Uh, ne diraj me u autoput.
Sve su to mutna posla na ovaj ili onaj način. Autoput je koštao 8 milijardi, a osim toga bio je nepotreban. Zašto? Zato što su relativno dobre ceste već postojale (eno ga sad zjapi prazan, svi se voze starim besplatnim cestama), a ulaganje u bolje ceste imalo je smisla samo kao vrlo dugoročna investicija. To su govorili svi objektivniji ekonomski stručnjaci, ali kako je politički interes (čitaj: pranje novaca) bio puno jači, onda su takvi glasovi razuma brzo bili izjednačeni maltene s neprijateljskim agitiranjem i brzo morali umuknuti.
Dakle, kod nas su strane firme (konkretno američki Bechtel) dobile posao gradnje autoputa, što je neobično, jer još prije 45 godina je napravljen odličan autoput Zagreb-Karlovac, kojeg su radile isključivo domaće firme, ali one su izgleda u međuvremenu zaboravile kako se to radi .
Kako su Amerikanci, kao i Nijemci, poznati da se probijaju isključivo preko mita i korupcije, onda je sve jasno (mi mali iskompleksirani narodi obično mislimo da je kod njih sve bolje, a kod nas sve rasulo, ali u stvarnosti oni su nas i naučili mitu i korumpciji)
Dakle, da prenesem argument koji su kod nas (na početku, dok nisu dobili po gubici) govorili veliki ekonomisti poput Gustea Santinija: Autoput se može isplatiti nakon 30-40 godina i to može raditi država koja ima jaku ekonomiju i sve drugo riješeno. Mi nemamo i nama je kratkoročno puno bolje ulagati u proizvodnju, da nešto zaradimo. Npr. za te novce se moglo otvoriti nekakvih 8000 tvornica i firmi sa po milijun eura osnivačkog kapitala svaka, što je strahovito jako. Ovako imamo cestu koja zjapi prazna, prozvodnje nema, ali je neko tutnuo koji milijunčić u džep.
Vjerujem da je ista stvar i u Srbiji (iako ne znam detalje, ali sve je inače isto pa ne vidim zašto bi ovo bilo različito).
I još malo offa što se autoputa tiče... Više od polovice od tih osam milijardi eura završilo je u tudjim džepovima... Što domaćih izdajnika što okupatora koji su nam dali skupe kredite a novci na koncu završili u njihovim firmama. Uglavnom za mene je taj autoput danas ono što ne bio Obrovac za bivšu nam državu.
Sve drugo što je slonic rekao, također potpisujem.
Како се сиријци решавају непослушног становништа. Све сиромашне четврти које су и биле најбучније у побинама су ослободили и сравнили са земљом. И сада на тим местима праве станове и локале за богате...
пре-после чека се фотка после изградње
Citat:Last preparations are made for Marotta City Project, a megalomaniac real estate project in S- Damascus.
Marotta project is a perfect example how Syrian gov tries to change its environment by 'social cleansing'(& not ethnical as claimed by some)
Its goal is to literally push away the impoverished population from the city centers and install a population that is more loyal.
At the same time establishing public-private corporation is meant to tie the new economical power class to the government.
Kad se na karti zumira potez od Majadina do AlBukamala, tih 60 km ima dosta naselja poput ova dva grada, te mislim da nije zavrsena prica. Osim ako logistika IS nije skroz u rasulu, kao i oni sami, pa se nece ni zadrzavati u tim mestima uz Eufrat, sto mislim da i jeste slucaj. Verovatno ce ovaj kotao dodatno rezati, tj.cepkati i ovom putnom komunikacijom Majadin-T2.
Otvaranjem autoputa Zagreb-Split a kreće se ka Dubrovniku samo da vide ko će da pljucne lovinu za pelješki most, i time su upropastili staru Ličku magistralu kad se setim koliko je restorana i kafana bilo na potezu Karlovac-Slunj sad je taj kraj potpuno mrtav, bar do Slunja tamo ponešta i ima zbog Rastoka. Nekad se znalo čekati i po pola sata da se iz pravca Vojnića u Krnjaku uključi na put ka Plitvicama koliko je turista bilo sad tog više nema sve otišlo na autoput, al zato ne manjka kamiondžija.
Ulazak SAA u al Bukamal
I evo potvrde generala o oslobađanju al Bukamala
Eve i mape al Bukamala
A bogami i SDF nezaustavljivo napreduje mislim brzinom kojom treba ovima da se preobuku (mesto crnih žute dresove) i obriju.
Roughly 30 kilometers southeast of Deir Ezzor City, the SDF – heavily backed by US warplanes – chipped away at ISIS’ Al-Busayrah pocket and took control of Al-Khan village on Wednesday, effectively cementing the siege of 20 jihadist-controlled villages and hamlets on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.
Nekoliko jedinica pripadnika Tigrova prebačeno na sever Hame
Several units from the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) elite Tiger Forces have departed from the Deir Ezzor Governorate, today, following the liberation of Albukamal near the Iraqi border.
Dostaniću kao prvo i prvo Ameri uopšte nisu uzeli pod kontrolu iračku naftu. To je upravo i razlog što je kolaps američke vojne moći i počeo od Iraka. Ispostavilo se da su iračka nalazišta nafte već bila rasprodata Evropljanima a dobrim delom i Rusima i Kinezima. Pa su lepo sve to morali da vrate pravim vlasnicima. Uopšte se nisu ovajdili od iračke nafte. Imaju ono što su imali pre invazije. Ni u Libiji se nisu ništa posebno ovajdili osim što nisu morali da vrate dug. Ali daleko od toga da kontrolišu eksploataciju nafte u Libiji.
Dalje, sama država SAD nije imala nikakvu vajdu od tih ratova. Imale su vajdu multinacionalne kompanije ali ne i država. Ona je bila samo na gubitku. Zato je i doveden na vlast Tramp. Nije se on stvorio niotkud. Njega su doveli na vlast bezbednosni krugovi blisko povezani sa NSA i Pentagonom koji su smatrali da to dalje ne ide tako. Ne zaboravi da je glavni Trampov moto u preizbornoj kampanji da će obustaviti dalje vojne intervencije. Ni SAD kao država ni američka armija nemaju nikakve koristi od tih vojnih intervencija a vojna moć američke armije je srozana do granice neprepoznatljivosti u odnosu na onu od pre dvadeset i kusur godina.
Kaže kako Putin megaloman gradi mostove i nuklearne ledolomce .
Liberalna zapadnjačka individualnost traži da se ima zlatni Rolex, cipele Paciotti i jahta, kakvi crni ledolomci i još nuklearni...
Добра анализа и подсећање на почетке рата, са твитера.
Citat:Consensus amongst #Syria analysts is that #Assad wasn’t toppled because of Obama’s passivity & inaction. What gets little mentioned, however, is how early Washington took sides in the developing conflict =>
2-First, note that Syria has been on list of State Sponsors of Terrorism since inception in 1979. Assad (the father) was accused of “providing political & weapons support to Hizballah & continuing to allow Iran to rearm it”. Yup those Shia corridors are old
3-Additional sanctions came with “Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Powers Act”. Recall that in June 2002, G W Bush stated: “Syria must choose the right side in the war on terror by closing terrorist camps & expelling terrorist organizations”
4-Since uprising began in March 2011, it took Obam’s WH mere 4 weeks before it took 1st public stand in the conflict. EO13572 was announced in April 2011 blocking property of officials “responsible for commission of human rights abuses”.
5- Not only the Exec Orders started merely 1 month into conflict but note the wording (am not a lawyer): Human rights abuses constituted “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and Economy of the United States”. The US?
6-In May 18, 2011, a new Executive Order 13573 would block the property of Senior officials starting with “Bashar Al-ASSAD, President of the Syrian Arab Republic”. The next move will come on August 18, 2011 when Obama would ask Assad to “step aside”
7-Recall that 10 days before Obama called on Assad to step aside, Saudi, Bahrain & Kuwait recalled their Ambassadors from Damascus. That day, the Saudi Monarch called on Assad to stop the “killing machine and end the bloodshed”
8-The Saudi reaction would follow what had transpired in Hama a week earlier. On the eve of the start of Ramadan, #SyrianArmy would storm the city with tanks. In prelude of what was to come Obama referred to events of that day as “horrifying”
9-Immediately the following day after the 3 Arab States pulled their Ambassadors, Erdogan sent his Foreign Minister Davutoglu who had a six-hour meeting with Assad urging him to “end the bloodshed” as Ankara has “run out of patience”
10-Washington signaled its support for the Turkish visit. Hillary Clinton as Sec of State spoke to Davutoglu before his meeting. State’s Spokesman Toner saw the trip as an opportunity to “send yet another strong message to Assad”.
11-It is widely believed that Erdogan and Davutuglu used the six-hour meeting to prod Assad to agree to include groups identified with the Moslem Brothers in a grand deal that he would agree to strike with the Opposition. Assad refused
12-Assad to Davutuglu: "Damascus will not relent in pursuing the terrorist groups in order to protect the stability of the country and the security of the citizens. But it is also determined to continue reforms. And is open to any help offered by friendly and brotherly states,”
13-The Assad response to Turkey's Envoy killed any hope of a near term resolution to the conflict. With Erdogan seething at being rebuffed by Assad, he joined the rest of America's regional allies in pressuring Obama to up the ante on Damascus
14-Under pressure from the region, Obama's team pondered their response. The President was absolutely clear that he would not enter the conflict as a direct military combatant. His close advisors became very aware just how adamant & strong his views were.
15-@BarackObama is a lawyer. His reluctance to intervene militarily in #Syria was evident with the careful choice of words that accompanied his August 18, 2011 official statement. In particular, Assad was asked to "step aside" and not "down".
16-This deliberate choice of words may have been ignored by most, but not to those around the President who was extremely careful not to commit himself to a language that would tie him to a slippery slope towards military action
17-Never once did the President give any false signals that he was considering interverning militarily in a country that he did not consider as "strategically important" for the the US. Many analyst today still question his judgement on this point
18-Right or wrong, Obama saw his election as an expression of the American public against foreign intervention unless the need for such action is of vital interest to the national security of the American people. By this metric, Syria never passed that test
19-The WH would spend next 5y expecting/hoping that #Assad would be gone but without the US acting as a direct military combatant. The CIA's Arm and Train and similar other programs were all cheaper/poorer substitutes for the real deal that would never come
21-Many analysts look at Assad's first speech in March of 2011 as the turning point of the crisis. If he only listened to his advisors and wasn't so hawkish things would have turned out differently they argue. For more on this topic, please read this
22-It is clear, however, that by the summer of 2011, the Syrian leadership had made up its mind to continue to fight till the bitter end. There will be no political transition. There will be no compromise. Only the battlefield will decide the outcome.
23-Things looked very precarious for Damascus between 2012-2013. It was only during that time that they reached out to the Opp offering set of concessions & compromises. Sensing weakness, the Opp refused & wanted to go all the way
24-Damascus gave its first warning that unless the Opp stopped, it will have no choice but to "call on our big allies". This warning will turn into action in Sep 2015 as first Russian planes landed and militarily settled the winner of the conflict.