Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 15:33
- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9450
babaroga ::^
Propustio si da citiras najbolji pasus:
Citat: That fearful footage we had seen on social media, night after night, circulated around the world on television news, genuine film, to be sure but – while containing the suffering civilians, the wounded children, the real civilian corpses – never showed us the men who held weapons and machine guns and mortars and who fired back into eastern Damascus and who were now parading before us, a dozen at a time, to leave the towns and villages they had helped to destroy. Were the anonymous cameramen of this hell forbidden to show its defenders? And if so, why did they not say so? And why did we not say so?
"Taj strasni video, koji smo vidjali na drustvenim mrezama, svake noci, obisao je svijet kroz televizijske vijesti, originalan video, siguran sam, ali - dok je sadrzavao patnju civila, ranjenu djecu, stvarne civilne leseve - (taj video) nikad nije pokazao ljude koji su nosili oruzje i automatske puske i minobacace, i koji su pucali nazad prema istocnom Damasku i koji sada paradiraju ispred nas, u grupama, napustajuci gradove i sela cije unistenje su oni pomogli. Da li je nepoznatim snimateljima ovog pakla bilo zabranjeno da prikazu "branioce"? I ako je bilo tako, zasto nisu to priznali. I sto mi to nismo priznali?"
Постављао сам ја раније текстове од њега, где пишие слично. Нисам хтео да се понављам.
Western howls of outrage over the Ghouta siege ring hollow – we aren't likely to do anything to save civilians
Citat:The “rebels”/”terrorists”/“Islamists”/“armed opposition” – you must pick the mantra of your choice – are, of course, the one other “fact” of the Ghouta bloodbath which must not be addressed, spoken of, mentioned, referred to or even acknowledged. For the Nusrah fighters in Ghouta – whether or not they have brought pressure on the civilians of the suburbs to stay as “human shields” – are part of the original al-Qaeda movement which committed the crimes against humanity in America in 2001 and which have, more often than not, been prepared to cooperate in Syria with Isis, the vicious cult which the US, the EU, NATO and Russia (add here all the other usual defenders of civilisation) have promised to destroy. Nusrah’s allies are Jaish al-Islam, yet another Islamist group.
This is a very odd state of affairs. No-one should doubt the scale of the slaughter in Ghouta. Or the suffering of the civilians. We cannot howl with indignation when the Israelis assault Gaza (using the same “human shields” motif as the Russians today) while making excuses for the bloodbath in Ghouta because the “terrorists” under siege are Isis-tainted al-Qaeda Islamists.
But these armed groups are curiously absent when we express our outrage at the carnage in Ghouta. There are no Western reporters to interview them – because we (though we don’t usually say so) would have our heads chopped off by these defenders of Ghouta if we tried or even dared to enter the besieged suburb. And the footage which we receive shows – incredibly – not a single armed man. This does not mean that the wounded or the dead children or the bloodied corpses – albeit with faces “blurred” by our own thoughtful television editors – are not real or that the film is fake. But the footage clearly does not show all of the truth. The cameras – or their film editors – do not depict the al-Nusrah fighters who are in Ghouta. Nor are they going to.
Earlier archive film of sieges – of Warsaw in 1944, of Beirut in 1982, of Sarajevo in 1992 – show the actual fighters who were defending these cities, along with their weapons. But footage from Ghouta – like almost all the film from eastern Aleppo – contains not a frame of acknowledgement that these armed men exist. Nor have I come across a single mention of them in our commentaries of civilian suffering, save for passing references to Ghouta in the US and European media as “rebel-held”. Who, then, killed by mortar fire the six civilians — 28 were wounded — in the centre of government-controlled Damascus 24 hours ago? A tiny percentage of the Ghouta dead, to be sure. But were they done to death by ghosts?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 16:51
- Pridružio: 19 Jan 2015
- Poruke: 1266
- 11Ovo se svidja korisnicima: Trinitron1, MB120mm, nemezisx, amir3045, 4channer, Atomski čoban, Levi, metemma, MidnighT_AlieN, su27, radionica1
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Kakav elegantan izlaz Amera. Predaj Francuzima i ostalim EU idiotima i to je to.
Unapred mozemo cestitati Asadu na konecnu pobedu.
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 18:00
- slonic_tonic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
- Poruke: 8009
- Gde živiš: Zagreb
danas je već sedmi dan kako izlaze autobusi iz južnog džepa Jobar-Irbin-Zamalka.
svakoga dana izlazi po 50 ... 100+ autobusa, sa po nekoliko hiljada ljudi (oko trećina su militantni).
tko je mogao pomisliti da će Ghouta ići tako glatko i jednostavno?
ti Tigrovi su stvarno čudo. Izgleda da su utjerali strah u kosti militantima. Čim se pojave negdje, već su militanti napola spremni za evakuaciju.
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 18:18
- slonic_tonic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
- Poruke: 8009
- Gde živiš: Zagreb
powSrb ::7 припадника коалиције настрадало код Манбиџа, 2 мртва 5 рањених. Наводно мина, али све је могуће.
ma lako za to što su pripadnici "koalicije", nego najvažnije je da su Amerikanci:
#BREAKING: 2 #Coalition #US servicemen killed as 5 wounded in a IED explosion in the vicinity of #Manbij
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 19:29
- flash12
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Dec 2016
- Poruke: 2740
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Arapski civili u Manbizu dizu frku, hoce da SAA preuzme Manbiz da se ne bi ponovio Afrin.
Citat: On Tuesday, several tribal figures were injured in Manbij when they tried to protest for Assad regime to enter the city which is controlled by SDF-affiliated Manbij Military Council and against the American presence in the city.
Clans who tried to protest want regime to take over the city of Manbij after Olive Branch operation led by Turkey took Efrin and close to enter Tal Rifaat in Aleppo northern countryside which causes fear among these clans that SDF may withdraw from Manbij.
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 19:55
- Pridružio: 17 Feb 2016
- Poruke: 1444
- 19Ovo se svidja korisnicima: slonic_tonic, nemezisx, rikirubio, Trinitron1, Wrangler, Atomski čoban, amstel, Cranium, vukovi, vlad4, yrraf, upitnik, ljuba, theNedjeljko, su27, Cufo, radionica1, ILGromovnik, BraneS
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Ipak su poginuli jedan Amerikanac i jedan Britanac, mada nije ni to loše.
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 20:00
- slonic_tonic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
- Poruke: 8009
- Gde živiš: Zagreb
- 18Ovo se svidja korisnicima: nemezisx, Trinitron1, Wrangler, Atomski čoban, voja64, amstel, Cranium, vlad4, upitnik, ladro, ljuba, theNedjeljko, su27, Cufo, radionica1, ILGromovnik, BraneS, DucicM
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
uvijek kažem: poklonjenom konju se ne gleda u zube
Poslao: 30 Mar 2018 20:41
- Pridružio: 26 Apr 2014
- Poruke: 2136
Ево шта о изласку американаца из Сирије мисли Иван Коновалов, директор московског Центра за стратешку конјуктуру
Citat:„Мислим да је ово још једна површна, декларативна изјава америчког председника. Једноставно, америчке снаге неће изаћи из Сирије, јер би то био пораз САД у овој земљи, и то не само пораз у конфронтацији са Русијом, коју Американци не воле да помињу у контексту Сирије, него глобални пораз и губитак утицаја на Блиском истоку“, оцењује Коновалов.
Како каже, не треба заборавити да је Сирија тренутно, а нарочито територије које су под контролом Курда, главно упориште Американаца у овом региону.
„Зато је за Вашингтон апсолутно неприхватљиво обнављање сиријске државности са Асадом на челу, као и одржавање избора у којима би учествовала његова странка. Дакле, Трамп тврди једно, Пентагон нешто сасвим друго, и таква ситуација траје од почетка његовог мандата. Подсећања ради, Трамп је својевремено најавио повлачење америчких снага из Авганистана, али касније је дошао да закључка да је неопходно појачати војно присуство у тој земљи. Трамп је Трамп“, напомиње Коновалов.