Rat u Siriji 2016 - Zvanične vesti i mape (bez komentara članova)


Rat u Siriji 2016 - Zvanične vesti i mape (bez komentara članova)

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18425

„Политика” у Сирији

Кад председник отвара врата

Ту смо”, рече на моје изненађење госпођа Абир. Тек што сам закорачио ка вратима, њих ми је отворио лично председник Сиријске Арапске Републике Башар ел Асад


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Русија је данас поручила терористима који се налазе на простору источног Алепа да морају напустити град до петка увече!

У изјави руског министарства обране наводи се како ће се терористима ослободити излаз из града путем два специјална коридора 4. новембра од 09 до 19 сати према локалном времену. Такође се наводи како град могу напустити без предавања оружја.

У исто време биће организована евакуација цивила и рањеника путем шест других коридора.

Руско министарство обране такође је потврдило како је руски председник Владимир Путин лично наредио прекид борби како би се избегле додатне жртве. Подсетимо, од 18. 10. руске ваздушне снаге не изводе нападе на простору Алепа.

Наводи се и како су сиријске снаге пристале на повлачење с простора два коридора којим би терористи требали изаћи из града.

Може ли ова понуда заиста привести крају крваву битку за Алеп која траје још од 2012. године? Сазнаћемо већ прекосутра…

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:55 P.M.) - The jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) seized almost all of the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project this past weekend after a fierce battle with the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah.

Syrian Air Force intensifies strikes over northern Hama
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (12:15 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) carried out a large number of airstrikes over the Hama and Idlib countryside on Wednesday, targeting several towns under the control of the jihadist rebels.

Russia, Turkey disagree on separating terrorists from opposition in Syria: Cavusoglu

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Thousands of pro-government reinforcements sent to west Aleppo: reports
ALEPPO, SYRIA (2:45 A.M.) - Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary) sent thousands of fighters to the western suburbs of Aleppo in order to help drive out the jihadist rebels combatting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Syrian Army carries out special mission in East Ghouta
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:50 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army's 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard carried out a special operation on Wednesday that targeted a major Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) tunnel inside the key East Ghouta town of Jobar.

Syrian Army foils ISIS offensive in Deir Ezzor
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:15 A.M.) - The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a new offensive in the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Wednesday, targeting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) controlled Al-Sina'a District near the western bank of the Euphrates River.

Syrian jets pound ISIS positions in Deir Ezzor
DEIR EZZOR, SYRIA (11:00 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) has been relentless above the Deir Ezzor Governorate these last 24 hours, carrying out more than 40 airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) around the province.

Russia sends another large naval fleet to Syria
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (11:20 A.M.) - The Russian Navy is sending the Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate to Syria's territorial waters, Russia-based RIA Novosti reported on Thursday.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

2nd phase of battle for Aleppo begins as suicide bombers attack the Syrian Army

Islamist rebels rain missiles over residential neighbourhoods in western Aleppo

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2016
  • Poruke: 2385

Турска и САД преговарају о преузимању (сиријског града) Раке:

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 1405

Another #Russia|n fleet on its way to #Syria|n waters. This one of 5 ships w/more AA systems. Total Russian ships deployed will rise to 24.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian Army reaches outskirts of strategic northern Hama town
HAMA, SYRIA (6:45 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has been rolling in the northern Hama countryside lately, capturing several points from the exhausted jihadist rebels of Jund Al-Sham (mostly Chechen fighters) and Jaysh Al-Izza.

Battle for Aleppo intensifies as Jaysh Al-Fateh continues phase 2 of offensive
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (11:05 A.M.) - Jaysh Al-Fateh launched the 2nd phase of their large-scale offensive on Thursday, targeting the imperative New Aleppo District and Al-Assad Academy that are under the control of the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies.

Polako ali sigurno delovi Z. Gute koju kontrolišu teroristi nestaju.

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (12:00 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) capitalized on the crumbling defenses of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) today, striking the latter's positions at the small village of Al-Buwaydah in the West Ghouta region of rural Damascus.

Syrian Army destroys jihadist base in Daraa City
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (12:40 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army's 5th Armored Division carried out a powerful military operation inside Dara'a City on Thursday, targeting Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham's (formerly Al-Nusra Front) primary base near the Al-Masri Roundabout.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Syrian Army advances in northern Hama as rebel Aleppo offensive stagnates
Hama, Syria (8:56 P.M.) - Led by the elite forces of the 4th Mechanized Division, units from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their advance on Friday capturing three checkpoints south of the rebel stronghold of Morek in northern Hama.

Syrian Army obliterates Nusra military base in Dara’a countryside
Dara'a, Syria (9:41 P.M.) - A military source from Syria's southern Dara'a province reported that a batch of at least 15 Al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham fighters were killed when a Syrian Army ground-to-ground missile struck their base in the town of Jaleen in Dara'a's western countryside.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33898

Free Syrian Army launches surprise offensive in northwest Hama
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (10:40 A.M.) - The Free Syrian Army's "Jaysh Al-Izza" faction launched a surpirse attack in the northwestern countryside of Hama on Saturday, targeting the area to the west of Mhardeh.

Syrian jets strike jihadist rebels in west Aleppo
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (10:10 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) continued their large-scale aerial campaign over the Aleppo Governorate on Saturday, striking the jihadist rebels at a number of districts and villages.

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (12:55 P.M.) - The pro-rebel "Syrian Observation for Human Rights" (SOHR) reported on Saturday morning that 166 jihadist rebels were killed over a 48 hour period in western Aleppo this week.
Among the 166 militant reported dead by the SOHR, only 86 fighters from Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) were believed to be Syrian nationals.

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