A Idlib ce vjerovatno ostati zelen i sto je oslodobodjeno, oslobodjeno je. Turci su se postavili, vjerovatno ce i Rusi da dodju na neke linije po onom dogovoru iz Astane (bila je neka slika kako ce to izgledati). Samo se pitam hoce li oni divljaci napadati Ruse ako budu u blizini.
Елијах каже да су Израелци дошли преко Јордана па на исток Сирије и одатле пришли Т4. Исто тако могу из Јордана да уђу у Танф зону коју су Амери узели, и ту су заштићени.
Citat:1/ A new rule of Engagement decided by Damascus Top decision makers and its allies to deal with any future Israel/i violation of the Syria/n airspace and sovereignty. Read the following:
The military and political decision makers in Syria, along with allies, have decided to adopt with Israel the same policy adopted by Hezbollah prior the 2000's Israeli withdraws from Lebanon: In Lebanon, when Israel used to violate its airspace over the capital Beirut, Hezbollah introduced a new "rule of engagement": For every violation, Hezbollah used to fire heavy machine guns above the Israel villages on the borders. In Syria, for every violation of its air space and sovereignty, the Syrian Army will fire old missiles (SAM 3, 5, 6) above the villages on the Golan heights and those within the missile's reach so these can explode on Israeli territory. This "equation" was adopted yesterday morning when #Syria fired 25 missiles voluntarily and most of these fell in #Israel on purpose so the leadership in Tel Aviv understands the "message", similar to the one of #Hezbollah in the 90's. Syria fired a bouquet of missiles against the F-16 to bring it down so the Jet (which may avoid 1,2,3,4 missiles) can't avoid several fired on the same objective simultaneously. This strategy will be adopted by Syria against Israel from today onward
And last and most importantly: Russia informed the Syria/n leadership and allies that Israel is using the Syrian airspace under the US control, flying over Jordan to come from the US controlled area in north-east Syria under SDF to bomb the T4. This shows how important is the USA occupation of north-east Syria, facilitating to Israel an "air corridor" to hit Syria and allies or who ever. The yesterday F-16 downing, also Israel/i F-15 were used,as Russian high command informed Damascus
Он исто каже да је авион летео чак до Сукне.
Иран најавио крај „ере некажњених напада“ у Сирији
Sto me nerviraju ovi Iranci, ako se kao sto kazu brani Iran u Siriji sto vise ne dovuku nesto od svog PZO pa brane i jadne Sirijce i svoje vojnike. Njima i Arapima zivot bas malo znaci.
Gripen-NG ::Dobar je taj S-200+100. Odlicno satelitsko navodjenje do zavrsne faze i aktivacije samonavodjenja, a da ne moras da zracis cilj. Nesto poput Kalibra...dobri su mora se priznati, znaju znanje.
Mislim da tehnicko objasnjenje ovakvog navodjenja interesuje sve na ovom forumu... pa da cujemo?
Rusi su objavili prosle godine svoje procjene i broj se kretao oko 14 500.
+ LINKhttps://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2017/5-may-numbers-of-rebels-according-to-the-russian-minister
Citat:According to the decree, the treaty involves “exchanging information on defense means and enhancing international security capabilities; activating anti-terror cooperation; improving joint cooperation in the fields of cadre training, military exercises and armed forces building; exchanging IT expertise; and establishing mechanisms for cooperation between the two countries' armies in the various military fields.”
I ekonomske vesti
https://www.timesofisrael.com/lebanon-signs-offsho.....th-israel/ Citat:
Lebanon on Friday signed its first contract to drill for oil and gas off its coast with a consortium comprising energy giants Total, ENI, and Novatek, including in a block disputed by Israel.
French energy giant Total and Italy’s Eni each hold a 40 percent stake in the consortium, and Russia’s Novatek has a 20 percent stake.
Kako se meni cini Rusi gledaju da na svaki nacin kontrolisu tokove gasa ka EU.
Mnogi se cude zasto Iran nije dopremio dovoljno modernih PVO sistema za odbranu Sirije od Izraelske agresije, jednostavno nije vjerovao da ce se tako nesto desiti. To vjerovatno vazi i za Rusiju.
jastreb1234 ::^^^^^^
Rusi su objavili prosle godine svoje procjene i broj se kretao oko 14 500.
+ LINKhttps://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2017/5-may-numbers-of-rebels-according-to-the-russian-minister
Hvala za info.
Ok, svima je jasno da SAA ide na to da uništi daeš da bi "anti daeš koaliciji" izbila iz ruku bilo kakav razlog postojanja na Sirijskoj teritoriji.
Ali van toga, a svima realnima je jasno da je Daesh uništen i da više i ne predstavlja nikakav ozbiljan borbeni subjekt, vladinim snagama je zaista prioritet da reše situaciju u Guti i idlibu.
Ok, idlib će ići malo teže jer se ne pita samo SAA ali tu gutu zaista pod hitno moraju da reše.
Naravno, biće sigurno još "upadanja iranskih dronova" kako bi se pažnja SAA odvukla sa uništavanja terorista ali zato upravo moraju da skoncetrišu snage i da ih raznesu, da tu priču jednostavno završe.