Citat:Pentagon: Ukraine has gotten additional aircraft and aircraft parts to increase their fleet size
From CNN's Michael Conte
Ukraine has received additional fighter aircraft from other countries not including the US, as well as additional aircraft parts to allow them to get more planes in the air, according to a Defense Department spokesperson.
"I would just say, without getting into what other nations are providing, that they have received additional platforms and parts to be able to increase their fleet size, their aircraft fleet size. I think I’d leave it at that," said Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby.
A evo oglasio se i neki sef patrolne policije iz Mariupolja koji trenutno patrolira podzemnim tunelima Azovstalja, i poceo da postavlja uslove Rusima za izlazak.
U sustini, nece u Rusiju, oni bi u Ukrajinu.
Izgleda da nije bilo dovoljno dosadasnje ubjedjivanje, morace ponovo.
Citat:Myhailo Vershynin, chief of the Mariupol Patrol Police, called the Russian conditions "unacceptable" the Ukrainian forces holding out in the plant.
"No one will agree to them," he said. "Exits, corridors, etc., they have already announced this a thousand times."
Vershynin said the Azovstal plant, where Ukrainian defenders are holding out and civilians are sheltering, was being hit with "super-powerful bombs. And this will continue."
Video of women and children, purportedly sheltering in the basement of the Azovstal plant in the besieged Ukrainian port of Mariupol, emerged Monday evening on social media. Vershynin said the Russians had allowed some civilians to leave, but others were reluctant to exit the city via evacuation routes that led into Russian-controlled territory.
"Those who remained in [Azovstal] shelters are people who categorically do not want to go to the DPR [the separatist Donetsk People's Republic], they want to go to Ukraine," Vershynin said.
"That is why we are requesting: Organise a corridor, the safety of the civilians must be guaranteed. The Russians believe it's fake. It's not fake. This is a real video filmed in the shelters of the plant. We cannot go to all the shelters due to constant shelling. We have filmed in a shelter that we could reach. And there are hundreds of such people all over the territory. They [the Russians] are declaring humanitarian corridors, a ceasefire. They say, come out, surrender, get the civilians out of here. Those civilians who wanted to leave, have left. Those who stayed they will not go to the Russians. That is why we are asking for a humanitarian corridor to Ukrainian side," Vershynin said.
Vоенкор Котенок Z
Военный эксперт Борис Рожин с краткой сводкой по итогам операции по денацификации и демилитаризации Украины за 19 апреля 2022 г. специально для канала Vоенкор Котенок Z @voenkorKotenok:
Продолжается штурм «Азовстали». Последний очаг организованного сопротивления. Также продолжается дозачистка Приморского района.
Угледарское направление.
Без серьезных изменений. Противник удерживает Марьинку, Угледар, Великую Новоселку.
Запорожское направление. Небольшое продвижение к востоку от Гуляйполя. Фронт Каменское—Орехов—Гуляйполе без изменений.
Николаевское направление.
Серьезные удары по позициям ВСУ в районе города. Отмечаются большие потери противника. Активного наступления на Николаев пока нет.
Без существенных изменений. Противник не исключает возможности десантных операций, но некоторую часть сил перебрасывает на Николаевское направление.
Без существенных изменений. Бои в районе Новобахмутовки и Троицкого. В ближайшие дни тут ждут активизации.
Подтверждено взятие Кременной и продвижение в Попасной. Также идут бои на юге Рубежного и на окраинах Северодонецка.
Войска продвигаются к Славянску и Краматорску с севера и северо-запад. Противник несет тяжелые потери и медленно отходит. Отмечаются бои к северу от Красного Лимана и Ямполя. Также идут тяжелые бои на Барвенковском направлении.
Противник пытается напрягать фланги Изюмской группировки ВС РФ к западу от Харькова, дабы вынудить российское командование снять часть сил с направлений главных ударов. Также идут бои к северу от Харькова.
Относительно вопросов 2-й фазы операции, то сегодня министр иностранных дел Лавров подтвердил, что Россия начинает 2-ю фазу операции, которая будет связана с освобождением оставшихся оккупированными Украиной территорий Донбасса.
Danasnji pregled dana.
Nema spektakularnih vesti osim umerenog napredovanja na glavnom frontu.
Sa druge strane, hronoloski, sledeca 2 sata su tradicionalno prepuna zbivanja. Takav je prosek od pocetka operacije.
🇺🇸 Američka vojska je zabrinuta da će oružje poslano u Ukrajinu koristiti milicije i druge snage
SAD ima nekoliko načina da prati gdje točno završava oružje koje je poslao Ukrajini, kaže Pentagon za CNN
Američko ministarstvo obrane strahuje od rizika da bi dugoročno neko oružje "moglo završiti u rukama drugih oružanih snaga i milicija koje SAD nisu namjeravale naoružati".
S2M ::
To kad se lovci skupe pa malo popiju.
Ja kad sam bio u vojsci, a dužio sam praktično novu M70AB, bila je priča da je to oružje, a i kompletna oprema, samo za obuku i mirnodopske uvjete, a kad bi nekim slučajem izbio rat, izvuklo bi se odnekud 3 puta modernije oružje, oprema, sredstva veze i sve ostalo i svima podijelilo.
A evo ga i Bajden, objasnio narodu zasto hara najveca inflacija u zadnjh 40 godina. Kaze Putin im dize cijene
Bas je zabavno prelistati ovaj CNN ponekad
Citat:Biden cast blame directly on Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “big reason for inflation.”
“The invasion of Ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. The two major breadbaskets of wheat in the world are Ukraine and Russia ... What we saw in the most recent inflation data was last month about 70% of the increase in inflation was a consequence of Putin's price hike, because of the impact on gas and energy prices,” he said.
Biden added that he was doing everything he could to drive down prices, pointing to the release of gas from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves and his coordination with US allies and partners, prompting applause.
“The fact is that we are in a situation where the war in Ukraine is going to continue to take its toll on the world economy. It’s going to take its toll on energy. It’s going to take its toll relative to food … An awful lot of people are hurting. It makes a big difference, it makes a big difference, the cost of a dozen eggs, the cost of a gallon of gasoline, it matters,” Biden said.
“We’re going to build this economy from the bottom up and the middle out,” the President continued.
pein ::Kaptain a ti ga j**a zašto bi rušio j***ne mostove na Dnjepru kad će ti trebati da pređeš na drugu stranu taj j***ni Dnjepar ima nekoliko brana i na tim mestima je širok nekoliko km a ti bi da srušiš most kao da su ukropi u ofanzivi na ne da se brane i bore za goli život.
Potpuno bi pogrešno bilo rušiti mostove na Dnjepru naravno.
+ Авиониbabaroga ::Evo razresenja misterije otkud Mig-29 da jos leti
Donio djed Mraz
Citat:Pentagon: Ukraine has gotten additional aircraft and aircraft parts to increase their fleet size
From CNN's Michael Conte
Ukraine has received additional fighter aircraft from other countries not including the US, as well as additional aircraft parts to allow them to get more planes in the air, according to a Defense Department spokesperson.
"I would just say, without getting into what other nations are providing, that they have received additional platforms and parts to be able to increase their fleet size, their aircraft fleet size. I think I’d leave it at that," said Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby....
Значи, празне приче...
Citat:29. март: „Шојгу је на конференцијском позиву рекао да Москва прати изјаве лидера НАТО-а о снабдевању Украјини авионима и системима противваздушне одбране и ако се ти планови спроведу, они ће адекватно одговорити“