Poslao: 21 Sep 2019 22:38
- Pridružio: 29 Apr 2017
- Poruke: 644
Citat:BEIJING, October 25. /TASS/. The drones that attacked Russia’s Hmeymim airbase in Syria were operated from the US Poseidon-8 reconnaissance plane, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Alexander Fomin said at a plenary session of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum on security on Thursday.
"Thirteen drones moved according to common combat battle deployment, operated by a single crew. During all this time the American Poseidon-8 reconnaissance plane patrolled the Mediterranean Sea area for eight hours," he noted.
When the drones met with the electronic countermeasures of the Russian systems, they switched to a manual guidance mode, he said. "Manual guidance is carried out not by some villagers, but by the Poseidon-8, which has modern equipment. It undertook manual control," the deputy defense minister noted.
"When these 13 drones faced our electronic warfare screen, they moved away to some distance, received the corresponding orders and began to be operated out of space and receiving help in finding the so-called holes through which they started penetrating. Then they were destroyed," Fomin reported.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 21 Sep 2019 22:50
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2018
- Poruke: 190
- Gde živiš: Zvezdara
slonic_tonic ::amilutinovicc ::Mene zanima kako to umerenjaci nikako da provuku nijedan dron niti raketicu do Hmeima koliko god se trudili. Možda su ruski panciri bolji od sirijskih ili će biti da je ceo sistem organizaciono, kadrovski i tehnički napredniji. Sa druge strane Rusi brane samo jednu lokaciju dok mučeni Sirijci treba da brane celu državu sa tim što imaju.
Što se tiče Sauda, možda oprema i nije toliko loša koliko su oni nesposobni i koliko su ih zatekli spuštenih gaća
zato što ono čime Ruse gađaju su igračke u usporedbi s onim čime su gađali Sirijce ili SA nedavno.
Sirijce i SA su napadale vojske i to napadale su ih s ozbiljnim oružjem.
Ruse nije napala ni jedna vojska, nego su ih napadale frakcije militanata s dječjim igračkama i sklepanim aviomodelarskim letjelicama.
Nije to toliko zbog Pancira, koliko je zbog Bulave.
Istina, ono što je bilo tada od slika bilo od oborenih dronova kod Hmeima zaista je izgledalo neozbiljno. Ipak jesu Rusi kao kukali kako su navodno Amerikanci navodili dronove iz aviona. Kako god, mnogo pokušaja bez uspeha,
Sa druge strane, jasno da je Iran dao Hutima ove dronove i rakete ali poenta je da to što su dobili nije krik tehnologije od milijardu dolara.
Samo nisam razumeo za Bulavu?
Poslao: 21 Sep 2019 22:51
- Pridružio: 29 Apr 2017
- Poruke: 644
Citat:The story of the Quds 1 begins in mid-June 2019, when a cruise missile fired by the Houthis hit the terminal of Abha Airport in Southern Saudi Arabia, wounding a total of 26 passengers. Not long afterwards, Saudi Arabia held a press conference showing images of the missile’s wreckage and claiming that the missile in question was an Iranian Ya Ali cruise missile. The Ya Ali is a much smaller missile than the Soumar and while the newest version of the Soumar has a range of up to 1350km, the Ya Ali’s range is limited to about 700km. With Abha airport being located only 110km from the Yemeni border, using a smaller, shorter-range system seemed to make sense. However, there was an inconsistency. The rounded wings and stabilizers shown in the Saudi presentation did not match the Ya Ali. Instead they were more reminiscent of the Soumar.
Only a few weeks later, in early July, the Houthis opened a large static display of their ballistic missile and drone arsenal. One of the surprises unveiled at the show was a cruise missile named Quds 1 (Jerusalem 1) which the Houthis claimed to have indigenously developed.
Noting the overall similarity in design with the Soumar, many observers claimed Iran had simply smuggled it to Yemen where the Houthis gave it a new paint job and a new name, as they had done before with the Qiam. Well, it turns out cruise missiles are a lot like wines or pictures of Joe Biden. At first they all appear to be the same but once you spend enough time on them, you realize there are quite a few differences. Differences between the Quds 1 and the Soumar include the entire booster design, the wing position, the Quds 1’s fixed wings, the shape of the nose cone, the shape of the aft fuselage, the position of the stabilizers and the shape of the engine cover and exhaust.
The differences in the shape of the aft fuselage and the position of the stabilizers make it clear that the wreckage in the desert is much more likely to be a Quds 1 than a Soumar.
There is yet another apparent difference between the Quds 1 and the Soumar/Hoveyzeh: size. A quick measurement using MK1 Eyeball reveals that the Quds 1 seems to be smaller in diameter than the Soumar.
But while MK1 Eyeball works fine, measuring is always a little more objective. So let’s go back to the Saudi presentation for a second. When describing the remnants of the alleged Ya Ali that hit Abha airport, the Saudis mentioned that among the wreckage they found a jet engine named TJ-100.
A quick search reveals that there indeed is a small turbojet engine called TJ100. The engine is produced by the Czech company PBS Aerospace which describes it as being especially suitable for applications in UAVs, one of its uses being the Spanish/Brazilian Diana target drone. Oh yeah, and you can also totally use it to convert your glider into a jet, which is pretty cool.
When comparing the engine seen on the Quds 1 and the TJ100 it seems pretty clear that whatever powers the Quds 1 is either a TJ100 or pretty much an exact copy of it. An engine displayed at an Iranian drone exhibition again shows stunning similarities with the TJ100, implying that Iran is producing a copy of the Czech engine for use in some of its drones.
Knowing the dimensions of the TJ100, one can precisely measure the diameter of the Quds 1. With 34cm it is significantly smaller than the Soumar, which retains the original KH-55’s diameter of 51,4cm.
However, the Qud 1’s use of a TJ100 is interesting for more reasons than just measurements. First, the fact that the Quds 1 uses the same engine type that was found in Abha makes it highly likely that the missile that hit Abha’s terminal was a Quds-1 simply mislabeled by Saudi Arabia. The Quds 1’s design also corresponds to the rounded wing and stabilizers found at the scene.
Poslao: 21 Sep 2019 23:41
- slonic_tonic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
- Poruke: 8009
- Gde živiš: Zagreb
amilutinovicc ::
Samo nisam razumeo za Bulavu?
Bulava garantira da niko Rusiju ne napada direktno.
Da su počele padati krstareće rakete po Hmeimimu to bi bio direktan napad USA, koliko god na raketama pisalo "Al-Nusra" ili "Zinki"...
Poslao: 22 Sep 2019 06:40
- Pridružio: 18 Nov 2017
- Poruke: 1445
Pre nekih 5 godina proveo sam nekoliko meseci nedaleko od rafinerije koja je gadjana, i sve sto kazu za Arape je istina...
Posto vidim da se nagadjalo oko raznih ubacenih spijuna za, mogu samo da kazem da se oko nijednoj od tih fabrika ne moze slobodno prici i da su svuda (vec pre rata sa jemenom) bili vojni punktovi..na svim dolaznim ulicama. Bez posebne papirne dozvole a cesto i sa njom nisu pustali, ali avtomobile nisu pretresali...
A zaposlene jadnike..induse pakistance...oni uvek prebacuju avtobusima iz kampova na posao i natrag
Poslao: 22 Sep 2019 07:12
- babaroga
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
- Poruke: 9275
- Gde živiš: pecina stroga
Ova naftna postrojenja su stacionarni objekti vidljivi na satelitskim snimcima u dovoljnoj rezoluciji za svakoga ko je nekad radio u takvom postrojenju da bez problema identificira kljucne instalacije I definise sta se gadja.
Cini se da su dronovi mnogo preciznije odradili od krstarecih. Po USA I saudijskim izvorima, svi dronovi su nesto pogodili (18 dronova ukupno) dok su samo cetiri krstarece pogodile, a tri su nadjene okolo cilja nakon promasaja
Poslao: 22 Sep 2019 09:25
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12606
babaroga ::
Cini se da su dronovi mnogo preciznije odradili od krstarecih. Po USA I saudijskim izvorima, svi dronovi su nesto pogodili (18 dronova ukupno) dok su samo cetiri krstarece pogodile, a tri su nadjene okolo cilja nakon promasaja
Bice zanimljivo videti zvanicnu analizu napada ako je bude, nije nemoguce da su za zemlje preko videa navodili dronove u tom slucaju uopste ne cudi izuzetna preciznost istih.
Poslao: 22 Sep 2019 10:14
- Pridružio: 18 Nov 2017
- Poruke: 1445
Satelitski snimci su najverovatniji i najpouzdaniji izvor informacija. Niti se moze tek onako prici tim postrojenjima, niti se ima dobar pregled sa puta iz daljine jer su ta postrojenja OGROMNA, ne mogu da naglasim koliko su to velike povrsine..ne vidi se ni pocetka ne kraja...km .. u nekim tim tvornicama postoji cak i vise linija avtobusa za unutrasnji prevoz..
Poslao: 22 Sep 2019 14:34
- slonic_tonic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
- Poruke: 8009
- Gde živiš: Zagreb
babaroga ::Cini se da su dronovi mnogo preciznije odradili od krstarecih. Po USA I saudijskim izvorima, svi dronovi su nesto pogodili (18 dronova ukupno) dok su samo cetiri krstarece pogodile, a tri su nadjene okolo cilja nakon promasaja
Izvor SA i USA?
ništa ja njima ne vjerujem. Njima je u interesu da umanje značaj iranskim krstarećim raketama i da ih diskreditiraju, jer po ovome što smo vidjeli postale bi bestseller.
Na slikama se vidi da je vanjski plašt debeo oko 10mm. Ne vjerujem da bi aviončić koji ide ~150 kmh, mase 50-tak kg probio taj plašt i da bi napravio takvo gužvanje lima i udubljenje i još probio plašt.