- powSrb
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 9455
babaroga ::Cini mi se da se radi o necem mnogo znacajnijem od pada americke imperije. Rijec je o prestanku dominacije zapadne civilizacijje, koja vlada svijetom od 17 stoljeca. Cetiri stotine godina oni sire demokratiju i pod tom zastavom ubijaju, pljackaju, bogate se i kroje sudbinu ostatku svijeta. Rusija je od Petra Velikog stalno pokusavala da postane ravnopravni clan tog kluba. Kao da su sad odlucili da stave tacku na to i da krenu sopstvenim putem.
Kina i ostali (Indija, Arapi, azijski narodi, Latinska Amerika) nikad i nisu imali opciju.
Mislim da smo svjedoci tektonskih promjena u svjetskoj historiji.
Проблем је што је запад имао апсолутну доминацију последњих неколико векова. Пример ради источни свет се ништа није питао, иако на истоку живи више од половине светске популације, Само Кина и Индија су довољне. Запад чине Европа и Америка, заједно их има једва преко милијарду са сателитима. Запад се никада није трудио да разуме и уважу источне народе или било кога ко им се нађе на путу, јер су на крају увек могли да причају силом, разумевање им није било потребно. Због тога и непрестана прича о демократији и наметање исте свим народима света, без икаквог обазирања на обичаје и менталитет народа истока. Они су програлисли да је њихов, западни систем најбољи и да тако мора бити.
Citat:Paul Cohen argues that the West thinks of itself as probably the most cosmopolitan of all cultures. But it's not. In many ways, it's the most parochial, because for 200 years, the West has been so dominant in the world that it's not really needed to understand other cultures, other civilizations. Because, at the end of the day, it could, if necessary by force, get its own way. Whereas those cultures -- virtually the rest of the world, in fact, which have been in a far weaker position, vis-a-vis the West -- have been thereby forced to understand the West, because of the West's presence in those societies. And therefore, they are, as a result, more cosmopolitan in many ways than the West.
- I mean, take the question of East Asia. East Asia: Japan, Korea, China, etc. -- a third of the world's population lives there. Now the largest economic region in the world. And I'll tell you now, that East Asianers, people from East Asia, are far more knowledgeable about the West than the West is about East Asia.
Проблем запада је исто у томе што на остале државе света попут Русије, Кине, Кореје и тако даље, гледају западњачким очима, и оцељују ух према својим демократским правилима. Одатле и долази до мањка разумевања других држава, јер се одбија прихватање истих онакве какве јесу. То је оно на чему Кина и Русија инсистирају, свак адржава је за себе и сама одлучује у својој кући. Кина када прави нови пут свиле није је брига да ли је мањак демократије у Казакстану да би одлучила да са њима сарађује. Русију не занима да ли је Асад ово или оно, он је на власти у својој земљи и народ нека одлучи шта ће са њим. Још нисмо видели Кину или Рисију да иду по свету и наређују шта ће ко да ради, можда хоће у будућности али чисто сумњам да ће на исти начин на који то ради запад.
Citat: What is happening is that, very rapidly in historical terms, the world is being driven and shaped, not by the old developed countries, but by the developing world. We've seen this in terms of the G20 usurping very rapidly the position of the G7, or the G8. And there are two consequences of this. First, the West is rapidly losing its influence in the world. There was a dramatic illustration of this actually a year ago -- Copenhagen, climate change conference. Europe was not at the final negotiating table. When did that last happen? I would wager it was probably about 200 years ago. And that is what is going to happen in the future.
Цитати су из овог говора о Кини, али доста добрих анализа о западу и истоку. Иначе је ово из 2010, сада је ситуација још другачија.
Citat: What is happening is that, very rapidly in historical terms, the world is being driven and shaped, not by the old developed countries, but by the developing world. We've seen this in terms of the G20 usurping very rapidly the position of the G7, or the G8. And there are two consequences of this. First, the West is rapidly losing its influence in the world. There was a dramatic illustration of this actually a year ago -- Copenhagen, climate change conference. Europe was not at the final negotiating table. When did that last happen? I would wager it was probably about 200 years ago. And that is what is going to happen in the future.
And the second implication is that the world will inevitably, as a consequence, become increasingly unfamiliar to us, because it'll be shaped by cultures and experiences and histories that we are not really familiar with, or conversant with. And at last, I'm afraid -- take Europe; America is slightly different -- but Europeans by and large, I have to say, are ignorant, are unaware about the way the world is changing. Some people -- I've got an English friend in China, and he said, "The continent is sleepwalking into oblivion." Well, maybe that's true, maybe that's an exaggeration. But there's another problem which goes along with this -- that Europe is increasingly out of touch with the world -- and that is a sort of loss of a sense of the future. I mean, Europe once, of course, once commanded the future in its confidence. Take the 19th century, for example. But this, alas, is no longer true.
Ко не зна Енглески има и превод на Хрватски. Веома популаран клим, има 34 превода.
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Citat: For 200 years, the world was essentially governed by a fragment of the human population. That's what Europe and North America represented. The arrival of countries like China and India -- between them 38 percent of the world's population -- and others like Indonesia and Brazil and so on, represent the most important single act of democratization in the last 200 years. Civilizations and cultures, which had been ignored, which had no voice, which were not listened to, which were not known about, will have a different sort of representation in this world. As humanists, we must welcome, surely, this transformation, and we will have to learn about these civilizations.
И на крају га завуче америма. 20:35
Citat:This big ship here was the one sailed in by Zheng He in the early 15th century on his great voyages around the South China Sea, the East China Sea and across the Indian Ocean to East Africa. The little boat in front of it was the one in which, 80 years later, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic. (Laughter) Or, look carefully at this silk scroll made by ZhuZhou in 1368. I think they're playing golf. Christ, the Chinese even invented golf.