Rat u Siriji, 2017. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2017. godina

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3554

Napisano: 18 Feb 2017 0:12

_Petar ::
Ne da se Evropa okrece Rusiji nego ih slave...

Jedna osoba od 10 koja i razume stanje i situaciju gde su i zemlje zapadne Evrope u gubitku zbog sankcija Rusiji nece to priznati, mislim naravno na ove sa zapada. Ostalih devet mrze Rusiju i sve vezano za nju, a ni oni nece to priznati. To sto su neki poslovi u gubitku zbog sankcija ne znaci da oni zele dobro Rusiji, njih zanima samo biznis a veruj mi ni oni ne vole Rusiju... plus muslimansko stanovnistvo koga je vremenom sve vise... Govorim o onome sto sam iskusio iz prve ruke, isto tako ni nas ne vole i gledaju nas sa visine, jos vise nego njih... Tu mozda treba izuzeti Cesku mada za to nisam kompetentan jer nisam imao mnogo kontakta sa Cesima mada znam da su po pitanju nas bar neutralni sto je retkost u Evropi naspram recimo ljigavih Francuza koji nas otvoreno ne postuju...

Jel ima nekih mapa iz DeirZ?

I zar ne bi bilo logicno da uzmu AlBussari raskrsce pre daljeg napredovanja ka Palmiri? Bebee Dol

Mozda Evropljani ne vole Ruse svako ima pravo da voli ili ne, ali najjace stranke u najvecim zemljama EU su pro-Ruske.
Francuska-Mari le Pen i Sarkozi tj njegova stranka to su dve najjace strane u Francuskoj.
Italija takodje bese pokret 5 zvezdica delimicno pro Ruski otvoreno se zalazu za saradjnju sa Rusiom i ukidanju sancija.
Spanci isto imaju stranku koja je u vrhu i isto zeli skroz suprotan odnos sa Rusma.
Madjari sa Orbanom...
To su od vecih drzava EU(Britanija izlazi)uz saradnju sa Nemcima mirna kapa, takodje i neke manje zemlje kao sto su Bugarska sa nivim predsednikom, Ceska,mislim i Slovacka su takodje za saradnju sa Rusima, za Portugal i Holandiju nemam info. Jedino su Poljska, Rumunija, Hrvatska i tri balticke zemlje protiv Rusije, ali se nisu okrenule Berlinu nego SAD-u sto dosta govori.

Dopuna: 18 Feb 2017 0:22


Niko nije reako da je Amerika slaba, ali Amerika je izgubila 2013 godine jedinu mogucnost za dejstva u Siriji i sada je tome dosao kraj. Nema sanse da ce se zbog Kurda sada trapm kaciti sa Rusima jos vise i sa Erdoganom. Erdogan je toliko vazan Amerima, da moze da radi sta hoce,a neuspeli puc je istrosio sav kredit kod Erdogana koji je SAD imao. AKo Turska promeni stranu cela jedna regija se brise kao pretnja po VAP Rusije od svega uz snabdevanje Irana,Turske, i Kzahstana sa S300/400 taj deo je bezbedan po pitanju udara krstarecih raketa sto ce olaksati borbu Ruskoj PVO iz pravca EU i sa Severa i Istoka iz pravca Koreje i Japana jer uz kontrlu Azije i naoruzanjem Indije i Kine uz gore nabrojane Rusija je sa te stane bezbedna.

Drugo sta mislis da ce Rusija da dovozli da SAD ima baze na teritoriji Sirije, e od toga nema nista, a koliko je Rusija jaka ili ne dovoljno govori podatak da su preziveli sankcije i da su prognoze da ce do 2050 Ruska ekonomije u Evropi biti najjaca i to Zapadnih ekonomskih i kredit-rejtig agencija.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

Yusha Yuseef ‏@MIG29_ 29m

Military Source To me , SAA Tiger Forces Advanced into Rasm Al-Harmel , Destroyed many ISIS Sites and capture area

Tigrovi nastupaju, istočni Alepo.

O Kurdima ja mislim, da če obrat bostan. Ovi u Siriji itekako. Mislim, da neče biti avtonomije, samo da ostanu na suvom, bez gasa i nafte. Tada neče biti dugo vremena interesantni demokraciji, odnosno Amerikancima. Turci imaju ovdje svoje interese, velike interese.

SAA mora spasiti Dez, Palmiru, i zauzeti sva nazališta gasa i nafte.


Sirijska arapska armija (SAA) i Snage nacionalne odbrane (SNO), uz podršku ruskog vazduhoplovstva i instruktora na terenu tokom današnjeg dana okončali su oslobađanje oblasti Istočni Bajarat i nalaze se na samo 12 kilometara od Palmire.

  • Pridružio: 28 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 1118

Irbis ::Vidim da niko nije objavio izgleda da je SAA povratila sve izgubljeno u Daari, ne znam odakle pamet teroristima da krenu na Daaru vec drugi put pokrecu veliku ofanzivu i isto prolaze.
Bilo bi super, ali ja nisam nasao da je neko to objavio. A pratim uglavnom ove pro SAA izvore.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3554

Nemam vremena da trzim sada, pa evo ovako





sve pozicije po ovome su vratili u gradu ostala je jos okolina koju su drzali pre ove ofanzive.

  • delrey 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 686

Ne bih ja verovao previse vestima na syria.liveumap.com

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Ништа нису повратили у Дари. Али и ово што су шарени заузели је смешно, сада трпе контре и бомбардовање. Више их је изгинуло сада, неко тогом прошле фамозне офанзиве. Најважније је да ће ускоро да почну да се кољу, јер им је Јордан затворио границу, па рањеници умиру по шупама. Јордан се одједном појављује на преговорима. Cool

Ево мапа
Citat:Daraa offensive lost momentum. Militants now in the defensive. RuAf and SyAAf strikes targeting insurgent positions in the city nonstop.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Да сагледамо нови пораз турске државе на периферији Ал Баба. И верујте ми, нисам претерао ни у једном посту. Турска се распада.

нове бројке
Citat:497 rebels dead , 1800+ wounded since beginning of ES op. 70 + Turkish soldiers dead with around 386+ wounded.

Syria - Turks Fail To Take Al-Bab - "Rebels" Die In Infighting

Citat:This week the Turkish President Erdogan visited the Gulf states. He asked for bigger investment in Turkey and for cash for his project to occupy more parts of Syria. A week ago Erodgan had claimed:

“Al-Bab is about to be captured. Manbij and Raqqah are next,” Erdogan said, adding their number one priority was to form a safe zone in the country.
This week he brought his Army Chief of Staff Arak to the Gulf to declare victory. Several Erdogan friendly media outlets in Turkey (any other left?) reported:

Operation Euphrates Shield has entered a new phase in al-Bab, as the offensive stage is over now that the town has largely been recaptured from Daesh.
The operation in al-Bab is over," Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar said at a press conference in Qatar on Wednesday during President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's trip to Gulf countries.

Silence now dominates the area that was once scene to heavy clashes. Turkish tanks patrol al-Bab's streets and the Syrian opposition has pressed a major advance.

That claim was a huge lie. While Turkish forces had earlier taken some outskirts of Al-Bab and claimed to own 40% of the city they were by then in stuck and later in full retreat.

Yesterday the Turkish forces lost the Al-Hikma hospital and the automatic bakery they had earlier captured and retreated from all inner districts of Al-Bab. At least 90% of Al-Bab is still in Islamic State hands.

Geolocated video by the Islamic State and Turkish supported forces show that the Turks were back at their starting points at the outer city limits.

As many as 430 Syrian civilians have been killed by Turkish forces and their auxiliaries. Just last week the MI-6 sponsored Syrian Observatory said that Turkish bombing killed more than 60 in Al-Bab. It confirmed videos posted by the Islamic State which showed killed children and destroyed houses. Unlike with every death cause by fighting between Takfiris and the Syrian Army no "western" main-stream media picked up on that.

Turkey started to invade Syria between Aleppo and Euphrates exactly six month ago. The aim was to prevent the Syrian Kurds from taking an east-to-west corridor along the Turkish border. Such would have closed off Turkey from further influence in Syria. The Turks had hired some of the Syrian "rebels" they had earlier supported to fight the Syrian government to now fight the Islamic State and the Kurds. The Takfiris of Ahrar al-Sham are their storm troopers.

The first three month showed some rapid progress. The Islamic State was bribed to move out of the northern Syrian areas and the Turks moved in. But in December they reached Al-Bab, a city east of Aleppo with originally some 60,000 inhabitants. There resistance from the Islamic State picked up and the Turkish progress stopped. Turkish armor, often placed without cover in sight of the front line, was destroyed in mass by Islamic State anti-tank missiles. Casualties climbed and the mercenaries of the FSA refused to continue the fight.

Casualties number so far are at least 64 Turkish soldiers killed and 386 wounded. Of the FSA auxiliaries at least 469 were killed and 1,712 wounded. A dozen main battle tanks were confirmed as lost. Sources claim that more than 30 Turkish tanks were destroyed as well as 20+ armored infantry carriers.

The Free Syrian Army mercenaries Erdogan hired to take on the Kurds and the Islamic State are now mostly useless. They do not fight efficiently but profusely waste ammunition for spray-and-pray show offs (vid).

To compensate for that Turkey injected its own special Forces and now has some 3,000 soldiers involved in the operation. But that did not help - losses continued and no progress was made.

Another 5,000 Turkish soldiers are now send (Tur) to join the operation. It was also announced that Turkey plans to erect three garrisons in Syria. On top of the eluding Al-Bab Erdogan now also wants to take the Islamic State held Raqqa and the Kurdish held Manbij.

But who takes such announcements serious? After the alleged coup against him Erdogan kicked out every officer who was not, in his view, sufficiently loyal to him. His air-force was hurt the most. Allegedly only 0.4 qualified pilots per plane are available now instead of the regular 2-3. It takes up to a decade to train up new pilots.

The army may be in slightly better shape but NATO's second biggest army is no longer the serious force it once was. The whole Turkish operation is in disarray. Moreover - there is no plan for the day after or any exit strategy. Decisions and announcements change from day to day.

The current Turkish plans contradict the Astana agreements concluded with Russia, Syria and Iran. Only a short, temporary role for Turkish forces was agreed upon. Al-Bab was supposed to be taken by Syrian forces. Syria has officially protested at the UN against the Turkish invasion. But neither Syria nor Russia or Iran have started to fight the Turkish forces. "Just let the Turks bleed," seems to be their current slogan.

Erdogan set the date for a referendum in Turkey over a new constitution. The vote in April would legalize his quasi dictatorial powers. But the quagmire in Syria and the stalemate at Al-Bab will cost him. Why choose a dictator prone to lose his fights? Unconfirmed rumors are swiveling around claiming that Erdogan is trying to bribe the Islamic State to leave Al-Bab. Such a move would fit Erdogan's motives. He needs the victory and does not shy away from otherwise illegitimate methods.

South of Al-Bab the Syrian army is moving towards the Euphrates. It will cut off the Turkish forces path to Raqqa and Manbij. In north-east Syria formerly Turkish sponsored Takfiris fight each other. Jund al-Aqsa, allied with Islamic State, is mass killing "moderate rebels" allied with Al-Qaeda. Hundreds of "rebel" fighters and prisoners have lost their lives in such infighting.

In the south "moderate rebels" and al-Qaeda try to attack the city of Daraa, held by regular Syrian forces. The attacks failed. Jordan closed its borders and no longer takes care of wounded "rebels". The Military Operations Room in Jordan has stopped all supplies and payments to anti-Syrian forces. Only Israel is still secretly helping them.

Syrian government forces mop up isolated rebel strongholds near Damascus. Some Syrian army forces are moving to retake Palmyra. The east-Syrian garrison in Deir Ezzor, isolated and attacked by the Islamic State, is still holding out. Bigger operations against the Takfiris in the south and north-west are planned but the smart move now is to just sit tight and let the enemies, Takfiris as well as Turks, continue in their self destruction.


  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34965

With the Syrian Democratic Forces’ powerful third phase in full swing in the northeastern countryside of Raqqa, the US-backed force launched a powerful assault targeting the handful of villages the Islamic State terror group still controls in southwest Hasakah effectively capturing Tal Zamuk, Azman, and a handful of hamlets bordering the administrative boundary of Deir Ezzor.

Misc po mic i eto tigra kod Deir Hafira. Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2015
  • Poruke: 431

Ja sam Daru, vidio kao potencijalno veliki problem za Asada i vec nekoliko puta sam to spomenuo.
Moje misljenje je bazirano na tezi, da oni politicki mogu da mu naskode i da ce se ta teritorija resavati kompromisom i dogovorom izmedju Damaska i pobunjenika, pa bi na taj nacin Asad bio prmoran da pravi ustupke, ovim pobunjenickim grupama u provinciji Dara.

Medjutim, preovladao je samoubilacki gen kod pobunjenika i oni ovo pitanje pokusavaju da rijese vojnim putem, sto je u startu osudjeno na propast. U principu samo kopaju raku, jer ovakvim ispadima daju potpuni legitimitet za neku buducu ofanzivu SAA. Proci ce isto kao ovi u Vadi Bardiju ili drugim enklavama kada se za to stvore uslovi.
Ne vidim logiku u zauzimanju nekoliko blokova porusenih zgrada, kada pritom imas velike gubitke u ljudstvu i tehnici. Izgubis mir i navuces avijaciju koja te posle nemilosrdno bombarduje, ne mareci puno za civilne zrtve. Kratkorocno oni ovim akcijaama ostvare neke uspjehe.
Izazovu gubitke, pometnju, uspore ofanzivu vojske na nekom drugom podrucju, ali dugorocno sebe dovede strasno tezak polozaj.

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9248
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

E moj druze, da su bili pametni ne bi ni uzimali oruzje u ruke. Ali, lova, sponzori, obecana buducnost u serijatskom raju, ajd da razumijem.

ali sad se k**citi kad je sve propalo, nema rezona. Mada, rezona tamo odavno nema kad malo bolje razmislim.

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