Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina

  • Pridružio: 09 Okt 2014
  • Poruke: 2843

sremac983 ::Требао би Путин фино да замоли Ердогана, да почисти тај курдски олош и да за њима уђе САА+Рус у те градове, а да тамо ди су курди живели пре рата, да оставе Турке са све њиховом пратњом на једно 30+ година...онако чисто да се да до занња том шљаму ко је ко....

Тај "шљам" је могао да се бори против Сирије у координацији са зеленима још од почетка рата. Да су то урадили Сирија данас не би постојала.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11739
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Тај шљам је кренуо у освајање сирије оног тренутка када је Русија кренула да помаже Асадам до тада су били мањи од маковог зрна и чекали су исход рата. Тек када су црни почели опасно да губе, онда се тај шљам активирао и почео уз благослов америке да заузима територије на којима никада нису ни живели...

  • Pridružio: 21 Okt 2018
  • Poruke: 809


Prema ovome Rusi vrše elektronsko ometanje iznad Damaska, ometaju GPS a prestali su kada je Arapska delegacija trebala sleteti u Damask koristeći GPS navigaciju, Izrael je to primetio i izvršio napad

A follow up to the latest #Israel/i air strike on #Syria
Two days before the strike Syria Russia deactivated the GPS jamming near Damascus allowing the Arab delegation to land in Damascus int. airport with help of GPS

Israel noted this move and took the full advantage of it

The attack from Israel lasted about 35 min
The first weapons to be used in the attack were common weapons were used before, and the Syrian AD dealt with before, but after 25 min Israel and from the first time used multiple Rampage/MARS missiles with GPS guidance

And scored multiple hits
Now the GPS jamming over south #Syria took effect again

So the Syrian authorities must find a solution between preventing #Israel from using GPS and allowing the foreign civilian airliners to use the GPS when landing in Syria.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Кратка лекција о потезима курда током рата

Citat:Let's have an history lesson

Syria during the siege of Kobane. Kurds allied with USA to defeat ISIS, at that time it was the only choice for Kurds

I see many tweets about how the Rojava administration changed their mind from we want our own country to help us Assad we are Syrians too, but that is bullshit. In this Interview from 2015 Salih Muslim said that YPG could be a part of SAA and SAA should protect the borders

In 2015 Kurdish struggle was at its peak;
1.KRG controlled Kirkuk and the Iraqis were busy with ISIS
2.PKK were in peace procces with the turks and controlled almost every Kurdish town inside turkey.This was the situation in Syria months before Salih Muslim made this statement. At that time YPG didn't had the intentions to enter Raqqa or Tabqa.

There were dispute between the Rojava administration because some YPG fighters didn't want to enter Raqqa and Tabqa

The liberation of north Aleppo was the priority of Kurds. On 28. August 2015 the YPG commander Sipan Hemo made an statement in which he promised to liberate Jarablus from ISIS
Öcalan had the idea of moving the Tomb of Süleyman Shah from Tishrin Dam to Kobane, so YPG could move to east of Euphrates. Turks allowed it bcs they were in peace process with PKK

At this time US wanted a cooperation between YPG and turks. Americans and turks wanted YPG to join FSA and cut all ties with the Regime.
Öcalan refuses this suggestion and told YPG they should stay neutral in this war

US allowed YPG to liberate Manbij to soothe YPG and to isolate Raqqa. ISIS used Manbij for trade with turks, it was their door for the rest of the world
In mid 2016 YPG made it's biggest mistake when they didn't start a offensive from Afrin to capture Dabiq, Qabasin and Al-Bab

Back then Russsia and USA told YPG to be patient and promised to help them to capture the region in the future. YPG believed this and helped some FSA groups in Azaz and Mare. YPG tried to connect the cantons when turkey invaded Syria with Euphratea Shield Operation. YPG in Efrin fighters tried to reach Al-Bab but they suffered huge casualties.

Do you remember when Turkish media published such graphics? Well, that was a real plan of the Turkish army, they had offered the idea to the Americans, but the Americans refused

Let's jump forward when turkey threated to attack Efrin. Americans made lots of statement about a 30.000 men strong Border Force just to anger turks. Nobody talked about this project since then
Амери их мало користили, мало саботирали и на крају одбацили.

  • Pridružio: 30 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 103

Вјерујем да многи нису видјели овај снимак а ја га нисам пронашао у периоду кад се ово дешавало (пре годину дана) на страници о Сирији: youtube.com/watch?v=fK7XNbO6Gm4

  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2017
  • Poruke: 734

Dal je poznata situacija u regionu Kobanija i Tel Abyada?

  • Pridružio: 21 Okt 2018
  • Poruke: 809

Prema novinarskoj agenciji al-Watan snage SAA su postavljene kod brane Tishreen u Istočnom Manbiju. SDF će dati izjavu u narednom periodu.


Citat:Syrian al-Watan newspaper is reporting that the SAA was deployed in the SDF-held Tishreen dam on the Euphrates River. The strategic dam is located east of Manbi. SDF will supposedly release a statement on the issue within hours.

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9229
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

Zna li se sta su od oruzja amerikanci dali Kurdima? Vidim u nekim postovima minobacace, POVR

Zna li neko nesto vise?

  • Pridružio: 10 Jul 2006
  • Poruke: 153


Turci su dobri.. Specijalci na stranoj teritoriji spasavaju novinarku (koja kritikuje vojsku).. Pomazu Kurdima (koji nisu PKK), Turkemi, Jezidi... borba protiv ISIL.. Ovo je kratak opis filma iz gornjeg linka.. Film je iz 2016. godine

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523

A.R.Chafee.Jr. ::
Sjajna paralela. Stanje građanskog rata u Jordanu su zakuvali Palestinic i Hafez. Mislim da je senka Hafeza velika, a njegova zaostavština ogromna i zapravo jedan od korena ove nesreće.

Па и није баш тако...Више волим да кажем да су то закували Јорданци и Хашемити. Wink

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