Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 21:53
- Pridružio: 18 Maj 2011
- Poruke: 71
Posto je Jobar ponovo postao aktuelan , setio sam se ona tri tenka sa dobrom posadom sto su krstarili ulicama Jobara kada su se zestoke bitke vodile. Moguce da mi je promaklo ali se ne secam da sam procitao sta se dalje desavalo sa njima? Da li ima neke potvrde da su izbaceni iz stroja, povuceni u zasluzene penzije...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 21:55
- Pridružio: 19 Dec 2015
- Poruke: 286
Gde su bre na hiljade iranaca i njihovnih saveznika na jugozapadu Alepa da krenu malo u akciju ka opkoljenim gradovima u Idlibu. Evo iml lepe prilike sad kad je Nusra fokusirana na region Hame?
Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 22:36
- Pridružio: 19 Jan 2015
- Poruke: 1267
To su sve oni vikend ratnici, ne diram te ne diraj me. Ako ih dirnu, pale patike, nisu budale da ginu kad sami Sirijci nece da ginu za svoju zemlju. Nema vajde od njih, sve osim hezbolaha su statisti zajedno sa NDF om i onim novim korpusom reumaticara i penzionera.
Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 22:37
- Pridružio: 07 Jun 2012
- Poruke: 65
Jesu im strah utjerali u kosti, [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 22:58
- Pridružio: 10 Feb 2014
- Poruke: 436
Kako se ono švabsko govno iz Bilda raduje ovima ofenzivama đihadista i samobombaša. Još ih naziva Free army. Šta ne ode kod njih malo da vidimo koliko bi izdržao.
Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 23:08
- rikirubio
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2015
- Poruke: 431
rikirubio ::^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ima ih dovoljno, da naprave velike probleme.
Meni ni ISIL ne izgleda kao porazena vojska. Takticki se povlace, bez nekih enormnih gubitaka.
Raku-Tabaku-Dez ce braniti do poslednjeg metka. Mislim da imaju snage za najmanje jos jedan masovan napad na Palmiru ili Dez. Da sam na mjestu SAA, bio bi jako oprezan.
Nusrovci imaju desetine hiljada boraca, ali ne kontrolisu ni jedan veci grad ako iskljucimo IDLIB.
Jedino sto mogu je ofanziva na Hamu, i pokusaju da spoje AL-Rastan sa Idlibom, sto je gotovo nemoguce.
Alepo im je unisti sve snove, izgubili su podrsku Amerike-Zapada i trenutno se bore protiv svih, slicno kao ISIL. Pitanje je vremena, kad ce ponovo pokusati ofanzivu masovnih razmjera.
Jos opasnija prijetnja, da iz pravca IDLIBA krenu ka Afrinu, i uz pomoc Turaka se spoje sa Stitom Eufrata.
Zbog toga treba pomoci Kurde u Afrinu na sve moguce nacine...
Ne salju Rusi slucajno oklopnjake, hranu, municiju i otvaraju neke baze, koordinacione centre i sl.
SAA ima puno problema, ali vidan je naparedak, pored gubitaka u ljudstvu.
Predaja Al-Waera je velika pobjeda, koja je nekako nepravedno zapostavljena
Jobar, pokazje kako je teko osvajati enklave, pa su ovakvi transveri najbolje moguce resenje.
I Alepa se cisti prilicno dobro. Sad treba vidjeti da li ce ga opkoliti ili idu na deratizaciju?
Moja preporuka bi bila, da se krene naprijed ukoliko bude jak otpor.
Situacija u Palmiri mi nije bas najjasnija.
Ne znam, dal se spremaju za proboj Deza, ili zele samo da osiguraju grad?
Kvotovao sam svoj post od prije neki dan, pa cu ovo boldovano prokomentarisati.
Nije veliko iznenadjenje sto su napali Hamu, a ko se sjeca proslog puta ni brzina napredovanja nije nesto novo. Gotovo indenticno se odvija situacija, izabrali su dobar momenat, vjerovatno na nagovor svojih finansijera, kojima smeta napredovanje Tigrova prema Tabaki.
Nece biti lako zaustaviti ovu ofanzivu, jer su imali nekoliko mjeseci da se pripreme za nju.
Ocekujem stabilizaciju frona u narednih nedelju dana, jer su poslata pojacanja a koliko vidim stize i
Peti korpus. Vidjecemo kako ce se sve zavrsiti, ali ako SAA uspije da zadrzi bokove i dovuce dovoljno vojnika, teroristi ce dozivjeti veliki poraz. Dubina ovog klina je opasnost za napadace, i sa nekim bocnim kontra-udarom dovesce ih u nezavidnu poziciju.
Rizikovace opkoljavanje, a to unosi najvecu pometnju u redovima.
Nadam se da Tigrovi nastavljaju prema Tabaki, i da ce jedino u krajnjoj nuzdi prekinuti ofanzivu.
Kada je ISIL napao Palmiru, Rusi nisu htjeli da prebace borce iz ALEPA dok ga citavog nisu osvojili.
Mislim da ce slicno biti i sada, te da Tigrovi nastavljaju u pravcu Tabake a mozda i Kansera.
U Jobaru je doslo do stabilizacije fronta, u narednim danima predstoji borba za izgubljenim pozicijama i inicijativa RG.
Poslao: 22 Mar 2017 23:10
- Pridružio: 10 Feb 2014
- Poruke: 436
Neka razmišljanja na drugom forumu
If briefly, here's what thoughts come to mind:
On the military side, no catastrophe has occurred, the standard actions of the Syrian war. The Greens assembled the group and shot down the advanced roadblocks of the Syrian militia (which, as always, became on the slippers) made a local breakthrough. None of the Syrian cadre unit was defeated or surrounded. Trophies are moderate. Most likely, as the Falcons, Tigers and Marines approach, the breakthrough will be localized and the parties will then return to their original positions. At Ham green until you move. To do this, we need to gather a much larger grouping, and they will not go to Rastanski. Go to Khama (where most likely there is a large garrison) or to pierce the gut to the Rastan cauldron, provided that the total superiority of the SAA in the air and artillery is suicide. What all this ends we saw in August-September last year under Aleppo.
2. Then the natural question arises, why all this operation is green? What is its meaning? And then comes to mind a few options:
Variant 1. A popular version among the members of the forum is revenge of the "Ottoman Sultan". On the one hand, it is logical. The Russian Federation fits in for the Kurds, Turkey responded with a foolishness to Khama, that they would not forget that the sultan should be reckoned with. Indirect confirmation of this hypothesis is the problems with the export of our wheat. But then the question, but what for Erdogan such zamorochki? Show that he's cool? But after the El-Bab, when the Turks requested our air support, the level of the Turkish army became clear to all. To quarrel with GDP after a visit to Moscow and the meeting of the early nineties. General Staff, that is, only have established relations and here again? Well, Erdogan is certainly impulsive and emotional, but he is not a fool. In the situation of today's Turkey, to beat pots with only just made up Russia is stupid. The Turkish stream, Akkuyu nuclear power plant, tomatoes and tourism will cover, everything is shorter. And the second time GDP will not reverse the situation back obviously. Therefore, the revenge of the Sultan is still far from complete. Here the main sign is the reports of the concentration of green on the Turkish territory in the direction of Latakia. If they strike strongly and qualitatively, then yes, then the sultan takes revenge. But in that case he is a complete moron with whom no one then has business to do. And confidence in the East is everything, has not justified, the opportunities for friendship are finally falling.
Option 2 is: the target of the militants to reduce the pressure on Jobar and Kabun. Has the right to exist, as the situation for the green in Kabuna has become severe. And it was clear that after Kabun, most likely Jobar and Guta. Therefore, Gutinsky and Jobars sprang up to save their comrades. And the Idlibskys were asked to support their actions in Hama. But this version has a flaw. Damascus is responsible for 4 MD and WG. In Kham they are unlikely to be moved. And the militants know about it. So the pressure on Jobar and Kabun is unlikely to weaken.
Varaint 3. Help in black. Deyer-Hafer most likely will fall for tomorrow / the day after tomorrow. There are no larger cities in this region. And the Dasha is not where to build a strong defense right up to Tabka. In this version, most likely the advance in the north of Hama is aimed at distracting the Tigers to Khama (option alya autumn of the 16th year) to allow Black to regroup, build a new line of defense, or attack Deyer-Zor or Palmira. Indirectly about this version says the attacks of black on the road Hanaser-Itria.
Option 4. Podlyanka from allynichkov. Just as today, the Amers launched an offensive in the Tabka area, effectively blocking the main road for the Tigers' advance along Efrat. And given the fact that the Tigers must be thrown under Kham, then the offensive along Efrat is canceled, and the Americans can put on themselves the laurel wreath of the "IGIL Winner" taking Rakka.
Poslao: 23 Mar 2017 00:38
- Pridružio: 19 Jan 2015
- Poruke: 1267
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Poginuo neki general onog penzionerskog korpusa kod palmire.
Poslao: 23 Mar 2017 00:47
- Irbis
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
- Poruke: 3554
crni1987 ::Od kada ovi imaju T90 malo ga sredjivaju pranje i sminka. Haha
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Zarobili su ga od Tigrova u Alepu.