРТА+ФОТО 18+)
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Иранский генерал погиб в бою с боевиками в Сирии
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Nešto mi često ginu ti iranski generali!!!
ВАЖНО: главарь «Ан-Нусры» разоблачил заговор режима Эрдогана в отношении Сирии
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Dopuna: 13 Dec 2015 23:10

Сводка от «Тимура»: идут бои, в Латакии убиты много чеченцев, саудитов и пуштун, терпя неудачи, боевики усиливают террор
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  • Pridružio: 25 Nov 2015
  • Poruke: 51

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103397

Američki zanatlija nije ni sanjao gde će završiti njegov prodati džip

Citat:Oberholcer je prodao džip kompaniji za preprodaju vozila "Teksas Ford", koja je zatim prodala automobil bez uklanjanja reklame sa vodoinstalaterovim imenom i brojem telefona.

Fotografija na kojoj džihadisti ispaljuju protivavionske hice sa vodoinstalaterskog džipa osvanula je još u decembru 2014. godine, a Oberholcer kaže da mu se život od tog trenutka pretvorio u pakao.
- Ispod fotografije je pisalo: "Koristimo vodoinstalaterski džip protiv vladinih snaga u Alepu". Do kraja tog dana, primio sam skoro 1.000 pretećih poziva iz cele SAD. To je bilo traumatično, pretili su mi smrću, paljenjem radnje, kao i da će mi povrediti porodicu - rekao je Mark Oberholcer, koji je podneo tužbu protiv "Teksas Forda", koji je njegov džip očigledno prodao teroristima.

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  • Pridružio: 10 Maj 2015
  • Poruke: 141
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

Ma džipovima se mažu oči..
Vazduhoplovstvo SAA izvršilo napade na:
-Daesh strongholds in the villages of Ein al-Jamajmeh, Eisheh, Nejarah, Sarhan and Jeb al-Qahwa. The Syrian Air Force also hit al-Nusra Front targets in the villages of al-Mansourah and al-Misherfeh, located in the area, which the media outlet recently described as the terrorist lifeline to Turkey.

Read more: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
The SAA is said to have eliminated the leader of the Liwaa al-Nassr group in Latakia and a senir rebel commander in Hama

Maher Abu Omran, the field commander of terror group Liwa Shuhudaa al-Islam, has been killed by the #SAA in Daraya / #Damascus countryside
twitter izvor: IaMa, pisao je i sputnjik isto.
Syrian Special Forces Conduct Daring Military Operation to Advance at Salma in Northeastern Latakia

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syria 24 english ‏@syria24english

#SAA helicopters aimed at militants in the Al-#Lataminah and its surroundings, since early in the morning and until now #Hama #Syria24
#Ghouta: - #SAA controls the entire prairie town after the killing and wounding large numbers of militants... [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
U Sjevernoj Hami SAA i ekipa unistili tenk:
detaljnije: #Syria #Hama #NorthernHama #SAA & #SSNP "Eagles Whirlwind" forces destroyed a terrorist tank @ #Massasenah Axis


#Hama: #NEW: #SAA/#NDF retook Al-Buwaydah from Jund Al-Aqsa after #NDF reinforcements arrived. #Sy #Syria24
Izvor: syria 24 english
#Syria #Aleppo #EasternAleppo #SyrianArmy #SyrianArabArmy #SyrianArmedForces #SAA Colonel Suheil al-Hassan shooting
Čuj ti njih nema noćnih borbi Smile)

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Kad smo kod Hasana, dobio je unapređene:
#Syria #SAA #SyrianArmy #SAA CONFIRMED: Suheil al-Hassan will be officially promoted to Major General.

#Syria #Hama #NorthernHama Reports that #SAA & #NDF have taking recontrol of all points @ #Buwaydah #Boida


#Hama: #NEW: #SAA/#NDF retook Al-Buwaydah from Jund Al-Aqsa after #NDF reinforcements arrived. #Sy
watanisy ‏@watanisy 8h8 hours ago

(Unconfirmed) #SAA recaptured Buwaydah after recaptured most of Masasinah area / Hama
Valjda su terori udarili po masani i zauzeli je, nisam siguran

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Сиријска војска повратила контролу над ваздушном базом

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  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Ruska raketna krstarica i čamac ruske obalske straže primorali su danas komercijalni brod sa turskom zastavom da promeni kurs, nakon što se našao na putanji brodova krimske energetske kompanije "Černomornjeftegaz".


Tanjug.rs: Novi pomorski incident između Rusije i Turske

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Almasdarnews.com: Syrian Special Forces Conduct Daring Military Operation to Advance at Salma in Northeastern Latakia

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Almasdarnews.com: Hezbollah Determined to Liberate Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya in Idlib

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  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2015
  • Poruke: 13

Koga to ciljaju i sta unistavaju nato snage?

"War On Syria Not the Islamic State

From the start the air campaign against IS has targeted the economic infrastructure of Syria and Iraq.

“So far the US raids that came after the direct Russian involvement in Syria have only targeted civilian, infrastructure plants, electricity plants and other infrastructure, and they have not targeted any terrorist groups,” Jamal Wakim, a professor at the Lebanese International University, said in November.

“What I can see happening is that the targets they’re selecting are those that have, in many cases, no military value at all to ISIS or any other rebel group but really are intended to break whatever infrastructure the Syrian government will have when the fighting is over, such as: the Conoco oil refinery and the grain elevator,” Alan Sabrosky, a professor at the University of Michigan and a graduate of the US Army War College, said in October.

In mid-October the US targeted the Syrian electrical grid when it conducted airstrikes against two power plants under the control of ISIS in the al-Rudwaniya area to the east of Aleppo.

After two thermal power plants in Aleppo were bombed the Syrian government sent letters to the UN Security Council saying the “airstrikes of the so-called anti-terror US-led coalition against infrastructure in different Syrian areas was a vicious aggression.”

In addition to civilian power plants the US-led coalition has targeted oil and gas fields and facilities in Hassaka and Deir EzZour provinces “causing huge damage to pipelines and oil wells not to mention the great environmental pollution which may lead to greater environmental disasters because of the fires broken out in the fields,” The Syrian Times reports.

The destruction of critical civilian and economic infrastructure in Syria is standard operating procedure.

In Libya, NATO bombed the country’s irrigation system. The system transported water from aquifers beneath Libya’s southern desert to about 70% of the population.

The military targeting of civilian infrastructure, especially of water supplies, is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions.

During the invasion of Iraq in 1991, the US military targeted the civilian electrical power generation system. The damaged power infrastructure was re-targeted during the 2003 invasion.

In addition to the electrical system in Iraq, the U.S targeted telephone and radio exchanges, relay stations, towers and transmission facilities, food processing, storage and distribution facilities and markets, railroad transportation facilities, bus depots, bridges, highway overpasses, highways, sewage treatment and disposal systems and even historical markers and ancient sites.

In 2001 Thomas J. Nagy “discovered documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency proving beyond a doubt that, contrary to the Geneva Convention, the U.S. government intentionally used sanctions against Iraq to degrade the country’s water supply after the Gulf War. The United States knew the cost that civilian Iraqis, mostly children, would pay, and it went ahead anyway.”

NATO and the US replicated this pattern during the bombardment of the former Yugoslavia. During the campaign, NATO bombed hospitals, schools, daycare centers, food warehouses, civilian homes, and world cultural heritage sites, including churches and monasteries."

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35577

Napisano: 14 Dec 2015 12:17

Massive Islamist Offensive in Northern Hama Stalls as the Syrian Army Counters
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Russian T-90 Tanks Make the Difference in Southern Aleppo as the Syrian Army Surround Khan Touman
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Izgleda da SAA već uveliko koristi T90
Hezbollah Delivers a Lethal Blow to ISIS on the Syrian-Lebanese Border
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Breaking: Syrian Army Advances in Dara’a City as They Approach the Jordanian Border-Crossing
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SAA polako čisti i Daaru na jugu blok po blok zgrada.

Dopuna: 14 Dec 2015 12:29

УНХЦР ће обезбедити Србији 16 милиона долара помоћи
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Ко може да замени Асада
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Вашингтон од Немачке тражи веће ангажовање у борби против терориста
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Турска ратује у Сирији због Курда, а не против ДАЕШ-а
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Нусра фронт: Ердоган ојачао ДАЕШ
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Dopuna: 14 Dec 2015 12:37

Саудијска Арабија организовала конференцију сиријске опозиције мимо договора
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Ирански бригадни генерал убијен у Сирији
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Сиријско ваздухопловство бомбардује ДАЕШ у Хомсу, Алепу и Хами
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Чомски: ДАЕШ не може бити поражен војном силом
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Сиријска војска повратила контролу над ваздушном базом
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  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 57

Американци и њихова активност у региону Хасака
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