Rat u Siriji, 2017. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2017. godina

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Могуће, али Сиријци јављају да ће до јула да почне нека интервенција на Југу.

Damn @realDonaldTrump .. I protect my children from those who provide them with weapons (moderate opposition) https://twitter.com/hamza_780/status/851254715597959168

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • 187 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2017
  • Poruke: 2194

+ ojha
Prvo totalna neistina ovo za Svedsku ,stan ne mozes da nadjes ispod 700 drzavni naravno,sve im je mnogo skuplje nego u CG ,toliko skuplje da nasi kada dodju ovdje rade generalnu na autu i kupuju sitnu elektroniku ,hrana je takodje skuplja ...u cijenu stana nisu uracunati struja, voda, tel, internet .......mislim nema sta da duzim ne znam odakle ti ovo ,jesi li nasao na netu ili te je neko slagao za ovo sve ili mozda cak ti lazes namjerno.

Ovu matricu ko sta proizvodi i sta se koristi kod nas si pokupio od susjeda sa hr i ba foruma,tako oni pricaju kada uporedjuju istok i zapad.

Sve se to zapravo pravi na Kini ,nisam siguran da je Kina na zapadu ,mozda to moze da prodje nekom zapadnjaku koji ne zna mapu .

Da te podsjetim nekih cinjenica,zapad je pljunio na Balkan time i na CG ,prepustio ga turcima ,sve zemlje bi ostale pod Otomanima da nije bilo ruskog oruzja , dobrovoljaca,ruskih vojnih skola ,zlata ,ruskih prijetnji ,ruskih ratovanja i td .... ,taj isti zapad se bunio i to zestoko kada su ovdasnje zemlje krenule u oslobodjenje od osmanlija .

Danas bi ti cuveno 31. slovo crnogorske azbuke pisao Ş i uzvikivao tekbir ....No izgleda da tebi ne smeta da budes sluga kao ni tvojima na vlasti cim zurite da ljubite skute zapadnjacima i to ste opet pokupili od susjeda koji su u svoje vrijeme srdacno pristali da budu konjusari zapadnom susjedu.

Ne velicaj vise nato i njihovu "zvezdu vodilju,, koja je odgovorna za smrt miliona ljudi sirom svijeta. Od drugog veljeg rata na ovamo,oni donose samo bijedu i razaranja ,mnogo su gori od Hitlerove Njemacke.

O onoj cuvenoj izreci da crnogorci ne ljube lance ocigledno te niko nije ucio.

Nemoj da smatras ovo pokusajem uvrede jer samo covjeka mozes uvrijediti.
Bijeli slemovi su dobili ABHO odijela ,neki ih nose dok drugi imaju hirurske maske....ovo je boolivud edition.

  • Pridružio: 28 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 1117

Ova budala juce javljao da je vec pocela invezija SAD na Siriju

Od toga naravno nema nista, osim ovog zalijetanja sa juga.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Шведска је држава која умире.

То што се неко обазире на благостање(материјално) које тамо влада није довољан показатељ каква је нека држава. Тамо би могао да живим, али не и да одгајам децу, та држава је смрт за породицу. Америка је боља од Шведске, мада у Шведској нисам био, имам пријатеља коме тамо фамилија живи, а и нисам слеп.

The Death of the Most Generous Nation on Earth
foreignpolicy ово пише...

Number of rape incidents per 100,000 citizens in different countries.
Овај број је данас много већи, у међувремену су примили још 200 хиљда арапа, од којих је један део сигурно блесав.
Има и нешто у чему је ова наша земља боља од осталих.

И овај клип, увек га поставља, најбоље објашњава другу страну стања у тој земљи.
Иначе, ово је Босанац који је тако отишао за време рата.

"Слобода говора." Wink

A Swedish man is facing charges in court after being accused of eating bacon too closely to a group of veiled Muslim women and calling them derogatory names.

  • 187 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2017
  • Poruke: 2194

Da se razumijemo jedno samo ,znam da je tezak of i unaprijed se izvinjavam svima.

Ja sam nekad bio crnogorac,kada sam prolazio bilo kojim dijelom Srbije na sami spomen da sam iz CG ili samo kada cuju naglasak ,automatski ljudi pocnu da budu velikodusni druzeljubljivi ,gledaju na mene kao na nekog boljeg od njih samih .Sada to vise nije tako ,sramota me je rec da sam iz CG .
Kada sam vidio ko je sve postao crnogorac preko noci ,tada sam odlucio da to vise ne budem.

  • Pridružio: 09 Feb 2015
  • Poruke: 1523

187 ::Da se razumijemo jedno samo ,znam da je tezak of i unaprijed se izvinjavam svima.

Ja sam nekad bio crnogorac,kada sam prolazio bilo kojim dijelom Srbije na sami spomen da sam iz CG ili samo kada cuju naglasak ,automatski ljudi pocnu da budu velikodusni druzeljubljivi ,gledaju na mene kao na nekog boljeg od njih samih .Sada to vise nije tako ,sramota me je rec da sam iz CG .
Kada sam vidio ko je sve postao crnogorac preko noci ,tada sam odlucio da to vise ne budem.


  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Само невидљиви лете. Док не слете у Буђановце(неке Сиријске).

Citat:US jets have SIGNIFICANTLY reduced their aerial activity over Syria. Afraid of Syrian/Russian response. They now only fly with F-22 Raptors

  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

"Nismo najavili sastanke i zasad u rasporedu predsednika Putina nije planiran susret sa Tilersonom", kazao je Peskov.


Kuva se nešto.

PUTIN ISKULIRAO TILERSONA: Ruski predsednik neće razgovarati u Moskvi sa američkim državnim sekretarom...

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Овде имате редовне постове, за активности сваки дан.


Citat:The day could be described as one, '...when VKS attempted to replace Shayrat AB'.
There was no flying activity the entire night and early morning, i.e. for nearly 10 hours - until 08.05, when two Su-25s launched from Hmemmem AB, marking the start of a very busy day for the VKS. The first 7 air strikes went for Jishr ash-Shughour area, followed by attacks on Ma'arat an-Nauman, Khan Sheykhoun, and Kfar Zita (the latter was hit by up to 10 air strikes around 09.45). The air strikes 'just kept on rolling' through the morning, new aircraft launching every 5-10 minutes (Su-25s always in pairs; a total of 3 such take-offs were observed, indicating there are at least 6 of them at Hmemmem AB, meanwhile). By 10.25, the VKS thus flew at least 22 combat sorties.
The next wave commenced launching at 11.07 and primarily targeted the Khan Sheykhoun area. With few short interruptions, this lasted until 13.30hrs and included a total of 19 aircraft.
Through all of this time, the SyAAF managed to launch merely two Su-24s - both from Tiyas AB. All three bombed the Khan Sheykhoun area. Even the first Su-22-related take-off of the day took place only around 12.41, and then from Tiyas - not from Shayrat.
At 13.44, the VKS opened its next wave, first launching a pair of Su-25s. Seems, this is meanwhile something like 'standard procedure'. Aircraft involved ranged wide and far over Syria, from Darat Azza and Ma'arat an-Nauman in the north, via Khan Touman in the north-east, to Eastern Ghouta and eastern Damascus, all the way to Dera'a in the south: i.e. the Russians attempted to replace the SyAAF. This wave seems to have lasted all the way to 18.00hrs, by when no less than 39 take-offs were registered.
BTW: mind: not one of air strikes in question - nor any of the last few days - can be put in any kind of relation to the usual Russian lie about 'fighting IS'. They're not doing anything of that kind since weeks.
During that time, the SyAAF added merely two additional Su-24s, both from Tiyas (one at 15.10, other at 15.13). Hama became active only around 15.30hrs, when two helicoptes were launched in northern direction. Another Su-22 launched from Tiyas at 16.34, followed by a Su-24 at 16.45, and two further Su-22s - both from Tiyas - at 17.56 and 18.10hrs.
The L-39s from Hama became active with two take-offs at 18.18hrs. At 18.37, the VKS initiated its next wave of air strikes. This targeted primarily the Sarkib area, lasted until 20.44, and included a total of 11 take-offs. Starting with 21.22, the VKS initiated its evening wave of air strikes, which lasted for the rest of the day.
fighter-bombers: 113
helicopters: 4
UAVs: 10
recce: 1
helicopters: 7
L-39s: 9
MiG-21s: 0
MiG-23s: 0
Su-22s: 3
Su-24s: 7
By now it's clear: the three Su-22-sorties from Shayrat on 8 April were flown for nothing else but PR-purposes. It's very likely that all three aircraft subsequently landed at Tiyas, i.e. didn't even try to return to Shayrat. Reason should be obvious: it's pointless to try operating combat aircraft from a ruined air base, where there is no fuel and very little ammo left, and where most of support installations are destroyed.
To further emphasise the massive drop in number of air strikes flown by the SyAAF since the US strike on Shayrat, here just a review of Su-22-sorties for the last week:

9 April: 3 (all from Tiyas)
8 April: 3 (all three from Shayrat)
7 April: 2 (all from Tiyas)
6 April: 25
5 April: 24
4 April: 11
3 April: 16
This is making it clear that anybody explaining the TLAM-strike on Shayrat 'hit no aircraft' or 'caused only minimal damage' is either lying or having no clue what happened there.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34684

Par snimaka iz Alepa.

Syrian Army fights off rebel offensive in Daraa

The Syrian army is pleased to maintain its field balance in Daraa

Syrian Army captures new points near Palmyra

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (6:35 P.M.) – The Syrian government has reportedly entered into negotiations with Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in a southern suburb of Damascus to concluded an evacuation deal.

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