slonic_tonic ::stvarno mi nije jasno za šta i za koga se oni više bore, kad je već svima jasno da im neće dozvoliti da zadrže i centimetar zemlje pod svojom kontrolom.. Pa odavno je jasno za koga se bore, a trenutno jim je uloga da zamajavaju SAA i Iracane cim duze, da sdf i ovi juzni umjereni zauzmu cim vec teritorija, to je u najgorem slucaju, idealno bi bilo da se negdje spoje da SAA odsjecu od Iraka.
Pow ajde pitaj amera šta će biti sa SAA tj Brkom u Deir ez Zoru on je de fakto pod kontrolom SAA lapo lapo ga dele sa ISIL-om.
Ako bi dovukli još bar 1000-1500 svežeg pojačanja pa da RuAF podpomogne zajedno sa SAAF-om mogli bi ih lako izbaciti iz delova grada i oko aerodroma.
I pitaj ga šta će se desiti ukoliko SAA krene da uzima tj. povrati pod svoju kontrolu sever Sirije koji trenutno kontroliše SDF uz pomoć Rusa.
Citat:I hope you guys are not shocked the kurds are doing this, it was clear day one they will grab all of Syria they can.
Ево о Курдима одговор на одговор на одговор, не могу сада да препричавам све прочитајте.
Citat:+ ...Citat:Citat:Citat:
форумаш 1
The thing I don't get is why is Russia, SAA and Allies protecting the Kurds from Turkey. Let the Turks attack Manbij and other Kurdish regions? Why is Russia and the SAA acting as buffer zones between Turkey and Kurds? If the Kurds are fucking the SAA, let the Turks help you with the Kurds.
форумаш 2
because Turkey will dig in and would be MUCH harder to remove than the kurds.
форумаш 3
The Kurds with US will impossible to remove, with Turkey you can apply pressure in many ways, with Kurds and US there is no way to remove them.
Његов одговор на ово
US will not go to war over the kurds, Turkery, however, is a formal state and the US would side with them on this matter.
A time will come where the SAA and Kurds fight, however, for now, that time is not now the SAA knows this and the kurds know this.
The kurds will not agree to some measure of self-governing, they want to be their own nation by taking parts of Iraq and Syria.
The US can support this effort but to do this would require UN effort which Russia alone can prevent.
Defeating ISIS is merely a stage of the war, once they are gone well we enter phase two.
После сам га питао да ли је било озбиљних борби и шта мисли о тешким сукобима САА са ИД у источном Алепу, како то да није било сличних борби са Курдима.
Његов одговор
Citat:Alot of this I cannot comment on.
Tiger forces aren't taking massive losses however, I'd hardly consider 50 men in ten days massive compared to the amount they are killing in return.
Tiger forces have little manpower in that area, most of Assad's army right now is being readied for a massive rush on Deir Azzor and to seize Tan-if. Assad did not think ISIs would try and hold on so hard for Makan, no one did we all thought they would just flee. They are making a huge tactical mistake right now trying to hold it.
If ISIS allows the tiger forces to seize that area, they lose the last field of containment they have against the SAA for a very very long time in that direction thus they will get caved on and they know this nor can they afford it.
That said ISIS has little manpower to spare at this point. Assad and Russia want them to send those troops and tanks to that area because it grinds down the meat. Hundreds of ISIS members have been killed trying to hold it, really in the long run this is good for Assad. Makes his fight towards Deir easier.
The ratio for SAA verse ISIS killed is like 1 SAA dies per 20ish ISIS members.
ISIS can seize Deir they have enough men if the Raqqa force is allowed to flee, Deir Azzor will fall unless ISIS REALLY and I mean REALLY fucks it up.
Када сам му поменуо да би скраћивањем фронтова, што САА и ради сада, јужно од Палмире је фронт скраћен са 300 на 100км, а ако зазуму све до Табке од Машкена и у источној Хами скратиће фронт на том делу са 400 на 90км. Све у свему САА ће скратити фронт са 800 на 200км и ослободити масивну силу, већ су овим на југу Палмире ослободили 1000-2000 људи.
Те да САА лако може послати појачања у Даер, наравно ако све ово очисте пре него што Курди заврше са Раком.
Citat:Thus you answered your own question on one of the reasons.
The SAA has tons of troops that can be freed up if those regions fall into their hands, ISIS does not want this.
da, ali ja mislim na motivaciju pojedinaca. Oni ginu, ali za šta misle da ginu? Sigurno im nije motivacija za to da guraju interese Amerike.. Bore se za protiv Šija, i ostalih koji se ne drze suneta,to je kod njih dovoljno velik razlog, tu ideologiju gura SA a to odgovara Amerima, tako da ovi se direktno bore za interese Amerike a da nemaju pojma,vjerovatno jih sacica zna ali oni su dovoljno dobro placeni da cute.
Ja imam utisak da slonic pita za Kurde a ti odgovaras za ISIS?
Opasno ovo sto Amer prica, a najvjerovatnije ce se i desiti da Kurdi puste crne iz Rake do Deira. Da izmuce SAA, zauzmu grad i onda dodju Kurdi i sve pokupe kao i uvijek sto rade lesinarski. Zato su ih Rusi "preventivno" optuzili da su pustili onaj konvoj iz Rake.
da, ali ja mislim na motivaciju pojedinaca. Oni ginu, ali za šta misle da ginu? Sigurno im nije motivacija za to da guraju interese Amerike.
Oni ginu da bi kontrolisali što veću teritoriju. Sa što većom teritorijom imaće jaču pregovaraču moć. Dijelom teritorije koji im geografski ne pripada moći će da trguju za neke druge ustupke, za veći stepen autonomije isl.