Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 05:32
- Pridružio: 10 Dec 2015
- Poruke: 143
Slobodarko ::slonic_tonic ::Ovo što Križar kaže ima logike.
ISIL-ovci vide da je došao kraj, sada samo mogu birati, da li će završiti u rukama Kurda pod američkom upravom, šiitskih milicija iz Iraka ili šiitskih milicija iz Sirije.
Mislim da oni nemaju puno dileme, gdje će dobiti najbolji tretman.
Slično kao ono što je spominjano neki dan kako su Nijemci hrlili da se predaju Amerikancima prije nego što dođu Rusi.
Uvijek je to tako s Amerikancima. Oni vuku konce, ali nisu previše propatili na svojoj koži, pa se lako mogu igrati civiliziranosti i humanosti.
Volio bih vidjeti kako bi bilo da im netko pohara pola Amerike, ruši, siluje, pali i muči i da se jedva obrane od potpunog uništenja. Da li bi i onda bili takvi džentlmeni prema zarobljenima?
Interesantan je odnos Al Kaide i isis-a. Crni su se raspali u toku je trka ko ce zagrabiti vise njihove teritorije. Zuti kao i SAA sa pojedinim plemenima rade po sistemu " resite se stranaca , obrijte i stanite pod nasu zastavu " dok ih nusra masakrira. Prosecan borac isis-a koji sedi u nekom rovu u pustinji i prosecan borac nusre imaju 99% zajednickog i njihovi ciljevi borbe su isti ( razlikuje se samo komandni lanac ) dok su zuti i SAA sve ono protiv cega su posli u rat. I pored svega oni se sa ljutim neprijateljem dogovore a sa nusrom je borba na zivot i smrt bez milosti za one koji poloze oruzije.
Ja sumnjam da su snimke masakriranja crnih od strane nusre reklama i "vanish PR" da se operu kako ustvari oni unistavaju terorizam a u siroj slici ce se crni u Hami preobuti u nusru a oni dalje u neku novu slobodnu vojsku
ISIS i Nusra imaju mnogo sto sta zajednickog sto se tice ideologije - tacnije nastali su iz istog ogranka - po istom principu i zalazu se za iste ciljeve - jedini problem je pored komandnog kadra - kontrola nad frakcijama - nekako deluje da trenutno gazde nisu iste..
Sa Nusrom izgleda da u ovom trenutku najbolju komunikaciju ima Turska obevastajna struktura- koja se izgleda odmetnula i promenila dres.
SDF i ISIS nemaju nista zajednicko ali izgleda da je kreator identican, kao i saveznici (kod jednih direktno Amerika, kod drugih obavestajne strukture zalivskih zemalja pod direktnom kontrolom preko Atlantika)
Celokupni salafisticki dzihad i njegovi derivati su direktan produkt dejstva Saudijskog kraljevstva i njenih satelita, pod direktnom kontrolom SAD samo su u zavisnosti od lokacije gde je njihovo delovanje bilo potrebno regionalni marionetski igraci i njihove obavestajne strukture preuzimale ulogu medijatora (80-90ih Pakistan, u poslednjim godinama Turska, Jemen, Jordan) - da ne idemo ranije od nastanka Mulsimanskog Bratstva - uloge Engleza,Izraela i sl.
Usput je verovatno neka zabludela glava ne shvatajuci sta se desava zaista i poverovala u pravi "Alahov put" i "pravu verziju Kurana" ali komandni kadar mislim da je uvek bio i bice pod totalnom kontrolom..
To je samo moje misljenje, mozda lupetam i sve je proizvod slucajnosti i samoorganizovanog delovanja pravovernih muslimana..
Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 08:17
- Dostanic09
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
- Poruke: 1708
pein ::Dostaniću nije li posao novinara isto da šire propagandu naravno da će reći da su oborili F22/35 bez obzira što nisu ima mase koja će da poveruje.
Slazem se u potpunosti sa tobom. U sustini to je jedini cilj i kanala kao sto su CNN, BBC, RT, Sputnjik. Rusi su ispravili svoje greske i sad paze na medijsku sliku. I ona im mnogo pomaze. Svaka cast.
Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 08:51
- ltcolonel
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Nebojša Đokić
- vojni istoričar
- Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 4066
- Gde živiš: Novi Beograd
Napisano: 02 Nov 2017 8:48
Pa i ovde na forumu ima onih koji daju poluinformacije koje suštinski menjaju stvarno stanje a kritikuju druge. U Siriji nije napadnuta nikakva fabrika oružja (jer takve i onako trenutno ne rade) već depo sa oružjem Hezbolaha. Depo se nalazio samo nekoliko kilometara od libansko sirijske granice i po svim izveštajima (sirijskim, libanskim i izraelskim) napad je izvršen iz (prilično velike) dubine libanskog vazdušnog prostora.
Dopuna: 02 Nov 2017 8:51
Po izraelskim avionama je nakon izvršenog napada dejstvovala sirijska PVO. Izraelci ne navode sa čime je dejstvovano po njihovim avionima a Sirijci i Libanci tvrde da je po njima dejstvovao (uništeni) divizion S-200.
Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 08:58
- Kaplar
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Nov 2013
- Poruke: 1245
Wrangler ::Kaplar ::Čopor obrazovane dece je ono što je sila.
Obrazovane da, ali vjerski zatucana ta djeca ce kad tad postati opasnost za evropljane i hrisćane uopsteno. To je vec sada ocigledno. Mi smo toliko razliciti da se nikad necemo moci pomjesati koliko god to Soros&co zeljeli. Pogledaj samo crnce u SAD... rijetki su se snasli a nisu vjerski optereceni. Mi bi Arape kao takve nekako i prihvatili ali oni nas nikako.
Cigani su već iskoristili talas izbeglica da nađu sebi još bolji život, a mešali se nismo nikada.
Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 15:34
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2012
- Poruke: 1123
- Gde živiš: Banja Luka
ltcolonel ::Napisano: 02 Nov 2017 8:48
Pa i ovde na forumu ima onih koji daju poluinformacije koje suštinski menjaju stvarno stanje a kritikuju druge. U Siriji nije napadnuta nikakva fabrika oružja (jer takve i onako trenutno ne rade) već depo sa oružjem Hezbolaha. Depo se nalazio samo nekoliko kilometara od libansko sirijske granice i po svim izveštajima (sirijskim, libanskim i izraelskim) napad je izvršen iz (prilično velike) dubine libanskog vazdušnog prostora.
Dopuna: 02 Nov 2017 8:51
Po izraelskim avionama je nakon izvršenog napada dejstvovala sirijska PVO. Izraelci ne navode sa čime je dejstvovano po njihovim avionima a Sirijci i Libanci tvrde da je po njima dejstvovao (uništeni) divizion S-200. Mene samo zanima kako Izraelci tako neometano koriste libanski vazdusni prostor.
Jeli ovi nemaju cim dejstvovati ili...
Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 15:45
- Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 15227
Wrangler ::Mene samo zanima kako Izraelci tako neometano koriste libanski vazdusni prostor.
Jeli ovi nemaju cim dejstvovati ili...
Немају ни авионе, од ПВО само лаке системе.
Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 17:31
- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9438
pein ::Stanje u DeZ bez one ade ISIL-ovci drže još nekih 30-40% grada onako odokativno.
Одокативно 10%
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Syrian “Awakening” towards Albu Kamal
Citat:Following the failure of the Iraqi Kurdish referendum and of the project to divide Iraq, the role Syria is playing comes up next for examination, even as the “Islamic State” group (ISIS) is slowly disintegrating, cornered in the border area between Deir Al-Zour and Al-bu Kamal. However, the United States seems determined to hold on to part of the Syrian territory, allowing the Syrian Kurds to control northeast Syria, especially those areas rich in oil and gas. Will this enable the US to impose a political agenda on Damascus at the end of the war?
US-backed forces advanced in north-eastern areas under ISIS control, with little or no military engagement: ISIS pulled out from more than 28 villages and oil and gas fields east of the Euphrates River, surrendering these to the Kurdish-US forces following an understanding these reached with the terrorist group. This deal was an effective way to prevent the control by the Syrian army and the resulting situation could then be later used to blackmail Damascus.
It is noteworthy that an agreement, on one hand, between the US and their Kurdish subordinated forces operating under its command, and ISIS on the other was reached with the support of local Arab tribes, the Syrian Sahawa (or awakening), similar to the Iraqi Sahwa. The US forces, with good experience in dealing with local Arab tribes, are negotiating to convince these to communicate with ISIS to handover to them the area of al-bu Kamal before it is reached by the Syrian Army or its associated forces.
The US is trying to close the border corridor between Syria and Iraq and to control a second crossing (Tanaf is the first) to cut the road on the Iranian-Hezbollah forces coming from the T2, and precede them to the last ISIS stronghold.
In fact, Iran’s plan was to rush towards Al-bu Kamal first rather than being busy with the area around Deir al-Zour, and they asked for Russian air support in the semi-desert and along the borders with Iraq. But Russia has seen the rush from Deir al-Zour to the oil and gas wells as an absolute priority and an effective plan to control energy sources first and then proceed towards Al-bu Kamal/Al-Qaim.
But the United States preceded Russia to the oil and gas Omar oilfield (9000 barrels per day) and to Coniko gas (150 million cubic feet), which ISIS then delivered to the Kurds without any resistance. The US military have great experience in negotiating with the Arab tribes in Iraq. The same tribes are also expanding in north of Syria adjoining the Iraqi Anbar, and with jihadists with whom the US have already concluded previous deals in Iraq and Syria.
The US aims from these audacious steps to impose its agenda on the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad through negotiations that are expected to become more aggressive by the beginning of the next year when the “war on terror” ends. With the loss of ISIS’s last stronghold in Al-Bu Kamal, Al-Qaim and Deir-e-Zour, only the embers of al-Qaeda (under Hay’atTahrir al- Sham) glow under the Turkish ashes. Ankara’s troops entered the northern Syrian city of Idlib – following an understanding with al-Qaeda – without any clash. This indicates that Turkey has not ended its role within Syria or the role of al-Qaeda: Ankara is expecting to play the al-Qaeda card when its forces will be asked to withdraw from Syria.
As for ISIS, the “state” project has fizzled out, so the organisation does not mind striking deals with the US (under the cover of Sunni Arab tribes in the Syrian region) as long as it can maintain what remains of its forces and move elsewhere, mainly to where the Syrian army and its allies operate. But will Damascus give in to this blackmail?
Of course the answer is: no! Damascus won’t accept the blackmail. For more than six years, Assad has been able to fight the international community and regional countries that have spent billions of dollars hoping to oust him, change the regime- and hand over power to extremists!
Today, Damascus controls the bulk of Syrian gas and oil in the Badiya (Syrian steppes) and from Tadmur to Deir Al-Zour, which gives the country enough production to satisfy the local market, but of course, without being able to export oil as was the case before the war. Thus, the Syrian army controls today a production equivalent to 3 billion dollars a year, which allows it not to import as it did in the past years of the war. Moreover, Syria is preparing to increase its oil production through contracts signed with Russia, and ready to explore oil fields off the Syrian coast, in the Mediterranean. That is supposed to allow Damascus to compensate for the current loss and negotiate with the Syrian Kurds in a “relaxed” manner without having to offer any territory.
The issue of the American presence remains unsolved, since, once the war on ISIS ended,, the US became an occupying force. Damascus’s position has therefore become stronger, especially as it did not mind reconsidering local administration of the Kurds within the control of the Syrian central government, as long as the danger of separation – as happened in Iraqi Kurdistan – is not on the table.
There is another danger that forces the Kurds to come closer to Damascus than Turkey, who’s President is determined to annex Syrian territories along its borders, especially those controlled by the Kurds. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his intentions to move towards Kurdish Afrin, prompting the Kurds to take refuge in Russia and Damascus- and not in the arms of the US.
This and more is expected to emerge in the coming months when the most difficult phase for Damascus begins: political negotiations and the reconstruction of a country in need of over $500bn.
сада и мање од 10%
Citat:#DeirEzZor OP: #SAA led by Tigers & #SRG fully liberate Hamidiyah district from