At Tanf više nema nikakvog značaja osim da trenutno spašava obraz Amerima. Tamo nema ničeg. Doduše, presečen je najkraći put iz Damaska do Iraka ali zbog blizine Izraela taj put nema veći značaj. Otvaranjem puta preko Deir Zora nanet je startegijski udarac i Amerima i Izraelu a i taj put je van nekažnjenih udara izraelskog RV. Tu bi em morali da uđu duboko u vazdušni prostor Sirije em da to urade bez podrške AWACS-a osim ako Jordan ne bi dozvolio izraelskim AWACS-ima koriste jordanski vazdušni prostor što je teško zamislivo. Tako da je drum iračka granica - Deir Zor - Damask za Izraelce manje više nedostupan.
Mala napomena u vezi DeZ-Irak. Iracani nece dozvoliti prelazak vojnika i tehnike iz Irana ka Siriji preko svoje teritorije. Medjutim, ostaje naravno prebacivanje trupa i tehnike uz pomoc avijacije.
Sad cu pokusati da nadjem vest.
Bila je vest na b92.
Naime, predsednik ili premijer je prilikom zavrsetka operacija i izlaska vojske na granicu sa Sirijom dao izjavu tipa: Zahvaljujemo se vojsci i dobrovoljackim jedinicama,ali necemo dozvoliti prolazak preko teritorije Iraka jer je Irak samostalna i nezavisna zemlja.
Znam da mi je ta izjava bas zapala za oci i ostala u pamcenju.
Citat:The United States will no longer be able to block the Iraqi-Syrian road (Al-Qaim-Albu Kamal) because it is related to the sovereignty of the two countries. But this does not mean Tehran will use this route to send weapons across Baghdad and Damascus to Hezbollah in Lebanon, for two reasons:
First, Iraq has sovereignty and the Prime Minister Haider Abadi will not allow any Iraqi armed party to keep its weapons because the Iraqi armed forces are responsible for holding security, especially after the defeat of ISIS in all cities.
Abadi’s next step will be to disarm all Iraqi movements and organizations by the year 2018 and most likely after the forthcoming elections in May. According to well-informed sources Iran and the Marjaiya in Najaf (and the majority of the Iraqi parties) want Abadi to be re-elected for another term.
This means that Iraq will not allow its territory to be used to finance non-state actors, even if these have taken part in the elimination of ISIS. Neither will he allow weapons to cross his country to an ally that fought alongside the Iraqi forces – such as Hezbollah – because he is not positioning himself against the United States and the countries of the region. This is not Iraq’s battle.
Secondly, Hezbollah does not need the land route from Tehran to Beirut because the sea and air links with Tehran are open through Syria and from it to Lebanon. Moreover, Hezbollah is no longer in need of additional weapons in Lebanon, especially since the Lebanese-Syrian front is unified against any possible future Israeli war.