Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina

  • Pridružio: 22 Jan 2014
  • Poruke: 1269
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

stug ::Ljudi sta bi sa onim svabama sto pjeske podjose za Alepo bijase li

Dosli do Kushadasija, ogrejalo sunce, a more su koke...

"More je provod, more su koke"
"More je izvor života" je rekao Moke"...

Kakvi bre mirotvorci iz Berlina, gde to ima jos.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Govori se na tviteru da su teroristi iz Dume pristali na transport u Idlib.
Neka potvrda?

  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2013
  • Poruke: 3375

"Merkelova kritikuje Erdogana, a Nemačka mu prodaje oružje
Postupanje Turske na severu Sirije je "neprihvatljivo", rekla je kancelarka Angela Merkel pre nekoliko dana pred Bundestagom.
Ali čak ni ofanzivni rat koji Ankara vodi ne sprečava Nemačku da prodaje oružje vernoj mušteriji, piše Dojče vele. "

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

7 припадника коалиције настрадало код Манбиџа, 2 мртва 5 рањених. Наводно мина, али све је могуће.

Ирански проксији такође упозоравају на крваве године које чекају Америку остану ли у Сирији.

Citat:Iranian-run tribal militia in Syria boasts: "Despite the deployment of soldiers and snipers to secure the landing of American helicopters [in Hasakeh], this picture was taken to monitor their movements. And to the Americans: Do not think that the men Assad are ignorant of you."

А Ергокер наставља у свом стилу за домаћу публику. Овај пут осуо паљбу по Французима.
Citat:Erdogan goes ballistic on France, threatens it with terror strikes, says the attack may come in any moment, underlines he ain't kidding, hopes French won't ask for help of #Turkey when terrorists come back home from Syria and Iraq.

И Чавушоглу
Citat:French is dishonest and supports terrorism, claims Turkey Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu who lambasted France for proposal to mediate between SDG & Turkey in #Syria. France always tries to grab a role in mediations for showing off, only to get in a fix later.

Ови Турци имају 0 поштовања према својим западним партнерима, а западњаци морају да трпе. Хехе ша им уради Сирија. Laughing

Мислим да ће им Јевреји на крају стати за врат.
Citat:"Israel is the enemy of God, Turks and Muslims", declares #Erdogan's governor Necati Şentürk who said he has been waiting for 40 years to slam #Israel, defends earlier display of sword and remarks of conquering #Jerusalem, claims Israel is terrified of him.

А ево и о Космету мало информација за које нисам чуо.
Citat:Yasemine, a teacher and wife of Turkey gov't critic Yusuf Karabina, also a teacher, recalls the horrific ordeal of her husband's abduction by Turkey's intelligence agency in Kosovo Citat:Erdogan says Turkish intelligence agency MIT brought 6 members of Gulen mov't back to Turkey in cooperation with Kosovo intelligence. (The incident sparked a gov't crisis in Kosova, resulting in dismissal of Interior Minister and intel chief.) https://twitter.com/abdbozkurt/status/979661195773816837

  • Pridružio: 22 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 1747

U vezi sa vestima sa Kosmeta
Haradinaj zbog tog slucaja pravi cistke

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Још један добар чланак овог крајње објективног новинара који пише за independent. Напали су га шарени да ради за Асада више пута.

Watching on as Islamist fighters are evacuated from war-torn Eastern Ghouta
цео - https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-eastern.....ml#gallery
Citat:They left by the thousand, the jihadis of Ghouta and their wives and children and parents. Many were still armed – Kalashnikovs over their shoulders, watched by the Russian soldiers in steel helmets and flak jackets...

...I watched them stand beneath those shattered trees to pray. They had long scraggly beards, most of them uncombed, cheap track suits, dusty plastic sandals. I suppose it was a sort of political statement. They had been directed by God to fight and thus prayed to God even when they had surrendered – up to a point – and abandoned their holy battle, and thus achieved a kind of religious victory in maintaining their faith. But really? What honour was left if you must trust yourself and your Islamist families to the godless Russians and their secular allies in Syria?...

...For this was Moscow’s operation, be sure of that. Russian military police officers monitored every bus, every departure from two big Russian military trucks; a general and three of his officers – Russian flashes on their sleeves, big steel helmets, weapons so new they reflected the sun – moved among us and the Syrian troops and the armed evacuees. The buses had black windows and so we saw many of these Islamist men and their very young, chadored wives and their children, through a glass darkly...
Прегледали су сваки аутобус након што је изашао из Гуте, чак су и неколико самубилачких појасева нашли. Руси задружени за све.

...But of one thing, as I said, there could be no question. This was a Russian show. The Russian army was constructing this vital piece of theatre, walking between the refugee buses and the fighters’ buses and noting the numbers; and – who could doubt this? – a decade or two ago, these might have been UN peace-keepers, blue berets rather than Russian helmets, in eastern Ghouta. In another war – in another age – they might even have been American ‘peace-keepers’. But in the Trump-Putin era, all has changed. The Russians are now the peace-keepers, the conferences at Astana a substitute for the UN Security Council. When Russia decided to end the vicious little war in Ghouta, there would be no debates, and there were no irritating vetoes. Opponents were cajoled or bombed into agreement. Promises were made – and largely kept, it seems, at least until the Islamists reach Idlib and the Syrians decide that they must all leave again for Turkey or, via the endless reconciliation committees, for their original, smashed homes.

Thus the Russians can say they have plans for peace rather than plans for war – the result of the Trumpian Middle East non-doctrine – and observe the detritus of towns and cities blasted by their Syrian allies and the regime’s enemies. After dark, those Russian soldiers were still on duty, their computer screens glowing from inside their military lorries as the fighters who had not yet left fired more ammunition into the sky. Red and white, the tracers soared over us, the Syrian soldiers tired and sometimes exhausted but well aware that victory, here at least, would be theirs...

...At one point, a Syrian truck with smoked black glass, hooting a constant wail, soared past the buses, a middle finger pointed upwards from the nearest window. The Islamist fighters ignored it. ...

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9251
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

Propustio si da citiras najbolji pasus:

Citat:That fearful footage we had seen on social media, night after night, circulated around the world on television news, genuine film, to be sure but – while containing the suffering civilians, the wounded children, the real civilian corpses – never showed us the men who held weapons and machine guns and mortars and who fired back into eastern Damascus and who were now parading before us, a dozen at a time, to leave the towns and villages they had helped to destroy. Were the anonymous cameramen of this hell forbidden to show its defenders? And if so, why did they not say so? And why did we not say so?

"Taj strasni video, koji smo vidjali na drustvenim mrezama, svake noci, obisao je svijet kroz televizijske vijesti, originalan video, siguran sam, ali - dok je sadrzavao patnju civila, ranjenu djecu, stvarne civilne leseve - (taj video) nikad nije pokazao ljude koji su nosili oruzje i automatske puske i minobacace, i koji su pucali nazad prema istocnom Damasku i koji sada paradiraju ispred nas, u grupama, napustajuci gradove i sela cije unistenje su oni pomogli. Da li je nepoznatim snimateljima ovog pakla bilo zabranjeno da prikazu "branioce"? I ako je bilo tako, zasto nisu to priznali. I sto mi to nismo priznali?"

  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 597

Navodno i Duma gotova , detalji predaje
Duma #EastGhouta agreement:
1 few leader of #JAI will be evacuated to #Jordan with ~20 million $ in hand
2 #JAI’s Al Faruq Al Ezza brigades will head to #Idlib not to East Qalamun
3 #JAI’s main leader Al Bwidani will stay along with 2000 fighters with their families

  • Pridružio: 28 Avg 2017
  • Poruke: 1685

Napisano: 30 Mar 2018 15:54

Арапски племенски устанк против снага под контролом САД-а у Раки

Побуна у Ал-Мансури је била због разочарања која је произашла из принудног регрутовања људи из Ал-Букхамисса од стране САД-а.

Акције репресије и изнуђивања снага које су подржавале САД против локалног арапског становништва такође су играле кључну улогу у подстицању цивилног устанка.

Извор https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/update-russia.....or-revolt/

Dopuna: 30 Mar 2018 16:15

48 суицидних појасева заплењених у Е. Гхоута - блокирана евакуација аутобуса

Руска војска спријечила је десетине самоубилачких напада на аутобусе цивила који су напустили Источну Гуту у Сирији.
Четрдесет осам експлозивних појасева заплењено је у року од три дана.
90 одсто источне Гхоуте је већ ослобођено.
Једанаест хиљада милитаната и 130.000 цивила напустило је Гхоуту од почетка евакуације.
Извор https://www.rt.com/news/422746-ghouta-mistura-suicide-belts-provocation/

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34990

Rusi dovukli još 2 SU 34 u Siriju. Smile

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