Pogledajte im samo nabuhla lica puna usta "khata" koga žvaču i spremaju u ustima ko hrčci.
Али оно што је мени фино је да за разлику од оних мртвачких фаца и погледа оних терориста по Сирији, ови заправо имају тотално дугачије изразе лица и погледе некако су и ведрији и разумнији...а опет се са истим жаром и пожртвованошћу боре...и огроман успех имају...а да не кажем колико су изолованији и са мање спољне подршке за разлику од оних неандерталаца...
опет изузетне ешарпе и сакои. стилисти милана и париза у шоку. фешн тиви више не преноси оне манекенке како шетају и рекламирају вотке већ нова освајања хута
Citat:Some of the most recent news to dominate coverage of the Syrian War has been exceptional in that it highlights the victims of coalition airstrikes, and not just those of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR), or its Russian allies. As the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) retake most of Manbij, we are exposed to the sad images of civilians from the city lying in rubble – the latest victims of a brutal war in which every actor has been blood-soaked.
The shocking images that accompany each of the many condemnatory articles reacting to these strikes could just as easily have come from the fallout of a Russian airstrike in Idlib, a Syrian airstrike in Darayaa, or a rebel mortar attack in Aleppo. And yet matching the accompanying text to the perpetrator of the attack could hardly be easier: thought to be among the deadliest air-strikes in the Syrian war, the US-led coalition’s highly publicised strikes in Manbij are still rightly described as ‘accidental’, while Syrian airstrikes resulting in a fraction of these civilian casualties are often described as intentional.