Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 17:42
- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9455
"The skies above Syria are an international incident waiting to happen, according to American pilots"
Ратне игре над Сиријом. Ко зна колико су се пута "играли" за ових годину и нешто дана.
Citat:One night this past fall, a U.S. radar plane flying a routine pattern over Syria picked up a signal from an incoming Russian fighter jet.
The American crew radioed repeated warnings on a frequency universally used for distress signals. The Russian pilot didn’t respond.
Instead, as the U.S. plane began a wide sweep to the south, the Russian fighter, an advanced Su-35 Flanker, turned north and east across the American plane’s nose, churned up a wave of turbulent air in its path and briefly disrupted its sensitive electronics.
“We assessed that guy to be within one-eighth of a mile—a few hundred feet away—and unaware of it,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Paul Birch, commander of the 380th Expeditionary Operations Group, a unit based in the Persian Gulf.
A Russian Su-35 Flanker fighter shadows U.S. F-15s as they refuel over Syria in September. The photo, taken by a camera on one of the American planes, shows the Russian pilot far closer than the three-mile safety limit set in a 2015 U.S.-Russian agreement. PHOTO: U.S. AIR FORCE
The skies above Syria are an international incident waiting to happen, according to American pilots. It is an unprecedented situation in which for months U.S. and Russian jets have crowded the same airspace fighting parallel wars, with American pilots bombing Islamic State worried about colliding with Russian pilots bombing rebels trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Russian warplanes, which also attack Islamic State targets, are still flying daily over Syria despite the recent cease-fire in Moscow’s campaign against the anti-Assad forces, according to the U.S. Air Force.
The U.S. and Russian militaries have a year-old air safety agreement, but American pilots still find themselves having close calls with Russian aviators either unaware of the rules of the road, or unable or unwilling to follow them consistently.
“Rarely, if ever, do they respond verbally,” said Brig. Gen. Charles Corcoran, commander of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, who flies combat missions in a stealth fighter. “Rarely, if ever, do they move. We get out of the way. We don’t know what they can see or not see, and we don’t want them running into one of us.”...
...But the Russians are prone to ignoring the conventions of air safety, according to the American pilots. Planes world-wide carry transponders that emit a four-digit code allowing air-traffic controllers to identify them, a practice called squawking. Russian planes over Syria don’t squawk, and they appear as an unidentified bleep to allied radar installations.
Nor do the Russians usually answer “guard calls,” urgent summons on a common emergency radio frequency. In one eight-hour shift on Dec. 11, for instance, the crew of a U.S. radar plane, called an AWACS, made 22 such calls to some 10 Russian planes and received not a single response. A few of the Russians approached within five miles of allied aircraft.
The controller aboard the AWACS scattered U.S. planes to keep them clear of the Russians. “We’ve had several co-altitude incidents,” the officer said, referring to planes flying too close together.
Russian pilots have sometimes broken their silence when contacted by a female air-traffic controller.
In early September, a female U.S. air-surveillance officer spotted an unidentified plane approaching allied aircraft over Syria. “You’re operating in the vicinity of coalition aircraft,” she warned the pilot.
A heavy Russian accent emerged through the static: “You have a nice voice, lady. Good evening.”..
...That’s not always the case. In September, an Su-35 shadowed an American F-15 fighter as it ended a bombing run over Syria and pulled up to a tanker plane to refuel. The U.S. pilot filmed the Russian running alongside the American planes, about a mile-and-a-half away, said Col. Birch.
At times, Russian planes plow through tightly controlled groupings of allied aircraft over Raqqa. Russian bombers, flying to Syria via Iran, have crossed Iraq and disrupted allied flight patterns over the battlefields of Mosul.
Lt. Col. August “Pfoto” Pfluger, a stealth-fighter pilot, witnessed such an incident over Iraq in August.
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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 18:10
- Pridružio: 19 Jan 2015
- Poruke: 1267
Pazi molim te Ruski pilot proleteo ispred njih na nekoliko stotina metara a nije primetio Amere. Ili ne znamo sta Rusi vide ili ne vide i to je opasno... kao da ovi lete na Moskvicima a Ameri imaju one klingonske brodove...
Neverovatno ali ponekad pomislim da nivo pranja mozgova u SAD nadmasuje i tzv ID...
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 18:26
- Niko Bitan
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Nov 2016
- Poruke: 592
Meni stvarno nije jasno kako turci s ovako nesposobnom FSA misle osvojit Al Bab. Jučer su neuspješno napali Suflaniju sjeveroistočno od Al Baba. Koji je smisao ovoga na 0:37? Kao da gledam neke FSA iz 2012., a ne 'vojsku' pod turskom komandom i s četiri godine rata iza sebe. Jedini napredak u odnosu na snimke od prije par godina je manje alahuekbera po minuti.
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 18:47
- Kenanjoz
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jun 2016
- Poruke: 700
powSrb ::Irbis ::Nista strasno Rusi ce opet to sve srediti samo SAA da osvoji taj deo i da ga vise ne gubi. Polako samo treba da se odluci na koju ce se stranu i da se zavrsi. Najbolje bi bilo da zavrse Damask i Al Rastan pa onda sve ostalo, Bitno je da se zuri.
Ситуација је крајње критична, само што медијима то није занимљиво. Да је ово САА урадила територијама под контролом побуњеника разматрало би се бомбардовање.
Сиријски народ је у веома тешком положају, и пре овога су имали жестоке рестрикције, а тек сада ће се смрзнути. Иран шаље танкере без престанка, али није то довољно.
Situacija nije kriticna nego je katastrofalna:
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Al sto bi rekli neki genijalci"gubitak Palmire i okoline je nebitan za SAA i Siriju trenutno"
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 19:01
- Irbis
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
- Poruke: 3554
Vojno je nebitna potpuno i samo je unistavala ofazivne mogucnosti SAA, ali je socijalno mnogo bitna. Cudi me da nisu do sada izgradili neku toplanu na ugalj koju ce kasnije zameneiti gasom. Sada je to nebitno i moraju da krenu ka Tabki i Deiru i to je sada svima jasno,ali izgleda cekaju nesto, a sta pojma nemam.
Ovaj potez ID je kao nagovestaj da ce se povuci ka Raki svi i da zato sve dizu u vazduh jer je jasno da nece moci vise da zadrze taj deo i da ce povuci da brane Raku.
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 20:16
- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9455
Амерички специјалци у специјалној операцији око Даер Ер зора.
Oво је први објавио СРО на твитеру, нисам му поверовао.
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#SRO - Very interesting report by #DeZ activists : #US and allies led an airlanding operation with 4 helicopters near Maadan (E-#Raqqa) (1).
#SRO - Arab fighters (not from #SDF) participated with #US SF to small operation. Some #IS sect fighters were killed, others captured (2).
#SRO - After only 2 hours, Arab fighters were taken out with their prisoners by #US helicopters and withdrew toward an unknown area (END).
ADD.: seems #US trained #DeZ and #Raqqa arab volunteers to make their own operations behind #IS lines [not reproducing #Bukamal disaster].
Али DOD данас потврдио, али наводно нико није заробљен.
DOD confirms "successful" US special ops raid in #Syria over the weekend. No one detained, reports of 25 ISIS killed "grossly exaggerated."
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Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 20:22
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2012
- Poruke: 1138
- Gde živiš: Banja Luka
- 26Ovo se svidja korisnicima: victoria, ShurikSST, dozorni, komkom, Drug Platov, Cranium, su27, cezar 35, cetka, nenooo, radionica1, aljosa7, Sonyboy, Slobodarko, purke62, Srbija majka Pirot otac, Eyes Wide Shut, sloboda_ili_smrt, pevtschik, vladetije, BraneS, DARKMEN22, limeni, babaroga, Profica, zlaya011
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
REPUBLIKA SRPSKA je godinama prezivljavala na minimumu struje a bez imalo gasa pa cak u nekim trenutcima i bez kisika za dijecija porodilista pa vidite gdje smo sad. Nece Damasku nista biti od malo smrzavanja, cak sta vise to ce mnoge ponukati da uzmu pusku u ruke i rijese se zlikovaca.
P.S. Uzgred Sretan Dan Republike svim clanovima foruma iz RS.
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 20:53
- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9455
Према овом чланку, СДФ има 58 хиљада људи од тога 45 хиљада Курда и 13 хиљада арапа(ССА), и додатних 10 хиљада које тренирају.
On the road to Raqqa
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Citat:There are 13,000 Arabs now serving with the SDF, alongside 45,000 Kurds with the YPG, according to a U.S. military spokesman, Col. John Dorrian.
But there seems to be little doubt that the YPG is leading the fight. Its flags flutter over the checkpoints along the newly liberated rural roads and at the military bases closest to the front lines. Its graffiti is scrawled over the walls of the captured towns and villages, as in Tal Saman, where the initials “YPG” were spray-painted alongside the pledge to take Raqqa.
The Kurdish-Arab alliance, with U.S. assistance, plans to recruit and train an additional 10,000 Arab fighters for an offensive on Raqqa
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 22:10
- Cranium
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Nov 2014
- Poruke: 651
powSrb ::#SRO - After only 2 hours, Arab fighters were taken out with their prisoners by #US helicopters and withdrew toward an unknown area (END).
Где ли су сада ти Стингери и ПВО топови из арсенала ИСИС-а?
Не пуцају на газду м?
Poslao: 09 Jan 2017 22:11
- Drug Platov
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Nov 2015
- Poruke: 1003
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Ima li sta od ovoga iz linka?
Inace, sad vidim da je navodno Rojava promenila ime, nista mi tu nije jasno, kao Barzabijevci ljuti, ypg takodje....nista ne kontam.