Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

powSrb ::powSrb ::
САА и шарени заједно напредују против ИД.


И Адван заузет.

САА улази и у Тасил


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523

powSrb ::Како сада то зар то није пешадија Израела, што пуцају на своје? Bebee Dol

Па и јесу...ел су некима од њих покуповали беле шлемове...

ПС:јбг проваљена одмана па са три гранате да их прикрију Bebee Dol

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Како је тачно текао напад у Суваиди.

Citat:In one of the bloodiest massacres after Speicher (Iraq), more than 150 ISIS militants attacked the province and the city of Suweida killing over 220 farmers (men, women, children) and members of the Syrian army and the local National Defence Forces. But the “biggest hit was directed to Russia and Damascus who are inviting all refuges to return from neighbouring countries,” as a decision maker in the Syrian capital said.

On Wednesday at 05:00 am local time, ISIS militants, onboard of estimated 35 to 40 vehicles crossed al-Badiya (Syrian Steppe) to break, after long hours of travelling, into Suweida province. The first villages to be attacked by the terrorist group were Rami, Chbeke, al Mushannaf, Rami, Tima, Doma, al-Ghida, al-Sharihe before reaching the city of Suwaeida.

The ISIS convoy left behind death and destruction killing inoffensive farmers and their families in their homes. Many houses were looted, indicating the convoy travelled light and fast, imitating Napoleon Bonaparte’s troops, eating from local stocks as observed by the forces who followed the same path taken by the terrorists.

There is no doubt that ISIS’s planning was highly effective, showing knowledge of the land and the slim forces protecting its objectives. The fire power in Suweida that confronted ISIS forced the group to pull out and prevented it from committing a massacre much superior than the one already made.

Farid Sharafeddine who escaped the Suweida’s massacre told me: “ISIS knew inhabitants and families. They captured young men and took these to knock on their relative’s nearby to open the door and then be killed by the raiders.

Eight of the Syrian Army soldiers were killed and 28 of the National Defence Forces lost their lives while engaging with ISIS in the city. The clash lasted over four hours with 32 ISIS killed and left behind. The security forces captured a couple of ISIS members alive.

The Syrian Air Force intervened in the last hour bombing ISIS barricades in a few positions. ISIS left behind suicide men ready to die to delay the pursuit and cover the withdrawal of what remained of the forces who managed to be captured (and executed as published by ISIS itself).

Sources in Damascus said ISIS aimed for many objectives in this successful raid:

To show its presence and strength, capable of taking the initiative with knowledgeable ground forces and can ability to hit hard despite its loss of territory and most of its forces.
ISIS is sending a message to his welayat Huran (province) in Quneitra, currently under heavy attack by the Syria army and its allies. The message is to hold the ground and that the “base” can still support its men surrounded in Quneitra. It has tried (in vain) to boost their moral and to tell them they are not left alone in this battle. It is however a false message because Quneitra will fall back to the control of Damascus, regardless.
ISIS indicated a capability to carry out reconnaissance before the attack, with local support informing it about the security in the area and the weak points. It was not possible for the local forces to react immediately: ISIS attacked the local market with two suicide bombers with ten minutes interval, and then another suicide attack 200 meters away minutes after the second explosion when most people were asleep and were rushing to the place, seeking information and willing to help. ISIS knew it was possible for its convoy to drive under the eyes of a superpower state (the US) without being disturbed.
ISIS managed to hit Russia whose envoys are travelling all over the neighbouring countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and other) to invite refugees to return to a safe and liberated Syria (with the exception of the north under Turkish and US occupation). Damascus started the procedure to receive refugees and the ISIS message aims to say “premature step”.
ISIS benefitted from the US safety parameter around its military base at al-Tanaf, preventing Syrian and Iraqi armies to break into this parameter to pursue ISIS when needed. ISIS took advantage of the US measures and used the area to cross for the north where there is the bulk of its forces. Moreover, ISIS knew the US is not willing to eliminate its strength and presence in Syria (north-east in al-Hasaka province) and used this decision to its advantage.
This is maybe a pessimistic reading into a previously well-planned attack by ISIS. There is no doubt that many circumstances helped ISIS to cross unnoticed by the continuous US presence in the air of al-Badiya, monitoring every single movement (US hit twice a Syrian force breaking the safety perimeter minutes after the event). There is also a Russian incapability of spotting tens of ISIS vehicles moving in the area that could attack an area under Russiancontrol. Also, it is a clear failure in security and defence by the Syrian forces who felt at ease in a liberated area and underestimated the remainder of the ISIS forces.

This massacre proved there are ISIS leaders who can think, plan and execute a complicated objective (two superpower forces present in the area). That was a heavy alarm for the Syrian forces to remain on alert and eliminate ISIS completely from all liberated areas and secure their protection. The numerous victories registered in the last 12 months lowered the defence of the winners, disregarding the US factor that can hit under the belt when the opportunity arises. After all, this massacre was an opportunity for the US to show Damascus and Moscow’s failure to keep and protect its victory.


  • Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 15333

powSrb ::САА улази и у Тасил


Ово иде прилично брзо. Остало им је неких десетак села и стотињак км2.

Сад је велико питање да ли ће им дозволити да их пребаце у пустињу, после овог напада на Сувејду. Пошто су избачени из великих насеља немају више адута за преговарање. Сумњам и да ће их Јордан примити.

  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 2467

Nakon ovog vise nema enklava I evakuacija zelenim busevima pa bi ih mogli komotno poklopiti iz vazduha u koloni. To su neljudi za koje ne vazi oficirska rec, dato obecanje I pravila ratovanja. Pogotovu nakon prekjucerasnjih napada iz pustinje I ubijanja 200 ljudi. Da parafraziram Makijavelia "cilj je takav da opravdava sva sredstva kojima ih nakriju"

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450


Проблем је што они воде и породице са собом у пустињу.

О Идлибу
Citat:Assad: Idlib Province and other areas where terrorists are still present will become the priority of the SyrianArmy

Assad: "Now Idlib is our goal, but not just Idlib. There are of course territories in the eastern part of Syria that are controlled by various groups... So we will be moving into all these regions. The military - and it is at their discretion - will decide priorities”

  • Mrkva 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2018
  • Poruke: 817

Citat:САА и шарени заједно напредују против ИД.

Znači, dvaput su pobijedili. Embarassed
Zaista, revolucija nikad jača.

  • Pridružio: 28 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 1118

Jbt kako mogu ovima vjerovati i zajedno idu u borbu? Cini mi se da je bio jedan slucaj kad je neki od ovih izmirenih pobunjenika ubio nekoliko vojnika SAA u Kalamunu ili tako nesto.

  • Pridružio: 11 Jan 2018
  • Poruke: 531

Nikad ne vjeruj šarenim...

  • stug 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2018
  • Poruke: 2311

Cist oportunizam. Priklonis se pobjedniku da ga sutra izdas i zabijes mu noz u ledja. Obitelj Asad bi ovaj put trebala biti pametnija nego zadnji put....

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