Каже овај да није било Русије, Турци би већ газили Курде.
Citat:The kurds and SAA well depend on which region we are talking about they don't hate eachother but they know a time will come where they will be killing each other. However, the kurds are fairly pathetic figthers in Tabqa and other places Units like mine had to do the heavy lifting little shits are way to used to ISIS running away.
The turks would be curb stomping them right now if it wasn't for Russia, not much If Assad takes it first well they will not oppose it. They will try and hold onto the ground they do have however and this is where my country comes in. This is why we want ISIS to take Deir Azzor because if Assad guys are still there when the kurds roll in welp...they fucked up. Because the kurds know they can take Deir from ISIs but they will not push Assad because right now he is all that is saving them from the Turks.
Provided they fulfill their task...well they got promised things however if they fuck up we will leave them to the wolves. Cannot stress enough how Deir Azzor is what will decide the outcome of Syria has a country.
pein ::Scimitar to je Irbis njavio da će da uradi onog momenta kad Sirija bude slobodna zemlja ako se more tako reći jer se terorista nikad neće rešiti tj bombaša samoubica.
Opet nevolje u džihad dženetu ponovo sesukobili HTS i ATS.
A quarrel between two families in southern Idlib quickly turned violent this past weekend, as militants from Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham clashed in the town of Feyloun.
With the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advancing rapidly through the Maskanah Plains and reaching the fringes of Raqqa province, Kurdish-led contingents scored a series of important advances in the Tabqa region on Sunday evening, aimed at preventing a government offensive into rural Raqqa. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/kurdish-fight.....ute-raqqa/
Stvarno, radi li šta od privrede Sirije na Asadovom dijelu Sirije? Svih ovih ratnih godina. Postoji li kakva radna obaveza za ove što ne ratuju. Funkcioniše li barem poljoprivreda.
Citat:The kurds and SAA well depend on which region we are talking about they don't hate eachother but they know a time will come where they will be killing each other. However, the kurds are fairly pathetic figthers in Tabqa and other places Units like mine had to do the heavy lifting little shits are way to used to ISIS running away.
The turks would be curb stomping them right now if it wasn't for Russia, not much If Assad takes it first well they will not oppose it. They will try and hold onto the ground they do have however and this is where my country comes in. This is why we want ISIS to take Deir Azzor because if Assad guys are still there when the kurds roll in welp...they fucked up. Because the kurds know they can take Deir from ISIs but they will not push Assad because right now he is all that is saving them from the Turks.
Provided they fulfill their task...well they got promised things however if they fuck up we will leave them to the wolves. Cannot stress enough how Deir Azzor is what will decide the outcome of Syria has a country.
Sto mi je ovo nesto poznato.
Neko jos rece da ce se Turci ukljuciti. Da ce se SAA spojiti sa Kurdima severo-istocno od Kuweiresa, da Rusi saradjuju sa Kurdima, da su US-a najveci saveznici Turci u NATO paktu...
Mnogo pre svih ovih desavanja
Bice tu jos svega, sto neki od vas ne sanjaju ni u najludjim snovima. Ali o tom, potom.
radicr ::^
Ja imam utisak da slonic pita za Kurde a ti odgovaras za ISIS?
ne, mislio sam baš na ISIL.
Za Kurde je jasno zašto se bore, oni imaju šanse nešto dobiti. Možda hoće, možda neće, to ne možemo još znati, ali svakako imaju razloga ustrajati.
Ali za ISIL definitivno je jasno da neće dobiti ni milimetra, pa reko' što se lijepo više ne predaju i spase glavu bar neki?
OK, ovo što amir kaže ima smisla, da toliko mrze šiite da im nije mrsko ni ginuti samo da dobiju priliku još i kojeg šiitskog nevjernika povesti sa sobom...
Са руских бродова гађани терористи код Пламире Фрегата „Адмирал Есен“ и подморница „Краснодар“ руске Ратне морнарице Русије лансирале су четири крстареће ракете „Калибар“ по објектима терористичке организације ДАЕШ у Сирији, у подручју Палмире и погодили све циљеве, саопштило је Министартсво одбране Русије.
„Из акваторије у источном делу Средоземеног мора, са фрегате ‘Адирал Есен’ и подморница ‘Краснодар’ Ратне морнарице Русије лансирале су 4 крстареће ракете ‘Калибар’ по објектима терористичке организације ДАЕШ у подручју Палмире… Сву циљеви су погођени“, саопштио је руски војни ресор.
Лансирање ракете са подморнице „Краснодар“ изведено је из подводног положаја.
Мете су биле војна техника и милитанти који су стигли из Раке.
Slonić pa baš zato neće se ni predati jer im neće ostati glave na ramenima zato i nastavljaju borbu, aj da su umereni tipa FSA pa da kolektivno predaju oružje i predaju se kao u nekim mestima oko Damaska i Dare.
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