U Jemenu ima naoruzanja i opreme iz celog sveta
Citat:Korean made Frag' used in Yemen
Hanwha K413.
Zlostavljanje zatvorenika
Detainees held without charges decry Emiratis' sexual abuses Citat:The 15 officers who arrived at the prison in southern Yemen hid their faces behind headdresses, but their accents were clearly foreign — from the United Arab Emirates. They lined up the detainees and ordered them to undress and lie down. The officers then searched the anal cavity of each prisoner, claiming that they were looking for contraband cellphones.
The men screamed and wept. Those who resisted were threatened by barking dogs and beaten until they bled.Hundreds of detainees suffered similar sexual abuse during the event on March 10 at Beir Ahmed prison in the southern city of Aden, according to seven witnesses interviewed by The Associated Press. Descriptions of the mass abuse offer a window into a world of rampant sexual torture and impunity in UAE-controlled prisons in Yemen.
Huti pale brze nego sto saudijci mogu da obrisu ove snimke ,samo mi nije jasan You Tube ,brise snimke i blokira naloge gdje nema uopste nasilja,krvi i tome slicno ....
Smetalo im nije nista iz Sirije. Razni snimci gadjanja TOW i gradskih borbi sa gorecim T-72 su imali dobar broj posetilaca i citave kanale YT posvecene njima.
Jemen je moderni "zaboravljeni rat". Nije da mozda neki specijalizovani i usko profilisani mediji i forumi (MCM jelte) ne raspravljaju o tome ali sto se tice glavnice tj, 80-90% onog sto obicni svet gleda - to maltene ne postoji.
- Nearly 50 Incidents have been recorded
- Many involve multiple missiles
- Main areas targeted are Najran & Jazan
- To date civilian casualties have been light