Buda Baba ::Санду: Moлдавија може да се уједини са Румунијом, ако је то воља народа. Не знам да ли под "Молдавија" подразумева и ПМР?
Не знам за Придњестровље (тј. како је то дефинисано у уставу Молдавије) али Гагаузија по закону о њеном специјалном статусу из 1994. има право на самоопредељење ако Молдавија одлучи да се уједини.
11. Article 1 (4) of the 1994 Law provides that in the event of a change in the status of Moldova as an independent State, the people of Gagauzia shall have the right to external self-determination.
codeborn4 ::Abrams M1A2 je verzija za US OMJ, sa oklopom od O. Uranijuma ? jesam li u pravu?
Izvozne varijante nemaju OU u oklopu, kao ni municiju od OU.
Vazdusno-kosmicne snage Rusije izvrsile napad na objekat u Hmmeljnickoj oblasti.
Nacelnig regionalne vojne uprave kaze da nema zrtava, ali ne kaze sta je pogodjeno.
Samo osvrt na pešovana naciku Arestoviča i najavu ofanzive za jun jedino šta mi pada na pamet da se aktivno vrši obuka na zapadu Ukraine za zapadnu tehniku koju će jelte da koriste u kontri.
Brada i Gibanica ::https://t.me/denazi_UA/8306
Arestovic uveren u vojnu pobedu. Njega ce eventualno preziveli Azovci obesiti kad tad.
Djede ,kako si ti prezivio rat?...Vidi sinko ,upala vojska jedne noci u selo i vicu ,ili cemo vas j... ili objesiti!! ...I sta su tebi uradili djede?!...Pa ...mene su...objesili ....
Evo jedan americki placenik denacifikovan. Kaze radio za lovu, kroz americkog PMC
Citat:American killed fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, his family says
From CNN's Ellie Kaufman and Clarissa Ward
An American citizen, Willy Joseph Cancel, was killed this week while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, members of his family told CNN.
The 22-year-old was working with a private military contracting company when he was killed on Monday. The company had sent him to Ukraine, and he was being paid while he was fighting there, Cancel's mother, Rebecca Cabrera, told CNN.
U sirem tekstu CNN objasnjava da je lik pored love jos i vjerovao u Ukrajinsku borbu i da se borio da bi zadrzao rat u Ukrajini, tako da rat ne dodje u SAD.
Nema tijela, znaci drugari zapalili, majka objasnjava da je bilo gusto pa da zato nisu pokupili tijelo.
Citat:"He wanted to go over because he believed in what Ukraine was fighting for, and he wanted to be a part of it to contain it there so it didn't come here, and that maybe our American soldiers wouldn't have to be involved in it," Cabrera told CNN in a phone interview.
Cancel flew to Poland on March 12 and crossed into Ukraine sometime over March 12 and 13, Cabrera said.
Cancel was formerly a US Marine, according to his mother, Rebecca Cabrera.
The group of men Cancel was fighting alongside were from "all different countries," Cabrera said.
Cabrera was told by those who notified her of her son's death that his body had not been found.
"They haven't found his body," she said. "They are trying, the men that were with him, but it was either grab his body or get killed, but we would love for him to come back to us."