Rat u Siriji 2016 - Zvanične vesti i mape (bez komentara članova)


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Zvanične vesti i mape (bez komentara članova)

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3634

Русија потврдила: С-300 распоређен у Тартусу у Сирији

Русија је у Сирију допремила ракетни систем противваздушне одбране С-300, потврдио је портпарол руског Министарства одбране Игор Конашенков.
Како је рекао, овај комплекс ће осигуравати безбедност приморске базе Тартус.

Истовремено, Конашенков је рекао да му није јасно зашто је распоређивање комплекса С-300 изазвало такву пометњу на Западу, будући да он не представља никакву претњу, већ је искључиво одбрамбеног карактера. Он се осврнуо и на одлуку САД о изласку из споразума о Сирији рекавши да Вашингтон није испунио ниједну тачку договора о прекиду ватре и тиме је дозволио терористима да се поново прегрупишу и допуне муницијом. „САД би требало јавно да признају да су практично све опозиционе групације у Сирији заправо део Нусра фронта“, закључио је Конашенков.

Даље: https://rs.sputniknews.com/rusija/20161004/1108355.....artus.html

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Jihadist rebels launch counter-offensive in the West Ghouta
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (6:50 P.M.) - The jihadist rebels launched a wide-scale counter-offensive in the West Ghouta region of rural Damascus on Tuesday, targeting the farms located near the key town of Deir Khabiyeh.

Syrian Army repels jihadi attack on southeast Hama

Syrian Army captures several sites in East Ghouta as rebel defenses collapse
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (7:05 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army's 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard, alongside the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Palestine Liberation Army (PLA), continued their large-scale offensive in the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus on Tuesday, striking the Islamist rebel defenses near the villages of Al-Reyhan and Tal Kurdi.

Trouble in jihadist paradise as ISIS, Nusra go to war in east Lebanon
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:15 P.M.) - The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and their former allies from Jabhat Al-Nusra clashed near the Syrian border on Tuesday, resulting in a flurry of skirmishes that accumulated a high death toll for both terrorist groups.

Rebels in Al-Hamah to reconcile with Syrian government
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (8:30 P.M.) - Preliminary reports from the Damascus suburb of Al-Hamah indicate that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels have accepted the reconciliation proposal set forth by the Syrian government.

Syrian Army, Hezbollah advance at key southern Aleppo district
ALEPPO, SYRIA (9:00 P.M.) - The Syrian Armed Forces, backed by Hezbollah, launched a powerful assault inside the southern sector of Aleppo on Tuesday, targeting the key district of Sheikh Sa'eed near Al-Ramouseh.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

ВКС России наводят ужас на боевиков: уничтожено множество бандитов и их главари в Алеппо, Хаме и Идлибе

ВАЖНО: Секретная операция в Алеппо — турецкий спецназ готовится деблокировать окруженных боевиков

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian Army storms east Aleppo
ALEPPO, SYRIA (12:30 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their large-scale offensive inside the eastern districts of Aleppo City on Tuesday, attacking several axes near famous Citadel and Suleiman Al-Halabi area.

Jihadist offensive in the West Ghouta fails to reverse the Syrian Army’s gains
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5:20 P.M.) - The jihadist rebels launched a large-scale counter-offensive in the West Ghouta region of rural Damascus on Tuesday, targeting the farms surrounding the key town of Deir Khabiyeh.

Syrian Army makes new push in southwest Deir Ezzor
DEIR EZZOR, SYRIA (8:55 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their counter-attack in southwest Deir Ezzor on Tuesday, targeting the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham's (ISIS) defenses at the Jabal Thardeh region.

Russian jets pulverize jihadist rebels around Aleppo
ALEPPO, SYRIA (9:30 A.M.) - The Russian Air Force gave the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) a much needed break inside Aleppo on Tuesday night after they had a long day of battle against the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh and Fatah Halab.

US-backed rebels defect to al-Qaeda branch in Syria

Field Report: Syrian Army gains more territories in north Aleppo. Map Update


Large number of Syrian Army reinforcements arrive in Deir Ezzor
DEIR EZZOR, SYRIA (9:53 A.M.) - A large number of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reinforcements arrived in Deir Ezzor on Tuesday after completing they completed basic training in rural Damascus.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian military to reduce airstrikes over Aleppo
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:40 P.M.) - The Syrian Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday that their forces will effectively reduce the amount of airstrikes they conduct over eastern Aleppo.

Syrian Army continues wide-scale offensive in West Ghouta
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:10 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed their wide-scale offensive in the West Ghouta region of rural Damascus on Wednesday after repelling the counter-assault launched by the jihadist rebels last night.

Syrian Army advances in east Aleppo as jihadists collapse
Aleppo, Syria (12:06 A.M.) - Following hours of intense clashes preceded by waves of artillery shelling, the Syrian Arab Army supported by the Ba'ath Brigades were able to (zabranjeno)down militant defenses in the strategic Aleppo district of Bustan Al-Basha.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian Army on the verge of encircling the Islamist rebels at key East Ghouta town
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (4:50 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) pounded the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus on Wednesday night, targeting several farms located between Al-Reyhan and Tal Kurdi.

Jihadist rebels, Syrian Army trade offensives in northern Hama
HAMA, SYRIA (6:25 A.M.) The jihadist rebels continued their large-scale offensive in the northern Hama countryside on Wednesday night, targeting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) held town of Zughbah.

Russian Air Force considers indefinite deployment in Syria
(TASS) The Russian Federation's Duma Committee on International Affairs will consider on Thursday the issue of ratifying the agreement between Moscow and Damascus on indefinite deployment of the Russian air group in Syria. Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov will present a report at the Duma committee’s session.

ISIS suicide bombing kills 23 people near Syrian border-town
According to Syrian opposition activists on social media, the suicide bombing killed 23 people in total, including 16 militants that were fighting with Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) in the Idlib Governorate.

Syrian Army captures large parts of key east Aleppo district
ALEPPO, SYRIA (11:00 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary), continued their large-scale advance inside the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo on Thursday, capturing large parts of the Bustan Al-Basha District from the jihadist rebels of Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki.

Бойня в Алеппском котле: ВКС РФ и ВВС Сирии разгромили ударную группировку боевиков (ФОТО)
ВКС России и Армия Сирии нанесли сокрушительный удар по террористам в Алеппо.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898


Russian MoD warns US-led coalition against airstrikes targeting Syrian Army
RT: Russia’s Defense Ministry has cautioned the US-led coalition of carrying out airstrikes on Syrian army positions, adding that Syria has numerous S-300 and S-400 air defense systems up and running.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, any airstrike or missile hitting targets in territory controlled by the Syrian government would put Russian personnel in danger.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian Army captures strategic district in east Aleppo
ALEPPO, SYRIA (9:15 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their large-scale offensive inside the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo City on Thursday, targeting the key district of Suleiman Al-Halabi, which was under the control of Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki.

Latest battlefield map of Aleppo City

ALEPPO, SYRIA (9:50 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) managed to capture a large chunk of east Aleppo today after a 48 hour long battle with Islamist rebels of Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki and the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian Army, Hezbollah advance in southern Aleppo amid the crumbling jihadist defenses
ALEPPO, SYRIA (3:15 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had a great day inside Aleppo City on Thursday, capturing large parts of the eastern and northern neighborhoods after a fierce battle with Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki.

Russian, Syrian jets conduct nonstop airstrikes over Hama
HAMA, SYRIA (6:15 A.M.) - The Russian and Syrian air forces did not take a break tonight; instead, they conducted nonstop airstrikes over the northern Hama countryside, as they attempt to forestall the jihadist advance against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Huge attack launched by Syrian Army, Hezbollah in southern Aleppo
ALEPPO, SYRIA (6:30 A.M.) - Minutes ago, the Syrian Arab Army's 800th Regiment of the Republican Guard, backed by the Ba'ath Battalions and Hezbollah, launched their second attack on the southern districts of Aleppo, striking the jihadist rebels at Sheikh Sa'eed and the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project.

Syrian Army launches new assault in rural Damascus after Islamist rebels violate peace agreement
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:40 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a new assault inside the Damascus suburb of Al-Hamah on Friday after the Islamist rebels violated the peace agreement set forth earlier this week.

Syrian Army captures key hilltop in southern Aleppo
ALEPPO, SYRIA (10:40 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), alongside the Ba'ath Battalions and Hezbollah, launched their second round of attacks on the southern Aleppo district today, targeting the jihadist rebel defenses at Sheikh Sa'eed and the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project.

Jihadist rebels reject UN offer of safe pass from east Aleppo
ALEPPO, SYRIA (11:45 A.M.) - The jihadist rebels of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) formally rejected the UN's offer of safe passage from the east Aleppo neighborhoods, despite being completely besieged by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Битва за Алеппо: Армия освобождает новые районы и отрезает последние пути снабжения банд


  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99690

Russian Parliament Ratifies Indefinite Deployment of Air Force in Syria

Arrow https://sputniknews.com/russia/20161007/1046105588.....shortening

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