pein ::Prema dokumentu, koji je poslat holandskim tužiocima, avion MH17 bio je izvan dometa svih idenfikovanih i operativnih ukrajinskih i ruskih lokacija na kojima su bili raspoređeni sistemi 9K37M1 Buk M1, prenosi Tass.5
Nema direktno veze sa ratom ali oslikava stanje drustva.
Citat:Ukraine: violent clashes as locals hurl stones at coronavirus evacuees' bus
Ukraine’s effort to quarantine more than 70 people evacuated from China over the new virus outbreak was plunged into chaos on Thursday as local residents hurled stones at buses carrying the evacuees and engaged in violent clashes with police.
Citat:One protester was heard suggesting they should be kept at Chernobyl, the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986. Another suggested taking them to parliament, while another said Zelenskiy, Ukraine’s president, should house them himself if he really believed there was no danger.
22 февраля, в преддверии Дня защитника Отечества, в донецком кинотеатре «Звездочка» прошел премьерный показ нового документального фильма известного военного корреспондента Семена Пегова «Позывной „Донецк“. История Дебальцевского котла», посвященного пятой годовщине проведения Углегорско-Дебальцевской наступательной операции вооруженных сил ДНР и освобождения Дебальцево.
Ко Дню защитника Отечества группа «Новороссия» презентовала новый клип «Инвалид войны», который их команда снимала почти целый год.
Украинские пропагандистские ресурсы распространяют сегодня видеокадры якобы подготовки наступления Армии ЛНР на позиции киевских оккупантов под н. п. Золотое в середине февраля.
Decentralization Reloaded in Ukraine? Opportunities and Challenges for its Latest Local Government Reform Project Citat:Equally problematic in this context is that the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has started to implement a full Ukrainization of school education with the beginning of the 2020 academic year. This means that the entire school curriculum needs to be delivered in the Ukrainian language. This will inevitably exacerbate existing grievances in areas with sizeable groups of Russian-speakers: 83 percent in government-controlled areas of the Donbas (17 percent using both languages and practically no one using Ukrainian); 48 percent in southern Ukraine (9 percent Ukrainian-speakers and 32 percent using both languages); and 50 percent among eastern Ukrainians (13 percent Ukrainian-speakers and 36 percent using both languages). Moreover, in the same survey, 74 percent of respondents in the Donbas, 53 percent in eastern Ukraine, and 57 percent in southern Ukraine were keen to see parity in the teaching of Russian and Ukrainian in schools.
Na jesen od nove školske godine obavezni ukrajinski jezik.