Postavljen i osveštan kamen temeljac za izgradnju nove Aja Sofije u provinciji Hama
“During the reign of President Bashar Hafez Al-Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic, the blessing of the Bishop of Hama and its subordinates Nikolaos Ba’albaki and the blessing of the Russian Federation represented by the commander of the Russian forces operating in the Syrian Arab Republic, General Alexander Yuryevich Chaiko, laying the foundation stone of the Hagia Sophia Church, introduction From Nabel Shafiq Al-Abdullah, on the authority of the martyrs of Sqaylabiyeh, Syria, and its allies, and a tribute to the Great Hagia Sophia.
This step was supported and blessed by the Orthodox Christian religious leaders in both Syria and Russia, and they considered it a step of solidarity with the mother Church of Hagia Sophia, and an assurance that the Turkish President will not be able to obliterate the features of this global impact on the list of UNESCO, which played a central role in Christian history over the course of 1500 years old.”
Umro turski general u Sirijiod srčanog udara
Уточняется, что командир 47-й бригады Сезгин Эрдоган скончался в результате сердечного приступа.
"Finansirali su nas Amerikanci. Rekli su da treba ratovati protiv države"
Bivši borac na strani ekstremista u Siriji Abdurahman Džisr tvrdi da su njega i njegove saborce finansirali Amerikanci.
Citat:Prvo su nas poslali u Jordan na obuku, a zatim ovamo. Amerikanci su dali novac, rekli su da treba ratovati protiv države. Kada je sirijska vojska počela da oslobađa region po region, naš odred je otišao u Jordan, ranjenike su odvezli u Izrael.
Citat:Ranije su pripadnici nezakonite oružane formacije, koji su se predali sirijskim vladinim snagama, saopštili da američki instruktori obučavaju militante u zoni oko baze Tanf, koja se nalazi pod kontrolom SAD, na jugu Sirije.