Pošto su rešili problem HTS-a na svojoj granici sad se okreću ka ISIL-u to im je sledeća meta pojačanja već stižu Libanskoj armiji dok granatiranja uveliko traju.
The Lebanese Army began shelling the Islamic State’s (ISIL) positions in eastern Lebanon, Thursday, as reinforcements continued pouring into the northeastern countryside of Beqa’a Governorate.
Evo mape dela Libansko-Sirijske granice plavo je HTS.
A evo koliko će se Ruska avijacija zadržati u Siriji naravno uz mogućnost produženja roka na dodatnih 25 godina po isteku.
Russian Air Force will remain in Syria for 49 more years
Under the protocol, the Russian Air Force are allowed to stay on Syrian territory for 49 years with an option of automatically extending that arrangement for 25-year periods after this term expires.
Video footage of Hezbollah seizing largest Al-Qaeda base near Syrian border
sezan ::"Faca" srusila glinenog goluba Hornetom....e svaka mu cast.
Kakva vestina ,kakvo znanje ,kakva hrabrost.
Prosto mu se divim .....do imbecilnosti....
Trebaće mu slika, kada se bude kandidovao za kongres, da priča o svom junaštvu (pa posle toga Senat, bela kuća, monika levinski...)
sezan ::"Faca" srusila glinenog goluba Hornetom....e svaka mu cast.
Kakva vestina ,kakvo znanje ,kakva hrabrost.
Prosto mu se divim .....do imbecilnosti....
Ima li ijedna grupa koja je prošla američku obuku, a da nije prebjegla na kontra stranu? Do sad su bježali Nusri i Isilu, a sad su počeli bježati i Asadu.
Citat:The leader of the Revolutionary Commanders' Army, Abu Hossa al-Furati, escaped to the areas of control of the regime forces in the Syrian Badia on Friday 28 July, accompanied by a number of elements of the "army" stationed in the region of Al-Tanf on the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border.
Activist Said al-Diri told "All partners" that Al-Farti fled towards the control areas of the regime forces in the Syrian Badia, accompanied by his uncle and two fighters of the guerrilla army of the revolution, adding that he seized 20 rifles and eight machine guns of different caliber as well as a 4WD, Escapes towards the system control areas.
Al-Diri pointed out that the incident was not the first of its kind in the region. During the past period, more than 30 fighters from the rebel groups went to the areas of control of the regime forces in the region, especially after recruiting the regime to the dignitaries of Deir al-Zour. Brigades of the rebels, in preparation for the battle of the next regime towards the city of Deir al-Zour.