Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 21:07
- Pridružio: 10 Maj 2015
- Poruke: 141
- Gde živiš: Podgorica
Ima li sta od ovoga?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 21:20
- CyberWarrior
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 545
- 11Ovo se svidja korisnicima: renoje2, flash12, Cufo, ssekir75, Wrangler, T-72, dozorni, marko76, radionica1, djordje92sm, dani.tomic
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
tatarata :: a prosjecan bosanski musliman nema blage veze sta su sije, sta sunije, sta vehabije, alevije itd., niti ga zanima
Ово није тачно. Босански муслимани и те како знају ко су шије, ко суније и шта су вехабије. И занимају их те ствари више него икада пре. Сасвим је довољно погледати подршку зеленима у Сирији и пљување по Русима на друштвеним мрежама. Био је и онај скуп у Сарајеву, а да не говоримо у медијима како се сатанизује Асад и Руси.
И мало мало па видиш кратке панталоне у Сарајеву. Није ситуација ни мало наивна у БиХ.
Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 21:48
- Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 34675
Evo kako su Kurdi raspiređeni u Iranu i koliko ih ima.
Izvor wikipedia
"According to the last census conducted in 2006, the four Kurdish-inhabited provinces in Iran, West Azerbaijan (2,873,459), Kermanshah Province (1,879,385), Kurdistan Province (1,440,156), and Ilam Province (545,787) have a total population of 6,738,787."
Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 22:25
- Pridružio: 10 Maj 2015
- Poruke: 141
- Gde živiš: Podgorica
Opet se dofatili Kurdi i turci
Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 22:56
- Yellow Pinky
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Mar 2005
- Poruke: 1189
- Gde živiš: Niš
Humanija strana dešavanja u Siriji
Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 23:12
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2012
- Poruke: 1132
- Gde živiš: Banja Luka
- 27Ovo se svidja korisnicima: pein, sremac983, renoje2, rovac, marko76, Webb, powSrb, T-72, Sonyboy, kalens021, flash12, GnaeusDomitiusAhenobarbus, slonic_tonic, Cufo, ILGromovnik, radionica1, radicr, JOntra, djordje92sm, Irbis, Georgius, Drug Platov, sezan, ssekir75, kosticmilanko, alkatraz080, mean_machine
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
JOntra ::U posleratnoj Siriji Irbis je zasluzio bar neku medalju za zasluge, verovao covek i u najlosijim danima za SAA.
Abu Irbis Al Asadi
Poslao: 08 Mar 2017 23:45
- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9450
Руске снаге ушле на један део линије разграничења, носе и Курдска обележја. Турска држава ће морати да заустави гранатирања, или се суочи са уништењем на северу Сирије, а и шире, по потреби.
Стиже још 1000 Американаца у Сирију, да управљају артиљеријом око Раке.
Једна група већ стигла.
Marines have arrived in Syria to fire artillery in the fight for Raqqa
Сви хоће парче Сирије. А Амери би да се похвале да су они узели све велике градове од ИД. Вероватно ће после да оптужују Русе како су узели само Алепо од демократа, а ИД нису ни дирали.
Citat:Marines from an amphibious task force have left their ships in the Middle East and deployed to Syria, establishing an outpost from which they can fire artillery guns in support of the fight to take back the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, defense officials said.
The deployment marks a new escalation in the U.S. war in Syria, and puts more conventional U.S. troops in the battle. Several hundred Special Operations troops have advised local forces there for months, but the Pentagon has mostly shied away from using conventional forces in Syria. The new mission comes as the Trump administration weighs a plan to take back Raqqa, the so-called capital of the Islamic State, that also includes more Special Operations troops and attack helicopters.
The force is part of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, which left San Diego on Navy ships in October. The Marines on the ground include part of an artillery battery that can fire powerful 155-millimeter shells from M777 Howitzers, two officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the deployment.
The expeditionary unit’s ground force, Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, will man the guns and deliver fire support for U.S.-backed local forces who are preparing an assault on the city. Additional infantrymen from the unit will provide security while resupplies will be handled by part of the expeditionary force’s combat logistics element. For this deployment, the Marines were flown from Dijibouti to Kuwait and then into Syria, said another defense official with direct knowledge of the operation.
The official added that the Marines movement into Syria was not the byproduct of President Donald Trump’s request of a new plan to take on the Islamic State and that it had “been in the works for sometime.”
“The Marines answer a problem that the [operation] has faced,” the official said. He added that they now provide “all-weather fires considering how the weather is this time of year in northern Syria.”
Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, the top U.S. general overseeing the campaign against the Islamic State, has previously said that a small number of conventional soldiers have supported Special Operations troops on the ground in Syria, including through a truck-mounted system known as the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS. The defense official with knowledge of the deployment said Wednesday that the Marines and their Howitzers will supplement, rather than replace, those Army units.
The new Marine mission was disclosed after members of the Army’s elite 75th Ranger Regiment appeared in the Syrian city of Manbij over the weekend in Strykers, heavily armed, eight-wheel armored vehicles. Defense officials said they are there to discourage Syrian or Turkish troops from taking any moves that could shift the focus away from an assault on Islamic State militants.
The Marine mission has similarities to an operation the Marine Corps undertook about a year ago when the U.S. military was preparing to support an assault on the Iraqi city of Mosul. In that case, a force from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, of Camp Lejeune, N.C., established a fire base south of the city in support of Iraqi and Kurdish troops who were then carrying out operations to isolate Mosul from Islamic State-held territory around it.
The existence of the outpost near Mosul, originally named Fire Base Bell, became public after it was attacked by rockets March 19, 2016, killing Staff Sgt. Louis F. Cardin and wounding at least four other Marines. Defense officials said at the time that they had not disclosed the deployment of Marines there because the base was not fully operational, although photographs released by the Defense Department shortly afterward show Marines launching artillery rounds a day before Cardin’s death.
For the base in Syria to be useful, it must be within about 20 miles of the operations U.S.-backed forces are carrying out. That is the estimated maximum range on many rounds fired from the M777 howitzer. GPS-guided Excalibur rounds, which the Marines also used after establishing Fire Base Bell, can travel closer to 30 miles. Fire support for the Mosul operation has since been turned over to the Army.
ИД посматра конвоје на Канесеру. Какви ли договори ту владају, када их пуштају да се овако слободно крећу. Шарени су негде и на километар од пута, само су једном прошле године гађали неки камион са ПОВР. Очигледно је да из неког разлога ни они ни црни то неће да раде.
Руси на путу
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