САД, за разлику од Русије, и даље не испуњавају свој део споразума о Сирији и ако се то настави, сва одговорност за неуспех примирја у Сирији биће на Вашингтону, рекао начелник Главне оперативне управе Генералштаба Војске Русије генерал-потпуковник Виктор Познихир.
„На крају петог дана примирја констатујемо да само руска и сиријска страна у потпуности испуњавају своје обавезе. Русија је самоиницијативно продужавала обуставу непријатељстава за 48 сати, а јуче је обустава продужена за још 72 сата“, рекао је Познихир на брифингу у Националном центру за управљање одбраном Русије.
Он је додао да „Сједињене Америчке Државе и тзв. умерене групе под њиховом контролом нису успеле да испуне ниједну од обавеза преузетих у оквиру женевских споразума“. „Желим да подсетим да је главни приоритет руско-америчког споразума од 9. септембра подела територије под контролом ДАЕШ-а, Нусра фронта и умерене опозиције, као и раздвајање умерених опозиционих група од Нусра фронта. Без реализације ове одредбе, немогуће је обезбедити режим прекида ратних дејстава у Сирији. Без раздвајања, владиним снагама у Сирији су ’везане руке‘. Оне не могу да се боре против терориста не знајући ко од њих поштује режим прекида непријатељстава, а ко не“, истакао је генерал.
Он је додао да бројни апели америчкој страни остају без одговора због чега „постоје сумње у способност САД да утичу на умерене опозиционе групе под њиховом контролом, као и спремност да се настави обезбеђивање спровођења женевских споразума“.
„Руска Федерација чини све могуће напоре како би се задржала владине снаге од употребе војне силе. Ако америчка страна не предузме потребне мере за испуњавање својих обавеза у оквиру споразума од 9. септембра, читава одговорност за неуспех престанка непријатељстава на територији Сирије биће на САД“, закључио је начелник Генералштаба.
Citat:DEIR EZZOR (8:25 P.M.) - Al-Masdar News was just told by a senior officer in Deir Ezzor that the U.S. Anti-ISIS Coalition attacked the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Thardeh Mountains.
The U.S.' airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army's positions allowed the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) to capture the strategic Thardeh Mountains that were originally under government control.
According to local activists, the U.S. attacked the Syrian Arab Army's positions with phosphorous bombs, killing several soldiers and paving the way for the Islamic State to capture the whole area.
The attack was conducted by 4 U.S. warplanes that were flying west from the Iraqi border.
This is the second time this year that the U.S. Air Force has attacked the Syrian Arab Army in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.
Russian MoD Confirms Two F-16 Jets and Two A10 Aircraft Attacked Syrian Army
Citat:The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Syrian army positions were attacked by two F-16 fighter jets and two A-10 ground attack aircraft of the US-led coalition.
The Russian Defense Ministry said that Daesh terrorists launched an offensive soon after the US-led coalition aircraft attacked the Syrian government forces.
Citat:Moscow has called an urgent UN Security Council meeting after US-led coalition airstrikes hit Syrian forces, killing 62 soldiers and wounding 100 more, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.
The Foreign Ministry has also demanded full and detailed explanation from Washington over the incident in Dier ez-Zor, in which 62 Syrian troops were killed and over 100 injured.
Moscow stressed that it is concerned by the US airstrike targeting the Syrian army units which had been destroying Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants.
The ministry added that the Russian side had never been notified of US plans to carry out bombings in the Dier ez-Zor area.
Earlier on Saturday Russia’s Defense Ministry said that four strikes against Syrian positions had been delivered by US-led coalition aircraft – two F-16 jet fighters and two A-10 support aircraft.
The Syrian military called the bombing a “serious and blatant aggression” against Syrian forces, and said it was "conclusive evidence" that the US and its allies support IS militants.
US Central Command later issued a statement, saying that the US-led “coalition would not intentionally strike a known Syrian military unit.” It promised to look into the incident.
Srpski ko ne znam Engleski.
Kremlj potvrdio: SAD gađale sirijsku vojsku, 62 mrtvih
Damask -- Koalicija predvođena SAD bombardovala je pozicije sirijske vojske u blizini Deir el-Zora, potvrdilo je rusko Ministarstvo odbrane.
The Syrian Army has received the Aistenok mobile radar system from the Russian Defense Ministry in order to reinvigorate the truce-monitoring capabilities during the ceasefire.
The Syrian Armed Forces have appreciated an advanced model of the Aistenok mobile radar system, handed over to the Syrian Army by the Russian Defense Ministry in order to reinvigorate the truce-monitoring capabilities, the spokesman for the Syrian Army said.
“Let us thank you [the Russian Defense Ministry] for the delivery of an advanced artillery tracker system to our soldiers, which will allow us to monitor the ceasefire across the country much more efficiently,” the spokesman said.
According to spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, operation of one of these systems in the area of El-Khalid in the city of Aleppo is currently being showed in a webcast on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
The Aistenok was first presented during the MVSV-2008 exhibition by Tula Research Institute Strela in 2008. The system is capable to perform tasks, associated with the discovery of various objects, both on the ground and in the air. The main task of the mobile radar system is to ensure the work of artillery units, in particular, determination of coordinates of enemy artillery and correcting fire of their guns. The Aistenok is designed to carry out surveillance of mortar firing positions and to monitor 81–120 mm mortar fire along the mortar shell flight trajectory; to survey tank type moving surface targets and monitor 122–155 mm artillery fire by shell explosions. The system is capable to trace fire of 81-120 mm mortar shelling of tanks from five kilometers distance, and 122-155 mm artillery units’ fire from twenty kilometers distance.
The Aistenok is made as a collapsible structure, which consists of a set of modules and can be moved by military personnel or transported by various vehicles. The total weight of system components is 135 kg. Assembling and preparation of the system to work takes about 5 minutes. The structure consists of a tripod with supporting-turning device, a transceiver with antenna, an electric machine with a power supply block, a block of primary processing of collected information, a remote control, and a radio communications set. Connection of elements of the system is carried out by a set of cables.
The Aistenok can be used at any time of a day and in any weather conditions, hindering the visual observation of a battlefield. A gasoline electrical unit is used to power the system. Time of continuous operation of the system from an independent power source is stated to be 6 hours.