Saudijska Arabija & Jemen


Saudijska Arabija & Jemen

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

Ovi kada kazu "presretnuta" valjda pod tim pojmom znaci da je dejstvovano po tom cilju u smislu otkrivena je na radaru i ispaljene su rakete, a da je pogodjena to se valjda imenuje nekim drugim terminom barem kod amerikanaca i saudijaca igleda

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28806
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

”Svetski mediji”, moraju da podrže neprikosnovenost gazde i kult tehničke superiornosti, još pre no zvanično stignu vesti. Šta je stvarno bilo, čuće se.

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3904

Pise shots-down a ne intercept. Imas i snimke navodno pogodjene rakete

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

dragon986 ::Pise shots-down a ne intercept. Imas i snimke navodno pogodjene rakete

pa dobro neka pokazu slike saudijske palate neostecene i onda ce to drzat vodu, u suprotnom ako niko ne posalje taze sliku palate onda tu nesto ne stima

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3904

Napisano: 20 Dec 2017 12:49

Naravno naravno. Ako je pogodjena izacice neki amaterski snimak

Dopuna: 20 Dec 2017 12:49

Teško da može da se sakrije tako nešto...da negde ne procuri

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

Evo šta kaže New York Times

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Rebels in Yemen fired a ballistic missile on Tuesday at Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, for a second time in two months, though Saudi officials said that it had been intercepted and that there were no casualties.

Around midday, a large boom startled many in Riyadh, including customers at a cafe in the center of the city, where several ran outside to see a puff of gray smoke in the sky and black smoke rising from the ground nearby, presumably from the launch site of the defense systems.
A spokesman for the Saudi-led military coalition said the missile had been aimed at residential areas and had been intercepted “without any casualties,” according to the state-run Saudi Press Agency. The spokesman, Turki al-Maliki, called the possession of such weapons by militant groups like the Houthis “a threat to regional and international security.”

Ali im novinari NYT ne veruju jer navode i drugu stranu:

The Houthis acknowledged firing the missile but said the target had been a palace of King Salman, the Saudi monarch, according to their television station, Al Masirah.
The attack came hours before King Salman was to lead a ceremony to announce the kingdom’s 2018 budget, and the timing suggested that the Houthis were trying to spread fear in the capital and draw attention away from the Saudi leadership’s plans for governance and development.

A ne veruju im zbog ovog:

The Houthis fired a missile at Riyadh’s international airport on Nov. 4. Saudi officials said their missile defenses had brought it down, but an investigation by The New York Times found that the missile had hit near its target and that it was unclear whether the body of the projectile had been struck.
Last week, Nikki R. Haley, the American ambassador to the United Nations, stood in front of what United States officials said were Iranian-made missiles, including the one that was fired at Riyadh’s international airport in November. But Defense Department officials said they doubted that the remnants on display validated Ms. Haley’s claims.

Upravo istraživanje novinara NYT iznose sledeće kad je reč o prethodnom gađanju

The official story was clear: Saudi forces shot down a ballistic missile fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebel group last month at Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh. It was a victory for the Saudis and for the United States, which supplied the Patriot missile defense system.
“Our system knocked the missile out of the air,” President Trump said the next day from Air Force One en route to Japan, one of the 14 countries that use the system. “That’s how good we are. Nobody makes what we make, and now we’re selling it all over the world.”
But an analysis of photos and videos of the strike posted to social media suggests that story may be wrong.
Instead, evidence analyzed by a research team of missile experts appears to show the missile’s warhead flew unimpeded over Saudi defenses and nearly hit its target, Riyadh’s airport. The warhead detonated so close to the domestic terminal that customers jumped out of their seats.
Saudi officials did not respond to a request for comment. Some U.S. officials cast doubt on whether the Saudis hit any part of the incoming missile, saying there was no evidence that it had. Instead, they said, the incoming missile body and warhead may have come apart because of its sheer speed and force.
The findings show that the Iranian-backed Houthis, once a ragtag group of rebels, have grown powerful enough to strike major targets in Saudi Arabia, possibly shifting the balance of their years-long war. And they underscore longstanding doubts about missile defense technology, a centerpiece of American and allied national defense strategies, particularly against Iran and North Korea.
“Governments lie about the effectiveness of these systems. Or they’re misinformed,” said Jeffrey Lewis, an analyst who led the research team, which shared its findings with The New York Times. “And that should worry the hell out of us.”

Dakle ...

  • Pridružio: 07 Apr 2015
  • Poruke: 413

scimitar19 ::dragon986 ::Pise shots-down a ne intercept. Imas i snimke navodno pogodjene rakete

pa dobro neka pokazu slike saudijske palate neostecene i onda ce to drzat vodu, u suprotnom ako niko ne posalje taze sliku palate onda tu nesto ne stima

Koje saudijske palate? Zasto bi pokazivali snimke? Odakle saudijska palata u prici, pa jos ostecena?

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

Napisano: 20 Dec 2017 13:52

Citat:The Houthis acknowledged firing the missile but said the target had been a palace of King Salman, the Saudi monarch, according to their television station, Al Masirah.
The attack came hours before King Salman was to lead a ceremony to announce the kingdom’s 2018 budget, and the timing suggested that the Houthis were trying to spread fear in the capital and draw attention away from the Saudi leadership’s plans for governance and development.

citat od Itcolenela gornjeg komentara, Huti navode kako je cilj bila palata saudijskokg kralja

Dopuna: 20 Dec 2017 13:55

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 8009
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

scimitar19 ::
pa dobro neka pokazu slike saudijske palate neostecene i onda ce to drzat vodu, u suprotnom ako niko ne posalje taze sliku palate onda tu nesto ne stima

Pa valjda je na onome ko tvrdi da je nešto napravio da to dokaže.
Slika čitave zgrade nije nikakav dokaz jer može biti stara, a slika oštećene je već nešto drugo.

Ja bih prvi bio najsretniji da im izgađaju taj Rijad, iz više razloga, ali budimo objektivni i realni.

  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2013
  • Poruke: 743


Koje saudijske palate? Zasto bi pokazivali snimke? Odakle saudijska palata u prici, pa jos ostecena?[/quote]

Nije ni meni jasno šta scimitar19 hoće da kaže.
Otprilike je u pitanju ono što mnogi forumaši standardno praktikuju ovde, bespogovorno se vjeruje u ono što priželjkuješ da se desi, nikakvi dokazi ti pri tom ne trebaju. Nema snimka pogotka, nema zvanične potvrde o pogotku iz bilo kojeg pouzdanog izvora ali se vjeruje. Pa još i sliku neoštećene palate traži kao dokaz da nije pogođena Very Happy . Very Happy Very Happy pobogu.

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